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Backstage for Adobe Connect meeting


Learn about Backstage in Adobe Connect meeting.

Take some time to test audio and video settings, communicate with other hosts and presenters, or prepare for the session in the Green Room before attendees join. Attendees can join the meeting before the scheduled time, and in the meantime, you can display a banner for attendees, and they can chat among themselves using the chat pod.

During the meeting, hosts and presenters can enter the Backstage to chat privately within themselves in chat pod, test quizzes, polls, and use other pods.

What is backstage?

Backstage is a private area on the right side of a meeting room accessible to hosts and presenters only. It’s a back channel between hosts and presenters and can store information you don’t want to share with participants in the room.

How to access backstage?

Follow the steps to access Backstage in the meeting room.

  1. Select Room menu.

    Backstage in room menu
    Backstage from Room menu

  2. Select Backstage.
    By default, it's visible to both Hosts and Presenters. Select menu options   from BACKSTAGE to restrict access only for hosts.

    whom to show HPA
    Show backstage area to hosts and presenters

How to use backstage?

Any pod placed inside the Backstage is only visible to the presentation team. A Chat pod can be used as a presenter chat by placing it Backstage. Similarly, a Notes pod placed Backstage can be used to take session notes and keep a copy of answers to common questions. An Attendees pod can be placed to manage the attendees privately. 

Lưu ý:

The Engagement Dashboard is a pod that can only be added Backstage.

While the Backstage is enabled, any new pod will be first added to it. Host can design the pod while it's inside the HPA and then drag it to participant area when ready.

Adobe recommends

Broadcast Controls - Green Room for Adobe Connect 

Green Room is a dedicated space for the presentation team to connect, talk live, and test their camera and audio feed without disturbing participants before taking the session live.

Lưu ý:

Green Room feature is only supported on mobile application version 3.6 and above. Participants trying to join from older app versions must update their app or join from the mobile browser.

The availability of Green Room feature can be controlled by account admin from Connect Central. To start Green Room from the meeting room, follow the steps below.

Lưu ý:

Only hosts can perform these actions.

  1. Enter the meeting room, and select drop-down for room options.

  2. Select Preferences, and choose Broadcast control from left panel.

    Broadcast control options
    Meeting room preferences

  3. Toggle ON Enable broadcast control.

    Select Sync session recording with broadcasting to record the session and sync it with the broadcast. 

  4. Select Done.

How does Green Room work?

Before the session

When the Green Room feature is active, hosts will view a message on the screen informing them about the broadcast not being live, and a Broadcast Control pod will be available in HOST & PRESENTER AREA.

Before meeting screen
Before the session- Host view

A Video pod can be added to test the presentation team video.  Any audio communication between the presentation team will not be audible to participants.

Participants will view a message informing them that the broadcast will begin shortly.

Welcome screen for attendees
Before the session- Participant view

To start the broadcast for participants and go live, follow the steps below.

  1. From Broadcast Control pod, click Start broadcast.

  2. In the dialog box, select Start recording while starting live broadcast to start the recording alongside.

    ready for broadcast dialog box

  3. Click Confirm to go live.

During the session

The presentation team views a 5s countdown timer before the broadcast starts.

Participants will receive a toast notification when the broadcast starts. Participants can view (if video is shared) and hear the presentation team.

during meeting
During the seesion

Once broadcast begins, host and presenters can pause and resume it in the meeting room.

  1. To pause the broadcast, select Pause from BROADCAST CONTROL pod.

    Broadcast control
    Pause broadcast

  2. Select Confirm in the Pause broadcast dialog box and select the checkbox to pause recording while pausing the broadcast.
    Host and presenters will enter the Green Room and can communicate among themselves.

  3. Select Resume to resume the broadcast along with the recording.

    Resume broadcast
    Resume broadcast

  4. Select End to end the broadcast.
    Select checkbox to stop and save recording while ending broadcast in end broadcast dialog box. Click Confirm.


The broadcast control pod in HPA can be collapsed to increase the real estate available for other pods.

End of the session

At the end of session, select End from Broadcast Control to stop the broadcast for participants. Participants will be able to view the active layout but will not be able to hear the presentation team. The presentation team can take this time to review the session and thank co-hosts and presenters.

End session

Participants cannot hear or see hosts and presenters and can start exiting the session. When ready to end the session, select End session for all.

Green Room feature for Adobe account

The availability of Green Room Broadcast Controls within rooms can be controlled by the account admin. To make Broadcast Controls available, follow the below steps:

  1. Log in to Adobe Connect Central and go to Admin.

  2. Select Compliance and Control and then select Recordings, Closed Captions and Notice.

  3. Navigate to Broadcast control.

  4. When Enable Broadcast Controls for all rooms is selected, the Green Room broadcast controls are available. However, Green Room will be turned OFF inside the rooms by default. Hosts must turn the Green Room ON in the rooms they want by visiting the room Preferences.

    To update the default settings and turn ON Green Room in all rooms, select Turn ON Broadcast Control for all rooms by default. Hosts can turn the feature OFF if they don't want it in there by visiting the room Preferences.

    When Enable Broadcast Controls for all rooms is deselected, the feature will not be available within the rooms. The Broadcast Control will not be visible in room Preferences.

    Broadcast control options in Connect central
    Broadcast control for account

  5. Click Save.

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