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Interactions in Adobe Captivate

Learn how to add interactions to slides or objects in an Adobe Captivate project.


Interactions in the all-new Adobe Captivate make your projects more engaging and interesting. 

Adobe Captivate provides a user-friendly interface that enables you to design interactions effortlessly.

Topics in this article:

What is an interaction

In the all-new Adobe Captivate, an interaction typically involves three key components- triggers, conditions, and actions.

  • Triggers: An interaction starts with a trigger. Triggers define what actions need to be executed based on certain events. You can set actions to triggers like click, double-click, hover, slide enter, slide exit, bookmarks, and many more.
  • Conditions: Using conditions,  you can create certain checks or rules, which get validated before executing certain actions. Conditions are optional when creating an interaction.
  • Actions: Actions are tasks that get executed on a trigger. Adobe Captivate provides various actions, like displaying or hiding objects, playing audio, launching a URL, executing JavaScript, etc. For more details, view the table of actions.

Types of interactions

The all-new Adobe Captivate supports:

Slide-level interaction: You can add slide-level interactions to individual slides in your course. The following triggers are available at a slide level:

  • Objects
    • Custom states viewed: A set of actions occur when a learner views selected custom states.
    • Objects clicked: A set of actions occur when a learner clicks on some pre-defined objects.
  • Timeline:
    • Slide enter: A set of actions occur when a learner enters a slide.
    • Slide exit: A set of actions occur when a learner exits a slide.
    • Bookmark: A set of actions occur when a learner reaches a bookmark. For more information, view Using bookmarks and overlays in an interactive video.

For more information on slide-level interactions, view Create slide-level interactions.

Object-level interaction: Object-level interactions are interactions you can add to an object on a slide.

The following triggers are available at an object level:

  • Click/Tap
  • Double-click
  • Hover
  • Right-click
  • Mouse out

For more information on object-level interactions, view Create object-level interactions.

List of actions in Adobe Captivate

Create an interaction

Create an interaction based on a condition

Adobe Captivate allows you to create interactive learning experiences by defining specific actions based on certain conditions. You can add conditions to both slide and object-level interactions.

Captivate supports If-Else or While for creating interactions with the following conditions:

Operations on actions

Adobe Captivate allows you to manage actions in the Interactions panel.

When you select any action card, the following operations display.

actions bar

  • Reorder down: Move an action down.
  • Reorder up: Move an action up.
  • Paste: Paste an action.
  • Copy: Copy an action.
  • Duplicate: Duplicate an action.
  • Delete: Delete an action.
  • Merge: Join multiple actions. For example, when you join two actions, both actions execute simultaneously.


Actions are executed in the order they appear in the panel.

  • Split: Split the merged actions.

Resolve incomplete interactions or actions

If an interaction is incomplete, Captivate indicates the same on the Interactions icon with a red dot.

If an action is incomplete, Captivate indicates the same on the action card with a warning sign.

invalid action

To resolve the incomplete action, click the action card, and add the required input.

Delete an interaction

After you've created an interaction, here's how you'll delete it.

  1. Select an interaction.
  2. When you hover over the interaction, a three-dot icon appears at the right of the interaction. Select the ellipsis icon to launch the menu.
  3. Select Delete.

Alternatively, select the interaction, and select Delete on the Action card.

Delete an interaction
Delete an interaction

Copy-paste operations

Once you've created an interaction, action, or condition, you can easily reuse it by simply copying and pasting it on different objects.

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