Back up user data, database, and settings of Adobe Connect server

Set and configure your Adobe Connect server to back up the server and user data.

About backing up data

There are three types of data you must back up at regular intervals: content (any files stored in the libraries), configuration settings, and database data.

If you aren’t using shared storage devices, all the content in the libraries is stored in the [root_install_dir]\content folder (C:\Connect\content, by default). The configuration settings are stored in the custom.ini file in the root installation folder (C:\Connect, by default).

A database backup creates a duplicate of the data in the database. Regularly scheduled database backups can let you recover from many failures, including media failures, user errors, and permanent loss of a server. Back up the database daily.

You can also use backups to copy a database from one server to another. You can re-create the entire database from a backup in one step by restoring the database. The restoration process overwrites the existing database or creates the database if it does not exist. The restored database matches the state of the database at the time the backup was performed, minus any uncommitted transactions.

You create backups on backup devices, such as disk or tape media. You can use a SQL Server utility to configure your backups. For example, you can overwrite outdated backups, or you can append new backups to the backup media.

Follow best practices when backing up the database:

  • Schedule a nightly backup.

  • Maintain backups in a secure place, preferably at a site different from the site where the data resides.

  • Keep older backups for a designated period in case the most recent backup is damaged, destroyed, or lost.

  • Establish a system for overwriting backups, reusing the oldest backups first. Use expiration dates on backups to prevent premature overwriting.

  • Label backup media to identify the data and prevent overwriting critical backups.

    Use SQL Server utilities to back up the database:

  • Transact-SQL

  • SQL Distributed Management Objects

  • Create Database Backup wizard

  • SQL Server Management Studio

Back up server files

Back up and protect system data, just as you protect all the valuable assets of your organization.

It’s a good idea to perform this procedure nightly.

  1. Do the following to stop Adobe Connect:

    1. Select Start > Programs > Adobe Connect Server > Stop Adobe Connect Central Server. 

    2. Select Start > Programs > Adobe Connect Server > Stop Adobe Connect Meeting Server.

  2. Make a backup copy of the content directory. 

    The default location is C:\Connect.

  3. Make a backup copy of the custom.ini file.

    The default location is C:\Connect\.

  4. Do the following to start Adobe Connect:

    1. Select Start > Programs > Adobe Connect Server > Start Adobe Connect Meeting Server. 

    2. Select Start > Programs > Adobe Connect Server > Start Adobe Connect Central Server.

Back up the database

To back up any edition of Microsoft SQL Server, you can use Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio or the Command Prompt window.

The edition of SQL Server that installs with Adobe Connect Server does not include SQL Server Management Studio. However, you can download Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express from Microsoft.

Use SQL Server Management Studio to back up SQL Server


Do not uninstall the database.

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio in Microsoft SQL Server.
  2. In the Tree pane of the Object Explorer window, right-click on the database (named “breeze,” by default) and choose Tasks > Back Up.

    For complete instructions for SQL Server database backup and recovery, see the Microsoft Support site.

Use the Command Prompt window to back up SQL Server

To access Help information for database commands, type osql ? at the command line and press Enter.


Do not uninstall the database.

  1. Log on to the server hosting Adobe Connect Server.
  2. To store the database backup files, create a folder. This example uses the folder C:\Connect_Database.

  3. Open the command prompt.
  4. At the prompt, change to the directory where you installed the database. By default, the directory is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130\Tools\Binn.

  5. At the prompt, enter osql -E to log in to the database engine and press Enter.
  6. Enter the following command to run a Microsoft SQL utility to back up the Adobe Connect database. The default database name is breeze.

    BACKUP DATABASE database-name TO DISK = 'C:\Connect_Database\database-name.bak'
    BACKUP DATABASE database-name TO DISK = 'C:\Connect_Database\database-name.bak'
    BACKUP DATABASE database-name TO DISK = 'C:\Connect_Database\database-name.bak'
  7. At the prompt, enter go and press Enter. The command window displays messages regarding the backup.

  8. At the prompt, enter quit and press Enter.
  9. To verify that the backup was successful, confirm that the breeze.bak file exists in the C:\Connect_Database directory.
  10. To restart your database, from your Windows desktop, select Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services. In the Services window, right‑click SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) and select Start from the context menu.

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