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Education Deployment K-12 Onboarding Wizard

The K-12 onboarding wizard enables IT Admins of eligible K-12 (Primary and Secondary) Schools and districts to deploy Adobe Express for Education to all of their users in a quick and simple process.

This Wizard can only be completed with a Microsoft Global Admin or Google Super Admin Access


To complete the steps in the wizard, you must have access to a Google Workspace Super User Account or a Microsoft 365 Global Admin Account to configure the Single Sign On.

K-12 Onboarding Wizard

This wizard is for schools or districts without access to an Adobe Admin Console.

If you have an Adobe Admin console for your school, you can visit the [deployment pages].

Wizard Steps

  1. Provide your school or district information
  2. Configure SSO with Google or Microsoft
  3. Confirm Security Contacts - This can be updated post-setup
  4. Confirm Setup of Adobe Express for K-12

Post Wizard further configuration Options


Launch the K-12 Onboarding Wizard

Adobe Express for K-12 Wizard

Create a user account by entering your email address or selecting Continue with Google or Microsoft.

When creating a new account, you will be asked for your birth year and month after completing the setup with the Wizard district staff, and students will not be asked for this information as they will be using Federated Logins.

  1. Enter your school or district information

    Enter your school details to confirm K-12 validity.

    School or District Information

    Field Description
    School or District name* 
    School or District name 
    School or District address*
    Type the full address, beginning with the school name
    If your district address is not listed in the search, use one of your school addresses. 
    School or District website* 
    K-12 verification purposes
    Your contact phone number*
    Security Contacts Information (confirmed during the wizard)
    Number of staff and students* 
    K-12 verification purposes
    Government identifier
    K-12 verification purposes
    * Required field.

    Examples of Educational Establishment Government Databases

    For other countries, you can search your government school database website.

    Acceptance of our Terms and Conditions
  2. Configure Single Sign On with Google or Microsoft

    Continue with Microsoft

    Continue with Google 

    Adobe OIDC App for Microsoft for the admin to approve.

    Enable Adobe to view your Google Workspace Domains with OIDC

    When prompted, log in with your log in with your Microsoft Global Admin Account and select consent on behalf of your organization.

    When prompted, log in with your Google Administrator Account and select Allow.

    Enable Adobe third-party apps in the Google Admin Console.
    Google Third-Party App Purpose and Client ID

    What data does this app provide?
    This third-party app allows the Google Administrator to share with Adobe registered domains connected to the Google Workspace Account. 

    Why approve this app?

    The Adobe Admin console will use the domain/s as the key identifier for user logins to set up a federated directory. 

    Client ID
    Adobe Identity Management

    What data does this app provide?
    This third-party app lets users click Continue with Google to authenticate into their Adobe Federated Account. 

    Why approve this app?

    With Google's introduction of third-party app controls, Google for Education Administrators must approve third-party apps for users under 18.

    Client ID

    Steps to configure in the Google Admin Console

    Note: - This must be done for each Client ID

    1. Google Admin Console > Security > Access and Data Controls > API Controls > Manage Third-Party App Access
    2. Add App > By name or Client ID 
    3. Search for the Client ID
    4. Select the App
    5. Select the entire Org
    6. Select Trusted

    Validating Domain Ownership

    Select all domains in the list


    We recommend selecting all domains in your organization. This includes domains such as temporary domains 

    Additional Domains can be added to the Adobe Admin Console after completing this wizard.

    A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

    Domain Statuses

    Status Description
    This domain is available to select for your setup.
    This domain has been taken on another Adobe Admin Console. Please investigate if any other administrator has set up an Adobe Admin Console in your district. 
  3. Confirm Security Contacts

    Security Contacts can always be updated in the Adobe Admin Console


    Additional administrators can be added to the Adobe Admin Console after completing the wizard.

    A screenshot of a computer screenDescription automatically generated

    With Adobe's emphasis on protecting your organization's and users' data, in the event of a security incident involving our software solutions, notifications are sent to the appropriate compliance officers.

    Enterprises have their own personnel whose role is specific to data protection, integrity, and other compliance matters. Therefore, contact information for such personnel is critical to help ensure prompt notification in the event of a security incident.
    More information regarding Adobe Admin Console security contacts

  4. A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

    A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated


    After completing the wizard, please allow 10 minutes before testing a student or teacher login. This will allow our content delivery network to update.


Once the Wizard completes the setup, the administrator can access Enterprise Support in the Adobe Admin Console > Support

Post K-12 Onboarding Wizard Steps

The K-12 onboarding wizard will configure your Adobe Admin Console completing all steps in Simple Setup – Using JIT Rules. After completing the wizard, you have full access to the Adobe Admin Console and can set up user or roster sync and add additional login methods.

After Completing the Wizard

Share the Quick Login URL with your users

The URL presented at the final stage of the process will take a user who clicks on the link directly to Google or Microsoft to authenticate. Once they have authenticated, they will be taken directly into Adobe Express for K-12.

Suggested locations for this URL

  • Managed Bookmarks
  • District Launchpads
  • Email

Google Workspace Admin Only

A computer screen shot of a colorful backgroundDescription automatically generated

Pin Adobe Express SSO Launch URL to the taskbar of a Chromebook

In the Google Admin Console > Apps & Extensions add the following as a URL:

Replace with a domain claimed in your Admin Console federated directory.

To pin the icon to the taskbar, select Force install + Pin to ChromeOS taskbar.

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