Feature summary | Lightroom (August 2019 release)

Learn about new features and enhancements in the August 2019 release of Lightroom desktop (version 2.4) and Lightroom for mobile (version 4.4)

Access and restore deleted photos

Access and restore deleted photos

Find your previously deleted photos from Lightroom desktop and mobile in one place. Restore them to your albums or permanently delete them.

Import and playback videos on Lightroom for Android

Import and playback videos
(Android only)

Videos are now supported on Lightroom for mobile (Android). Import and watch playback of videos on Android.

Edit metadata of multiple photos

Batch editing for metadata
(Android only)

Edit the title, caption, copyrights, and rating options for multiple photos, at once.

Exclude screenshots when you auto add photos

What's changed

Flag and star rating filters are removed from Shared Albums. On iOS, screenshots are excluded by default when you Auto add photos from Camera Roll.

Support for new cameras and lenses

Find the full list of supported cameras and lens profiles for Lightroom desktop and Lightroom for mobile (iOS and Android).

Other enhancements

Uniquely sort your albums on desktop. Experience faster performance in Enhance Details for certain NVIDIA cards on Windows. Learn more about these and other enhancements in this release.

Access and restore deleted photos

New in Lightroom desktop and mobile

Easily find photos that you have deleted in the Deleted folder. With just a click, restore them in All Photos and albums that they were previously in. You can also choose to permanently delete them which cannot be accessed or restored later.

To know more, see Access and restore deleted photos.

Import and playback videos

New in Lightroom for Android

You can now import and watch playback of video file formats such as MOV, MP4, and HEVC on Lightroom for Android. Auto Add videos or manually import videos just like photos from your Camera Roll or Gallery. In the Grid view, videos have the () icon in the upper-right corner of the preview thumbnails. Click to open and watch a video.

To know more about importing videos, see Add or import videos.

Batch editing for metadata

New in Lightroom for Android

Select multiple photos in All Photos or in your album, click the () icon in the upper-right corner and select Edit Info. You can then update metadata such as title, caption, copyrights, Star ratings, and Flag filters for all the selected photos at the same time.

Update title, description, copyrights, and ratings for multiple photos
If the selected photos have different copyrights added previously, Copyright displays 'Mixed'.

What's changed

New in Lightroom desktop and mobile

  • The ability to use flag filters and star ratings to hide photos in shared albums has been removed. To learn how to filter photos in albums for sharing, see Flag and star rating filters removed from Shared Albums.
  • In Lightroom for iOS, screenshots are excluded by default for import in Auto Add from Camera Roll. You can change this default setting to allow import of screenshots if you want. To do this, click the Settings icon () > Import and select Screenshots.

Support for new cameras and lenses

For a full list of supported cameras and lens profiles for Lightroom desktop and Lightroom for mobile (iOS and Android), see these resources:

Other enhancements

On Lightroom desktop

  • In an album, when you click the Sort icon () in the bottom panel and apply any sorting option such as Capture Date or Import Date, it is applied to the selected album only. To know more about sorting options, see Sort photos.
  • On Windows, applying Enhanced Details is faster when you use certain NVIDIA cards. For details, see Enhanced Details.
  • Create seamless 360-degree panoramas with the edge-aware Adobe Camera Raw update. Previously, when making adjustments to a 360-degree panorama it could result in a seam appearing around the merged edges, especially if you edit Clarity or Dehaze. Starting with this release, you can make seamless adjustments to 360-degree panoramas, even when you edit Clarity or Dehaze. To know how to create a 360-degree or Spherical panorama, see Create panoramas.

On Lightroom for iOS

  • Click the  icon to view your recently edited photos in the Recent Edits section.
  • In the in-app inspirational photo tutorials, you can download the settings as a preset and apply them to other photos. To know more, see Download as preset.
  • In the in-app interactive tutorials, Linear Gradient is now supported. To know more about interactive tutorials, see Get hands-on experience with interactive tutorials.

On Lightroom for Android

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