Convert inline CSS to a CSS rule in Dreamweaver



Learn how to make your CSS cleaner and more organized by converting inline styles to CSS rules in Dreamweaver.

In‑line styles are not recommended best practices. To make your CSS cleaner and more organized, you can convert inline styles to CSS rules that reside in the head of the document or in an external style sheet.

  1. In Code view (View > Code), select the entire style attribute that contains the inline CSS you want to convert
  2. Right-click and select Selection > Convert Inline CSS to Rule.

  3. In the Convert Inline CSS dialog box, enter a class name for the new rule, and then do one of the following:
    • Specify a style sheet where you want the new CSS rule to appear and click OK.

    • Select the head of the document as the location where you want the new CSS rule to appear and click OK.

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