Start and stop Adobe Connect services


Start and stop Adobe Connect and related services, like telephony, edge server, and media gateway services.

Start and stop Adobe Connect

You can start or stop Adobe Connect from the Start menu, the Services window, or the command line. Verify that the database is running before you start Adobe Connect.

Stop Adobe Connect from the Start menu

  1. Choose Start > Programs > Adobe Connect Server > Stop Adobe Connect Central Application Server.
  2. Choose Start > Programs > Adobe Connect Server > Stop Adobe Connect Meeting Server.

Start Adobe Connect from the Start menu

  1. Choose Start > Programs > Adobe Connect Server > Start Adobe Connect Meeting Server.
  2. Choose Start > Programs > Adobe Connect Server > Start Adobe Connect Central Application Server.

Stop Adobe Connect from the Services window

  1. To open the Services window, choose Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.

  2. Stop the Adobe Connect Server service.
  3. Stop the Adobe Media Server (AMS) service.
  4. Stop the Adobe Media Administration Server service.

Start Adobe Connect from the Services window

  1. To open the Services window, choose Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.

  2. Start the Adobe Media Server (AMS) service.
  3. Start the Adobe Media Server Administration Server service.
  4. Start the Adobe Connect Server service.

Stop Adobe Connect from the command line

  1. Choose Start > Run to open the Run window. Enter cmd to open a Command prompt.
  2. Go to the [root_install_dir]\appserv\win32 directory.
  3. To stop Adobe Connect, enter the following command:

    net stop ConnectPro
    net stop ConnectPro
    net stop ConnectPro
  4. Enter the following to stop Adobe Media Server:
    net stop AMS
    net stop AMS
    net stop AMS
  5. Enter the following to stop Adobe Media Server Administration Server:
    net stop AMSAdmin
    net stop AMSAdmin
    net stop AMSAdmin

Start Adobe Connect from the command line

  1. Choose Start > Run to open the Run window. Enter cmd to open a Command prompt.
  2. Go to the [root_install_dir]\appserv\win32 directory.
  3. Enter the following to start Adobe Media Server:
    net start AMS
    net start AMS
    net start AMS
  4. Enter the following to start Adobe Media Server Administrator Server:
    net start AMSAdmin
    net start AMSAdmin
    net start AMSAdmin
  5. Enter the following to start Adobe Connect:
    net start ConnectPro
    net start ConnectPro
    net start ConnectPro
  1. Choose Start > Programs > Adobe Connect Server > Stop Adobe Connect Presence Service.
  1. Choose Start > Programs > Adobe Connect Server > Start Adobe Connect Presence Service.
  1. To open the Services window, Choose Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.

  2. Select the Adobe Connect Presence Service.
  3. Choose Start, Stop, or Restart the service.

Start and stop Adobe Connect Telephony Service

You can start and stop the Adobe Connect Telephony Service from the Services window.

  1. To open the Services window, choose Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.

  2. Select the Adobe Connect Telephony Service.
  3. Choose Start, Stop, or Restart the service.

Start and stop Adobe Media Gateway

You can start and stop Adobe Media Gateway from the Services window or from the command line. Verify that Adobe Connect Server is running before you start Adobe Media Gateway.

Start and stop Adobe Media Gateway from the Services window

  1. To open the Services window, choose Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.

  2. Select Adobe Media Gateway Service.

  3. Choose Start, Stop, or Restart the service

Start and stop Adobe Media Gateway from the command line

  1. Choose Start > Run to open the Run window. Enter cmd to open a Command prompt.

  2. Enter the following to start Adobe Media Gateway:

    net start fmg
    net start fmg
    net start fmg
  3. Enter the following to stop Adobe Media Gateway:

    net stop fmg
    net stop fmg
    net stop fmg

Start and stop Adobe Connect Edge Server

You can start Adobe Connect or stop Adobe Connect Edge Server from the Start menu, the Services window, and from the command line.

Stop Adobe Connect Edge Server from the Start menu

  1. Choose Start > Programs > Adobe Connect  Edge Server > Stop Adobe Connect Edge Server.

Start Adobe Connect Edge Server from the Start menu

  1. Choose Start > Programs > Adobe Connect Edge Server > Start Adobe Connect Edge Server.

Stop Adobe Connect Edge Server from the Services window

  1. To open the Services window, choose Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.

  2. Stop the Adobe Media Server (AMS) service.
  3. Stop the Adobe Media Server Administration Server service.

Start Adobe Connect Edge Server from the Services window

  1. To open the Services window, choose Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.

  2. Start the Adobe Media Server Administration Server service.
  3. Start the Adobe Media Server (AMS) service.

Stop Adobe Connect Edge Server from the command line

  1. Choose Start > Run to open the Run window. Enter cmd to open a Command prompt.
  2. Enter the following to stop Adobe Media Server:
    net stop AMS
    net stop AMS
    net stop AMS
  3. Enter the following to stop the Adobe Media Server Administrator Server:
    net stop AMSAdmin
    net stop AMSAdmin
    net stop AMSAdmin

Start Adobe Connect Edge Server from the command line

  1. Choose Start > Run to open the Run window. Enter cmd to open a Command prompt.
  2. Enter the following to start the Adobe Media Server Administrator Server:
    net start AMSAdmin
    net start AMSAdmin
    net start AMSAdmin
  3. Enter the following to start Adobe Media Server:
    net start AMS
    net start AMS
    net start AMS

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