In a browser window, enter the account URL included in the Welcome email.
Learn how hosts and admins with access to Connect Central can customize Adobe Connect and manage sessions.
Working in Adobe Connect Central
Adobe Connect Central is a web application used for working with Adobe Connect accounts. Administrators use Adobe Connect Central to manage an account and its users. Meeting hosts use Adobe Connect Central to create and schedule meetings. Training managers use Adobe Connect Central to create Courses and enroll participants.
Login to Adobe Connect Central
On the Login page, enter your login and password.Note:
The credentials are stored if you check the Remember Me check box. You can remove the saved data by manually clearing browser cookies.
Click Login.
Edit your profile
In Adobe Connect Central, click My Profile.
Do any of the following:
Click My Profile to view your user information.
Click Change My Password to change your password.
Click Edit My Preferences to change your time zone and language.
Click My Audio Profiles to select or create an audio profile for an audio conference.
Click My Audio Providers to select or create your own audio providers. These providers are not available to other users on the account.
Click Group Memberships to view your group memberships.
Click Organization to view your manager and team member information.
Determine Adobe Connect version number
Knowing your version number can be useful, especially when contacting Adobe Connect Support, or when reporting any issues with an application.
Do one of the following:
On the Adobe Connect Central login page, move your insertion point over the Help link. The version number appears.
In a web browser address field, enter http://<Adobe Connect_url>/version.txt and press Go.
Note:Adobe Connect hosted accounts are automatically upgraded to the latest version of Adobe Connect.
Adobe Connect Central icons
Adobe Connect Central uses icons to represent meetings, seminars, presentations, courses, and curriculums.

A presentation that is associated with a group of enrolled learners with tracking for each individual. The course can be used independently or as part of a curriculum.

A group of courses and other learning content that guides students along a learning path. Curriculum can include Adobe Connect content, presentations, meetings, seminars, and external content such as classroom sessions and reading lists.
External training

In a curriculum, training that occurs outside Adobe Connect, such as classroom training.
An Adobe Connect event includes registration, invitations, reminders, and reporting. Events usually involve many participants and are built upon an Adobe Connect meeting, seminar, presentation, or training.

An online real-time meeting in which a host or presenter can show slides or multimedia presentations, share screens, chat, and broadcast live audio and video.
Virtual Classroom
An online class with customizable layouts and reusable, archived content. Virtual classrooms have audio and video capabilities and breakout rooms for collaborative learning.

A seminar is a scheduled meeting conducted for at least 50 participants and involves little audience participation or interaction.

A recorded meeting or seminar, that users can view at their convenience.
Authorware content

Files created in Macromedia Authorware from Adobe. Authorware is a visual tool for creating e-learning applications.

A presentation created with Adobe Presenter, a plug-in for Microsoft PowerPoint that lets users add audio, quizzes, and visual features to a PowerPoint presentation. PPT and PPTX files are converted to presentations when they are uploaded to Adobe Connect.
Image file (JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP)

Image files can be drawings, photographs, charts, graphs, icons, or any other type of graphics.
FLV file

A video file.
HTML file

File defining the structure and layout of a web document using various tags.
MP3 file

