- Captivate User Guide
- Introduction to Captivate
- Add a slide
- Design options in Adobe Captivate
- Add text blocks
- Add media blocks
- Interactive components
- Add branding blocks
- Widgets
- Create quizzes
- Add audio to a project
- Interactions
- Animations
- Accessibility
- Customize the timeline
- Customize TOC and Playbar
- Edit project properties
- Create a simulation project
- Preview a project
- Publish a project
- Upgrade projects in Adobe Captivate
This article addresses common issues and their solutions for creating project reviews in Adobe Captivate. It also includes frequently asked questions about the review, commenting, and collaboration workflows.
Topics in this page:
Here are some common issues and their solutions while creating a project review in Captivate.
To create reviews, your organization's IT team must whitelist the following URLs:
- comments.adobe.io
- cc-collab.adobe.io
- cc-api-storage.adobe.io
- captivate.adobe.com
- ccassetreview.adobe.io
- comments.adobe.io
- invitations.adobe.io
Other URLs to be allowed
In some network environments, certain URLs might be restricted, leading to issues accessing the review functionality. To ensure seamless operation of this feature, it is crucial to allow specific URLs/domains. The following URLs must be added to the allowed list of URLs by your IT or security team if you want to share a project for review.
You can download the complete list of fully qualified URLs and domains here:
Tải xuống
Adobe hosted domains:
- *.adobe.com
- *.adobe.io
- *.adobecc.com
- *.adobecces.com
- *.adobeccstatic.com
- *.adobedtm.com
- *.adobeexchange.com
- *.adobegenuine.com
- *.adobegov.com
- *.adobe-identity.com
- *.adobejanus.com
- *.adobelogin.com
- *.adobeoobe.com
- *.adobeprojectm.com
- *.adobesc.com
- *.adobesc.com
- *.adobe-services.com
- *.adobess.com
- *.adobesunbreak.com
- *.adobetag.com
- *.behance.net
- *.ftcdn.net
- *.typekit.com
- *.typekit.net
- slp-statics.astockcdn.net
- *.arkoselabs.com
Region dependent:
- platform-cs-jpn3.adobe.io
- ims-na1.adobelogin.com
- federatedid-na1.services.adobe.com
- adobeid-na1.services.adobe.com
Region dependent: The user's request will be fulfilled using the closest available service instances, tailored to their geographical location, whether it's in Japan, the US East Coast, Europe, or elsewhere
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