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Work with text in Adobe Captivate

  1. Captivate User Guide
  2. Introduction to Captivate
    1. What's New in Adobe Captivate
    2. Adobe Captivate System Requirements
    3. Adobe Captivate Updates
      1. Adobe Captivate (12.5 update) release notes
      2. Adobe Captivate (12.4 update) release notes
      3. Adobe Captivate (12.3 update) release notes
      4. Adobe Captivate (12.2 update) release notes
      5. Adobe Captivate (12.1 update) release notes
    4. Download Adobe Captivate
    5. Frequently Asked Questions
    6. Configure URL access for Adobe Captivate features
  3. Add a slide
    1. Slide navigator in Adobe Captivate
    2. Add a conversation slide
    3. Add characters to your Adobe Captivate project
    4. Edit the background image on a slide
    5. Add padding to content blocks and components
    6. Create a long scroll project
  4. Design options in Adobe Captivate
    1. What are design options?
    2. Parts of a design option
    3. Create custom design options
    4. Modify a custom design option
    5. Export a custom design option
    6. Import a custom design option
  5. Add text blocks
    1. Add text to a project
    2. Add Adobe fonts to a project
  6. Add media blocks
    1. Add images to a project
    2. Add videos to a project
    3. Add quotes
    4. Add SVGs to a project
    5. Add web objects to a project
  7. Interactive components
    1. Add a button
    2. Add an input field
    3. Add a radio button group
    4. Add a dropdown
    5. Add a checkbox
  8. Add branding blocks
    1. Add a header to a project
    2. Add a footer to a project
  9. Widgets
    1. Add a Card
    2. Add Tabs
    3. Add a Certificate
    4. Add a Carousel
    5. Add a Hotspot
    6. Add Drag-and-Drop
    7. Add a Timeline
    8. Add Click to Reveal
    9. Add an Accordion
  10. Create quizzes
    1. Add a Multiple-choice question
    2. Add a True or false question
    3. Add a Match the column question
    4. Add a Short answer question
    5. Add a Sequence question
    6. Add question pools and random question slides
    7. Import questions as CSV
  11. Add audio to a project
    1. Add audio
    2. Add closed captions
  12. Interactions
    1. Add interactions to a project
    2. Create interactive video with overlay
    3. Create a slide-level interaction
    4. Create an object-level interaction
  13. Animations
    1. Add animations to a project
  14. Accessibility
    1. Make a project accessible
  15. Customize the timeline
    1. Timeline panel in Adobe Captivate
  16. Customize TOC and Playbar
    1. Table of Contents in Adobe Captivate
  17. Edit project properties
    1. Variables in Adobe Captivate
    2. Preferences
    3. Project dimensions
    4. Themes
  18. Create a simulation project
    1. Simulation
  19. Preview a project
    1. Preview
  20. Share a project for review
    1. Share for review
    2. FAQs and Troubleshooting guide for sharing projects for review   
  21. Publish a project
    1. Publish your project
  22. Upgrade projects in Adobe Captivate
    1. Upgrade projects to the latest version 

Learn how to add text to your Adobe Captivate project.

Lưu ý:

Adobe Captivate introduces content blocks, such as text or an image block, which contain components like text, image, or button. Play this video to learn more about content blocks and components.

The all-new Adobe Captivate makes inserting a text content block and formatting text simple. You can edit text, format text using the pre-defined styles, or create font style as required to enrich your eLearning project design.

Text content blocks

Once you add a text content block, you can customize the properties at two levels – at the content block level and the text level. In the following sections, let’s understand the various properties available at these levels.

There are three types of text content blocks available in Captivate:

  • Paragraph
  • Multi Column Content
  • List

Add text content block

In the left toolbar, select Add text blocks > Paragraph, Multi Column Content, or List.

Add a text block
Add a text block

Based on the type of text block you've selected, Adobe Captivate creates the following placeholder text blocks:


A paragraph content block contains text as a paragraph.

Multi-column content

A multi-column content block contains text in two columns.

List content

A list content block contains text as list.

Change the properties of the text content block

Adobe Captivate allows you to change the properties at the block and text levels. At the block level, you can change the overall design of the component, add or remove elements from the component like title, subtitle, and more, and change the overall appearance of the content block by adding color, border, and shadow effects on the content block.  

  1. Select the content block (for example, multi-column) on the slide. 

    Select the multi column content block
    Select the multi column content block

  2. In a multi-column layout, you can have a minimum of two and a maximum of three columns. To change the number of columns, use the Number of Columns slider in the Visual Properties panel.

  3. Select any design option. A design option presents pre-configured layouts with cleaner design elements to apply to the text content block.

    For more information, view Design options in Adobe Captivate.

