Optimize Dreamweaver workspace for visual development



Display web-application development panels

Select the Data category from the Category pop-up menu of the Insert panel to display a set of buttons that let you add dynamic content and server behaviors to your page.

The number and type of buttons that appear vary depending upon the document type opened in the Document window. Move your mouse over an icon to display a tooltip that describes what that button does.

The Insert panel includes buttons to add the following items to the page:

  • Recordsets

  • Dynamic text or tables

  • Record navigation bars

    If you switch to Code view (View > Code), additional panels might appear in their own Insert panel category, allowing you to insert code in the page. For example, if you view a ColdFusion page in Code view, a CFML panel becomes available in the CFML category of the Insert panel.

    Several panels provide ways for you to create dynamic pages:


    • Select the Bindings panel (Window > Bindings) to define sources of dynamic content for your page and add the content to the page.

    • Select the Server Behaviors panel (Window > Server Behaviors) to add server-side logic to your dynamic pages.

    • Select the Databases panel (Window >Databases) to explore databases or create database connections.

    • Select the Components panel (Window > Components) to inspect, add, or modify code for ColdFusion components.


The Components panel is enabled only if you open a ColdFusion page.  

A server behavior is the set of instructions inserted in a dynamic page at design time and executed on the server at run time.

For a tutorial on setting up the development workspace, see www.adobe.com/go/vid0144.

View your database within Dreamweaver

After connecting to your database, you can view its structure and data within Dreamweaver.

  1. Open the Databases panel (Window > Databases).

    The Databases panel displays all the databases for which you created connections. If you’re developing a ColdFusion site, the panel displays all the databases that have data sources defined in the ColdFusion Administrator.


    Dreamweaver looks at the ColdFusion server you defined for the current site.

    If no database appears in the panel, you must create a database connection.

  2. To display the tables, stored procedures, and views in the database, click the Plus (+) sign beside a connection in the list.
  3. To display the columns in the table, click a table name.

    The column icons reflect the data type and indicate the primary key of the table.

  4. To view the data in a table, right-click (Windows) or Control‑click (Macintosh) the table name in the list, and select View Data from the pop‑up menu.

Preview dynamic pages in a browser

Web application developers often debug their pages by checking them often in a web browser. You can quickly view dynamic pages in a browser without first manually uploading them to a server (press F12).

To preview dynamic pages, you must complete the Testing Server category of the Site Definition dialog box.

You can specify that Dreamweaver use temporary files instead of the original files. With this option, Dreamweaver runs a temporary copy of the page on a web server before displaying it in your browser. (Dreamweaver then deletes the temporary file from the server.) To set this option, select Edit > Preferences > Preview In Browser.

The Preview In Browser option does not upload related pages such as a results or a detail page, dependent files such as image files, or server-side includes. To upload a missing file, select Window > Site to open the Site panel, select the file under Local Folder, and click the blue up arrow in the toolbar to copy the file to the web server folder.

Restrict database information displayed in Dreamweaver

Advanced users of large database systems like Oracle should restrict the number of database items retrieved and displayed by Dreamweaver at design time. An Oracle database may contain items that Dreamweaver cannot process at design time. You can create a schema in Oracle and use it in Dreamweaver to filter out unnecessary items at design time.


You cannot create a schema or catalog in Microsoft Access.

Other users may benefit from restricting the amount of information Dreamweaver retrieves at design time. Some databases contain dozens or even hundreds of tables, and you might prefer not to list them all while you work. A schema or catalog can restrict the number of database items that are retrieved at design time.

You must create a schema or catalog in your database system before you can apply it in Dreamweaver. Consult your database system documentation or your system administrator.


You cannot apply a schema or catalog in Dreamweaver if you’re developing a ColdFusion application, or using Microsoft Access.

  1. Open a dynamic page in Dreamweaver; then open the Databases panel (Window > Databases).
    • If the database connection exists, right-click (Windows) or Control‑click (Macintosh) the connection in the list, and select Edit Connection from the pop‑up menu.

    • If the connection does not exist, click the Plus (+) button at the top of the panel and create it.

  2. In the dialog box for the connection, click Advanced.
  3. Specify your schema or catalog, and click OK.

Set the Property inspector for ColdFusion stored procedures and ASP commands

Modify the selected stored procedure. The available options vary depending on the server technology.

  1. Edit any of the options. When you select a new option in the inspector, Dreamweaver updates the page.

Input Name options

This Property inspector appears when Dreamweaver encounters an unrecognized input type. Typically this occurs because of a typing or other data entry error.

If you change the field type in the Property inspector to a value that Dreamweaver recognizes—for example, if you correct the spelling error—the Property inspector updates to show the properties for the recognized type. Set any of the following options in the Property inspector:

Input Name

Assigns a name to the field. This box is required, and the name must be unique.


Sets the input type of the field. The contents of this box reflect the input type value that currently appears in your HTML source code.


Sets the value of the field.


Opens the Parameters dialog box so you can view the current attributes of the field, as well as add or remove attributes.

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