Windows 10 compatibility statement and FAQ

Adobe and Microsoft have worked closely together to test Elements applications for reliability, performance, and user experience when installed on Intel-based systems running Windows 10. Photoshop Elements 14, Premiere Elements 14, and later versions are compatible.


Are Elements applications supported on Windows 10?

Yes. Photoshop Elements 14, Premiere Elements 14, and later versions are compatible with Windows 10.

Is Adobe aware of any issues, bugs, or odd user experiences when using Elements with Windows 10?

No major issues were discovered during testing.

How do I report any issues that may arise?

If you encounter any issues with the supported versions of Photoshop Elements or Premiere Elements, report them on our bug reporting form.

I use some plug-ins with my current version of Elements applications. Are these plug-ins compatible with Windows 10?

Customers are encouraged to check plug-in compatibility by contacting the plug-in vendor before upgrading to Windows 10. For third-party products, contact the manufacturer for guidance.

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