  4. In the Components section, you can change the following:

    • Title: Add or remove the title text.
    • Subtitle: Add or remove the subtitle.
    • Body: Add or remove the body of the text.
    • Button: Add or remove the buttons.
    • Card: Add or remove a card around the text.
    Conponents of a text block
    Conponents of a text block

  5. Change the alignment of the title, subtitle, body, or button. To change the alignment (left, center, or right), hover on top of the title, and select the required alignment.

  6. In the Appearance section, you can add a background color, linear gradient, radial gradient, or image to the text content block. Also, you can add a border or a shadow.

  7. If you've enabled Card, you can change the card's properties of the content block, such as padding, border radius, background color, border, or shadow. 

Format text in the content block

Adobe Captivate allows you to change the properties at the text level. At the text level, you can apply a preset, change the font, change the text color, apply bullets and numbering, and many more.

  1. Select any text object inside the text content block. The Visual Properties panel displays all the properties you can apply to the text.

    Format text and change its color, font, and much more.
    Text formatting options

  2. In the Visual Properties panel, move the opacity slider to increase or decrease the opacity of the selected text.

  3. In the Appearance section, apply a preset. A preset is a preconfigured setting or template that allows you to apply a predefined set of styles to the selected text.

    Override a preset

    If you change the preset, for example, change the font, size, make the font bold or italic, or others, you can then update the preset. Select the Update Preset icon on the preset, and the preset inherits the new properties.

    See the section Create a text preset for information on creating a preset.

  4. Change the font family, size, and style. Adjust the spacing in the text, paragraph, or line. You can also align the text and increase or decrease the indentation.

    If you want the text to appear differently on devices, you can also change the font sizes for desktop, mobile, and tablet.

    Edit fonts and adjust spacing
    Edit fonts and adjust spacing

    Lưu ý:

    If you open any project on another machine that doesn't contain the font you've used, the font falls back to Arial (regular).

  5. Change the casing of the text. Select Sentence, Title, Upper, or Lower cases from the dropdown. 

  6. Add color to the text. From the color picker, select any color. You can also add an outline to the text, apply highlights, or add shadow.

  7. Select Bullets and numbering to convert the selected text into a bulleted format. There are several bullets and numbered list designs that you can choose from.

  8. If you want to insert a link to the text, select the text to which you want to add a link, then expand the Link section, and then add a link to a web page, email address, or add hyperlinks to open or download files. Select Open in new window to open the link in a new browser window.

    This is an image that shows how to add links to texts in Captivate
    Add links to texts

Create a text preset

The Presets panel in the Appearance section contains presets for various text styles. Apart from applying a preset, you can create a custom text preset, which you can reuse in your projects.

  1. Select any text object inside the text content block. The Visual Properties panel displays all the properties that you can apply to the text.

  2. In the Presets panel, select a text preset, for example, Body 2.

  3. Change the properties of the selected text, such as font family, size, color, or spacing.

  4. Click the + icon in the Presets panel to create the preset.

A new preset is created with the properties you've applied to the text block.

Rename text presets

Rename text presets to align with organizational branding, typography standards, and compliance requirements. This allows users to replace generic names, such as "Heading 1," with custom labels like "Course Title", ensuring clarity and consistency. Renamed presets are grouped for easy access and can be exported with themes, enabling seamless application across projects. By adopting unique naming conventions, users can streamline workflows, reduce guesswork, and ensure adherence to branding guidelines.

Rename a preset

  1. Select Project properties from the right toolbar. 

    Select Project properties to rename a preset

  2. Select Edit Theme.

    Select Edit theme to rename a preset

  3. Select Font Palette and rename a text preset by double-clicking on it

    Select Font palette to rename a text preset

    After you rename a preset or multiple presets in the theme editor, the renamed preset or presets appear at the top of the list alphabetically, separated by a divider. This ensures all renamed presets are grouped together, making it easier for you to locate a renamed preset. 

    Renamed presets are grouped together

  4. Select Apply to save the renamed preset. It will appear at the top of the Presets panel. To use it, select any text and then choose the renamed preset from the panel. 

    Renamed presets appear in the presets panel

Export a theme with renamed presets

Text presets are stored within the project theme. To share these customized presets with peers or collaborators, you need to save and export the entire theme. Learn more about themes in Adobe Captivate. 

  1. Make sure your current theme is saved and includes the renamed text presets.

  2. Select Project properties from the right menu and then select Edit Theme.

    Select Edit theme from Project properties

  3. Select Export.

    Export theme with renamed preset

  4. Add a name and save the theme (.cpth) file

Import a theme with renamed presets 

Import a theme that includes renamed, customized presets. Once the theme is imported and applied, the renamed presets are added to your existing presets. These renamed presets will then appear in the Presets panel.

  1. Open a project and select Edit Theme from Project properties.

  2. In the theme editor and select Import and select the .cpth file that contains custom text presets. 

    Import a theme with renamed presets

  3. Select ApplyConfirm that the preset panel correctly displays the renamed preset names first. 

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