Cập nhật gần đây nhất vào
3 thg 12, 2024
- Overview of Adobe Media Encoder
- Using the Preset Browser
- Source Settings
- File formats supported for import with Media Encoder
- Managing third-party audio plug-ins
- Export media from Team Projects using Media Encoder
- Working with log files
- Files supported for export with Media Encoder
- Default keyboard shortcuts
- About video and audio encoding and compression
- Compression tips
- Set preferences
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Create custom presets for Media Encoder
- Sync settings in Media Encoder
- Using the GoPro CineForm codec in After Effects
- Video Effects Manager in Media Encoder
- IRT compliance
- Export settings reference for Media Encoder
- Encode and export video and audio with Media Encoder
- Managing the media cache database
- Publish settings in Adobe Media Encoder
- Adobe Media Encoder User Guide
- Beta releases
Encoding quick start and basics
- Overview of Adobe Media Encoder
- Using the Preset Browser
- Source Settings
- File formats supported for import with Media Encoder
- Managing third-party audio plug-ins
- Export media from Team Projects using Media Encoder
- Working with log files
- Files supported for export with Media Encoder
- Default keyboard shortcuts
- About video and audio encoding and compression
- Compression tips
- Set preferences
- Keyboard shortcuts
Encoding and exporting
- Create custom presets for Media Encoder
- Sync settings in Media Encoder
- Using the GoPro CineForm codec in After Effects
- Video Effects Manager in Media Encoder
- IRT compliance
- Export settings reference for Media Encoder
- Encode and export video and audio with Media Encoder
- Managing the media cache database
- Publish settings in Adobe Media Encoder
This document lists the customer reported issues that were fixed in each release.
Fixed issues in the December 2024 release (version 25.1)
- Ingest Preset doesn't show Format in the Preset Panel.
- Media Encoder didn't show the correct proxy preset name, selected frame, or whether a watermark was applied.
- Watch folder: The After Effects project with two compositions will be moved to the Source folder before encoding finishes.
Fixed issues in the October 2024 release (version 25.0)
- When encoding ProRes or QuickTime files, the creation date is correctly set to the present day.
- Exported videos can incorrectly include metadata, indicating the videos were created in Photoshop.
- In macOS 15, a prompt may appear at the launch, indicating that the application wants to access data from the other apps.
- For files with subtitles, Media Encoder would also burn them in regardless of the caption export option selected.
- Whatever is the adaptive bit rate preset (high, medium, or low) in the video setting, the bit rate remains the same during export.
- The issue of frame aspect ratio linking or unlinking in the video settings is fixed.
Fixed issues in the June 2024 release (version 24.5)
- Various performance improvements on open dialogs (New Encoding Preset, Export Settings, Ingest Dialog) for macOS.
- Video effect manager in AME does not list fxFactory effects on Mac.
- Improved Enhance Speech results for low audio levels.
- Korean users on a Windows OS could crash when selecting the "MP2" Audio Codec under Waveform Audio's export settings.
- Data entered in the Export Metadata dialog is now retained when exiting and re-entering Export mode.
Fixed issues in the May 2024 release (version 24.4)
- The source range is set to Custom (instead of Entire Clip) when importing a file from Media Browser.
- Fixed several performance issues in the queue panel, especially with many items in the queue
- Failure to copy-ingest in Media Encoder with folder-based media such as Sony HDV and Canon XFHEVC
- No offline media warning when importing an After Effects composition
- Media Encoder ignores startTime in encoderWrapper.setWorkArea if no audio exists
- Exports with Adaptive Bitrate Presets have different file sizes in Dynamic Link vs. Native Import mode
- HEVC encodes using Main10 profile and software encoding export options, resulting in an application crash. Mainly affects 2023 Mac models, with M3, M3 Pro or M2, M2 Pro chips.
- Smart renders using Dolby Hybrik generated QT ProRes source files experienced extremely long export times.
Fixed issues in the March 2024 release (version 24.3)
- Audio preparation for Premiere Pro projects with many audio files takes an extremely long time.
- Fixed various performance issues related to many files in the queue.
- Some AVC Intra files were not correctly released after use, causing multiple issues, such as the watch folder feature in Adobe Media Encoder not correctly moving files after encoding.
- Interlaced footage loses field 2 in Media Encoder when using DynamicLink.
- System could go to sleep while the queue is running, which stops all further encoding.
- Artifacts present when rendering AVI files with Alpha Channel.
Fixed issue in the December 2023 release (version 24.1.1)
- A crash results when attempting to import some ARRI, AVCHD, Canon XF, Panasonic P2, Canon RAW XDCAM EX, or XDCAM HD clips when ingest-copy is enabled.
Fixed issue in the December 2023 release (version 24.1)
- Third-party audio effects in a Premiere Pro sequence would fail to render in Media Encoder when Import sequences natively are turned on.
- Update to newer versions was deleting the custom preset view.
- Scrolling wheel behaviour was not reflecting Windows settings.
- Missing fonts warning was not displayed when using non-native Premiere project import.
- Missing fonts warning was not displayed when importing After Effects compositions.
- HEVC / H.265 files exported from an Apple silicon computer play smoothly but perform poorly when scrubbing.
- Source range settings were incorrect when sending export jobs directly to the Media Encoder.
Fixed issue in the October 2023 release (version 24.0.2)
- Third-party audio effects are not rendered when Adobe Media Encoder > Settings > General > Premiere Pro > Import sequences natively is enabled.
Fixed issues in the October 2023 release (version 24.0)
- Estimated time remaining when encode is paused for a while.
- Updated system requirements to support AVX2 on x86 AMD and Intel hardware for better performance.
- Dropping Rosetta support on Mac to use more advanced CPU instructions for better performance.
- The "Zoom Level" feature is activated when we add "+" and "-" signs to the Top, Bottom, etc. Crop dimensions in Export Settings.
- Publishing to X (formerly Twitter) with new APIs.
- Improved information about loading plug-ins. On the first launch, indexing all available plug-ins may take some time. This only happens once.