Channel Program frequently asked questions

Onboarding/Partner portal

Complete the following steps to enroll in the reseller program:

  1. Click Enroll Now in the Partner Program.

  2. Sign in to your Adobe account.

  3. Choose your Region, Country, and Preferred language and click NEXT.

  4. Select the check box confirming you are authorized to act on behalf of your company, then click NEXT.

  5. Fill in details of your company and contact information, and keep clicking NEXT as you complete each form.

  6. Read the Registration Terms and Conditions, check the box at the bottom and click Submit.

After you submit the request, you can receive an email from Adobe within 3-4 hours containing the membership ID and a link to the Welcome kit. Go through the Welcome kit to understand the Adobe Channel program, the different levels in the program, their requirements and benefits.

For access to the Partner Portal you must have an Adobe ID.  If you do not have an Adobe ID, create one at:

If you already have an Adobe ID, ensure that you are trying to sign in with the same email address used in the Sales Center. You can also use your social (Facebook, Google, or Apple) account to sign in to your Adobe account. If this does not resolve the issue contact the Partner Helpdesk.

Check your email (spam and junk mail folders) for a contact invitation and accept the invitation to get access to the Partner Portal.

If this does not resolve the issue, contact the Partner Helpdesk.

Registered and Certified partners do not have access to the sales center.

Gold and Platinum partners can go to

  1. Sign in to your Adobe account.
  2. Click access sales center under sales and marketing tab.

Registered and Certified partners do not have access to the sales center.

Gold and Platinum partners can go to

  1. Sign in to your Adobe account.
  2. Click access sales center under sales and marketing tab.
  3. Click my company profile on the left of the page.
  4. Click manage sales center user accounts tab at the top.
  5. Check the box for the user you want to grant access to under license allocation section.
  1. Go to
  2. Sign in to your Adobe account.
  3. Click access sales center under sales and marketing tab.
  4. Click my company profile on the left of the page.
  5. Scroll down and go to the contacts section.
  6. Edit the contact for whom you want to revoke sales access.
  7. Deselect the active box.

Contact the Partner Helpdesk.

  1. Go to
  2. Sign in to your Adobe account.
  3. Click Price lists under the pricing tab.

If you still need assistance, contact the Partner Helpdesk.

Use a different email address to enroll into the partnership. If you still need assistance, contact the Partner Helpdesk.

Complete the following steps to create an up-level request:

  1. Go to the Adobe Partner Connection Portal:
  2. Sign in to your Adobe account.
  3. After you successfully log in, click the “up level” link on the top.
  4. Select if you are upgrading to a Certified Membership.
  5. Fill out the application.

After you create the up-level request is created, Adobe will notify you once it is processed and complete.

Contact the Partner Helpdesk.

NFR Licenses

Access to NFR licenses is limited to Gold and Platinum partners.

Primary contact for them will have the access to the NFR licenses.

For Perpetual licenses such as Acrobat Pro, and Captivate, licenses will be available on partner portal (

For Creative Cloud, Primary contact on the account will receive an invite for VIP using which they will be able to access CC licenses.

You can access the following license as Gold partner: Adobe Acrobat Pro, Creative cloud all apps.

You can access the following license as Platinum partner: Adobe Acrobat Pro, Creative cloud all apps, Creative cloud Enterprise, and Adobe Stock DCE.

No, you do not need to request for the renewal of NFR licenses as they get renewed automatically.


Complete the following steps to enroll as a learner in the Adobe Channel TrainingCenter:

  1. Sign in to the Adobe Partner Portal.
  2. Click Support on the upper right and click Adobe Channel Training Center Enrollment instructions from the drop-down list.
  3. Click the URL associated with your respective regions under New User section.
  4. Log in to the Adobe Channel Training Center using your Adobe id and password.

After successful enrollment, your Adobe id and password are your ACTC (Adobe Certified Training Center) user name and password.

Only one representative needs to complete Adobe Business Partner Code of Conduct for Certified, Gold or Platinum level**.

Technical exams are no longer available in Adobe Channel Training Center.

** Certifications are subject to change as per developments in the reseller program. Refer to the reseller program guide for eligibility criteria of different membership levels.

*Use any browser to access the Adobe Channel Training Center except Mozilla Firefox.

To access your completed training certificates:

  1. Go to the Channel training website with the link provided.
  2. Sign in to your Adobe account.
  3. Under "My Learnings" you will see your completed trainings.

Current admin on console can follow below steps to change the admin on VIP:

  1. Log in to your Admin Console:
  2. Navigate to the Administrators tab.
  3. Select Change next to the current primary admin’s name.
  4. Select the admin you’d like to grant primary administrator rights.
  5. Click Change

The new admin will receive an email to accept the primary admin invitation, which will take them to the VIP terms and conditions. The new admin is required to accept the VIP terms and conditions before the Admin Console will reflect the change.

Deal Registration

The only resolution for this issue is to obtain an email account with * domain.

Check if the Primary contact on your account has the Tab available in their account. If thePrimary has the Tab and you are encountering difficulties or error messages, email the complete details of the issue including the ID used along with the screenshot to the Partner Helpdesk.

