Maintain disk space and clean cache on an Adobe Connect server


Monitor the available disk space on the system running an Adobe Connect server and clear the cache.

About maintaining disk space

The Adobe Connect system must have a minimum of 1 GB of free space. Adobe Connect does not have any built-in tools that monitor disk space—the administrator must monitor disk space with operating system utilities or third-party tools.

Content can be stored on the server hosting Adobe Connect, on external shared storage volumes, or both.

Maintain disk space on Adobe Connect servers

  1. Do any of the following:
    • Use Adobe Connect Central to delete unused content. See Delete a file or folder.

    • Replace your server disk with a bigger disk.


    If the free disk space on the server falls below 1 GB, the server stops.

Maintain disk space on shared storage devices

  1. Monitor the primary shared storage device for free space and available file system nodes. If either drops below 10%, add more storage to the device or add another shared storage device.

    10% is a recommended value. Also, if you’re using shared storage, set a maximum cache-size value in Application Management Console or the cache can fill up the disk.

Clear the edge server cache

Adobe recommends that you create a weekly scheduled task to clear the edge server cache. It’s a good idea to run the task during off-peak hours, such as early Sunday morning.

  1. Create a cache.bat file to delete the cache directory. The entry in this file must use the following syntax:
    del /Q /S [cache directory]\*.*
    del /Q /S [cache directory]\*.*
    del /Q /S [cache directory]\*.*

    The default cache directory is C:\Connect\edgeserver\win32\cache\http. To delete the cache, use the following command:

    del /Q /S c:\Connect\edgeserver\win32\cache\http\*.*
    del /Q /S c:\Connect\edgeserver\win32\cache\http\*.*
    del /Q /S c:\Connect\edgeserver\win32\cache\http\*.*
  2. Select Start > Programs > Adobe Connect Edge Server > Stop Adobe Connect Edge Server.
  3. Run the cache.bat file and verify that it deletes files in the cache directory.

    The directory structure remains, and any files that the edge server locks are not deleted.

  4. Select Start > Programs > Adobe Connect Edge Server > Start Adobe Connect Edge Server.
  5. Select Start > Control Panel > Scheduled Tasks > Add Scheduled Task.
  6. Select cache.bat as the new file to run.
  7. Repeat this procedure for each edge server.

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