An audio file.
PDF file

An Adobe PDF file.
Pricing models
The pricing model determines how your organization pays for its usage. It is associated with the quota and usage information that you see under System Features. There are different models for training and meetings.
There is one pricing model for training:
Concurrent learners
This model limits how many learners can be active in all courses or curriculums at the same time.
There are two pricing models for meetings. You can view the information associated with the model your organization purchased:
Named organizer
This model limits the number of users who can initiate meetings. Each named organizer can initiate one active meeting at a time. A meeting started without the named organizer has all attendees with Participant privileges until the named organizer arrives in the meeting. When the first named organizer joins the meeting, privileges of all the other attendees are restored to the values set before the meeting.
Each meeting is limited to the number of participants specified in the license file. A named organizer must be present to start a meeting, and all participants are demoted to participant level, five minutes after the last named organizer has left the room. Users’ roles and permissions are restored when any named organizer returns. Named Organizer must be a member of the Meeting Hosts group.
Note: A named organizer can attend a maximum of two simultaneous meetings. Regardless of this user's actual privileges in the ongoing meetings, an attempt to attend a third meeting generates an error message
Concurrent attendee
This model limits how many participants can be active in a meeting at the same time. The limit does not affect seminar attendees.
Note: You cannot have quotas for named organizers and concurrent attendees at the same time.
Seminar rooms quotas do not affect any other quotas. The seminar attendee limit determines the number of participants that can be simultaneously active in a seminar. This limit applies to each seminar room independently.
Both the named organizer and concurrent attendee pricing models display the same fields. However, some fields are irrelevant based on the pricing model your organization has purchased:
You can have meetings with Concurrent User Model that also have Concurrent Users Per Meeting limit.
If your organization uses the Named Organizer model, Adobe Connect specifies a maximum room capacity. This value is displayed in the Concurrent Users Per Meeting field. The Meeting Peak Concurrent Users field is irrelevant when using the named organizer model. The reason is that Adobe Connect limits the number of organizers using the Concurrent Users Per Meeting field. The number is typically set to 100 users.
View forced recordings
In Adobe Connect Central, administrators can click Content > Forced Recordings to view all the forced recordings in an account.
Click a recording name to view information about the recording.
Do one of the following:
Click Edit to edit the title, summary, or language of a recording.
Click the URL for Viewing to view the recording.
Create a link to a forced recording
Links point to the latest version of the recording. If any editing is done to the recording (either directly or through any link), the edits are reflected in all the links to that recording.
In Adobe Connect Central, administrators can click Content > Forced Recordings to view all the forced recordings in an account.
Select the check box for the meeting you want to link.
Click Create Link.
Navigate to the Content folder where you want to add the link.
Click Create Link.
Delete forced recordings
Only administrators can delete forced recordings.
In Adobe Connect Central, view the all the forced recordings in an account at Content > Forced Recordings.
Select the check box for the meeting you want to delete.
Click Delete.
The above changes in the settings are effective immediately for all the new Adobe Connect sessions.
Configure the Training Catalog
Only administrators have access to the Training Catalog by default. An administrator must set permissions for the Training Catalog before Training Managers can use it. Administrators can create any folder and permissions structure. For example, an Administrator could give the whole Training Managers group permission to manage the root folder of the Training Catalog. In another example, an Administrator could create folders for each Training Manager.
Create a custom URL and name for the Training Catalog
Creating a custom URL is optional. If you don’t create one, the system generates one, but it’s easier to use a URL you create.
Login to Adobe Connect Central.
Click Training > Training Catalog > Edit Information.
Enter a name for the top-level folder.
Enter a custom URL.
All bookmarks to content in the Training Catalog use the custom URL. If you change the custom URL, existing bookmarks break.
(Optional) Enter a description for the folder in the Summary field.
Create a folder structure and set permissions
Login to Adobe Connect Central.
Click Training > Training Catalog.
If you want Training Managers to create their own folders and set permissions for those folders, while in the root folder, click Set Permissions.
Select Training Managers and click Add to give them permissions to the root folder.
If you want to create a folder structure, while in the root folder, click New Folder and give the folder a name and, optionally, a description.
Click Set Permissions to set permissions for the new folder.
Select any groups or users you want to have permission and click Add.
You can repeat these steps to create any folder and permissions structure you desire.
Make local help and support pages available
Using the in-product help links, the on-premise users can access help and documentation local to their environment, instead of being directed to Adobe Connect administrators and the organization’s IT department can provide local, targeted content and troubleshooting information to their users before the users reach out to content hosted on The landing page, as access via the in-built help system must be available at
More like this
- Adobe Connect Admin Guide (for admins only)
- Adobe Connect Central How-To Topics
- Enabling analytics