Create editable regions in templates



Learn how to create and remove editable regions in templates in Dreamweaver.

Editable template regions control which areas of a template-based page a user can edit. Before you insert an editable region, save the document you are working in as a template.


If you insert an editable region in a document rather than a template file, an alert warns you that the document will automatically be saved as a template.

You can place an editable region anywhere in your page, but consider the following points if you are making a table editable:

You can mark an entire table or an individual table cell as editable, but you can’t mark multiple table cells as a single editable region. If a <td> tag is selected, the editable region includes the region around the cell; if not, the editable region affects only content inside the cell.

  1. In the Document window, do one of the following to select the region:
    • Select the text or content that you want to set as an editable region.

    • Place the insertion point where you want to insert an editable region.

  2. Do one of the following to insert an editable region:
    • Select Insert > Template > Editable Region.

    • In the Templates category of the Insert panel, select Editable Region.

  3. In the Name box, enter a unique name for the region. (You cannot use the same name for more than one editable region in a particular template.)

    Do not use special characters in the Name box.

  4. Click OK. The editable region is enclosed in a highlighted rectangular outline in the template, using the highlighting color that is set in preferences. If you insert an empty editable region in the document, the name of the region also appears inside the region.

Select editable regions

You can easily identify and select template regions in both the template document and template-based documents.

Select an editable region in the Document window

  1. Click on the editable region in the Code View.

Find an editable region and select it in the document

  1. Select Tools > Templates, then select the name of the region from the list at the bottom of that submenu.

    Find editable regions
    Find editable regions


    Editable regions that are inside a repeated region do not appear in the menu. You must locate these regions by looking for tabbed borders in the Document window.

    The editable region is selected in the document.

Remove an editable region

If you’ve marked a region of your template file as editable and you want to lock it (make it noneditable in template-based documents) again, use the Remove Template Markup command.

  1. Click the tab in the editable region tag at the bottom of the page to select the editable region.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • Select Tools > Template > Remove Template Markup.

      The region is no longer editable.

Change an editable region’s name

After you insert an editable region, you can later change its name.

  1. From the Code View, select the editable region that you want to modify.

  2. From the bottom pane, select the editable region tag. Right-click and select Quick Tag Editor.

    You can easily modify the name of the editable region from the pop-up dialog box.

    Select the Quick tag editor
    Select the Quick tag editor

  3. Press Enter (Windows) or Return (Macintosh).

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