Employees who hold Sales Center Licenses within the same Partner Company only have access to Opportunities submitted by themselves (being an owner of the Opportunity). If a Partner wants to reassign their Opportunity to another employee within same Partner Company - Opportunity "Owner" needs to be changed.

Submit a case in the Sales Center for immediate resolution.

  1. Access Opportunity: Select "Edit"
  2. Change Stage to: "07 Execute to Close".
  3. Change Status to: "Closed – Booked"
  4. Choose a reason from the pop-up menu.
  5. Scroll down and enter the Sales Order number. (Partners obtain Sales Order Numbers from customers
  6. Select "Save".

Multiple Sales Orders Numbers can be entered and will be processed information on the Rebate paid, with the relevant breakdown by customer, will be uploaded back on the opportunity after rebate payment cycle goes through.

Complete the following steps:

  1. Access "Sales Center"
  2. Search for the account by entering "xyz" in the "Parent Account" field marked with the magnifying glass.  This would allow you to see whether account for this Customer has been created already.
  3. There are two possible scenarios:
    1. You have managed to locate the account you were looking for:
      1. Select the account
      2. Go to "New Opportunity"
      3.  Fill in all compulsory details - select "Save"
    2. You have not managed to locate the account you were looking for:
      1. If you are unable to find the required account it would indicate that it has not been created in the Adobe database and you need to create it.
Lưu ý:

Before creating account for Customer, ensure that the account does not already exist (search for the account using the "Search" option using partial name characters. For example, search for "BAYERISCH" instead of "BAYERISCHER RUNDFUNK"

Be as descriptive as possible with regards to selling activities such as:

  • How did you discover this opportunity?
    • Phone calls
    • Meetings with Customer
    • Ongoing relationship with customer (provide dates, places etc.)
  • Compelling event/Business need?
    • Provide estimated quantities of Adobe Products required by Customer.
    • Why customer require Adobe Products?
  • Adobe Value Prop?
    • Describe how using Adobe Products will benefit Customer
  • Competitors/Competitor Value Prop?
    • Are there any known competition? If so, list them.
  • Sales Activities to date?
    • What has been done so far to actively sell Adobe Products?

If any of those fields are not populated or no description is provided or is incomplete/vague/generic this opportunity will not be approved and validation will be delayed.

VIP Reseller/Admin console

You need to be at the certified level to be able to access reseller console. Primary contact of certified account gets the access to the reseller console, which they can access using this link:

VIP number is for end users and not for resellers. You need to add your end user information in the reseller console which will send an invitation to your customer. Once the customer accepts the invitation, a VIP number is generated for them.

You can refer to the link: to get all the information regarding reseller console.

Anniversary date on the console gets updated 30 days after the current anniversary date as we provide 30 days’ grace period before and after the anniversary date for the renewal.

VIP for your customer must have one or more overdue/Suspended seats. This is why they were getting the “Payment Needed” prompt.

The reseller has the ability to remove seats for 30 days after they are added.

After 30 pass the ability to remove pending seats from the console is no longer available.

There are 2 options for addressing Suspended/Overdue seats.

  • Leave the seat on the console until the end of the subscription, at which time all seats that are not renewed will be removed, including seats that were never fulfilled. There are no charges for this.
  • The reseller can work with distribution to process an order and immediately process an RMA.

The current admin on console can complete the following steps to change the admin on VIP:

  1. Log into your Admin Console:
  2. Navigate to the Administrators tab
  3. Select Change next to the current primary admin’s name.
  4. Select the admin you’d like to grant primary administrator rights.
  5. Click Change.

The new admin will receive an email to accept the primary admin invitation, which will take them to the VIP terms and conditions. The new admin is required to accept the VIP terms and conditions before the Admin Console reflects the change.

Yes, customer has the liberty to purchase from the reseller of their choice. If the user is not satisfied with their current reseller, they can switch to another reseller by requesting for Change of reseller request with the Partner Helpdesk.

Yes, Primary contact on the reseller console will be able to change the managed by contact for VIP.

User will not be able to accept VIP invite if they already have a VIP with same account name. You can make slight changes in account name and resend the invite.

IF they still have the issue, contact the Partner Helpdesk.

Yes, need to complete Account name change request form (ACON) and submit the same with the Partner Helpdesk to process the request.

User can access the form using this link:

No, Market segment on VIP cannot be changed. You can request for cancellation of VIP with the Partner Helpdesk and then send the invite to partner for new VIP with correct market segment.

Contract management

You can request for the admin change request for the contact by contacting the Partner Helpdesk. Team will be needing an email authorization from current admin to process the request. In case current admin in no longer with the company. Someone with similar email domain as current admin can send the authorization.

You can request for the admin change request for the contact by contacting the Partner Helpdesk. Team will be needing an email authorization from current admin to process the request. In case current admin in no longer with the co. Someone with similar email domain as current admin can send the authorization.

Yes, user will still be able to submit the renewal for the contact.

Licensing website

  1. Go to the Licensing Website.
  2. Sign in to your Adobe account.
  3. Click Continue.

Need help creating or using your Adobe ID? See Adobe ID account and sign-in troubleshooting.

Lưu ý:

You will only be able to access licensing website with Adobe ID you have placed order with.

Refer to this document: Adobe Licensing Website | Serial numbers, orders, accounts to access information related to licensing.












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