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Chat pod

  1. Adobe Connect User Guide
  2. Introduction
    1. What's New in Adobe Connect
    2. Adobe Connect meeting room basics
    3. Adobe Connect Capabilities in HTML Client
    4. Adobe Connect application for desktop
    5. Adobe Connect technical specifications and system requirements
    6. Keyboard shortcuts in Adobe Connect
  3. Adobe Connect Meeting
    1. Start, attend, and manage Adobe Connect meetings and sessions
    2. Host and Presenter Area in Adobe Connect
    3. Adobe Connect application for desktop
    4. Adobe Connect pre-meeting diagnostic test
    5. Adobe Connect Central home page
    6. Share content during a session
      1. Screen sharing in sessions
      2. Share pod
      3. Screen sharing on browser
      4. Share system audio
      5. Share a document
      6. Share a presentation
      7. Share a whiteboard
      8. Share files
      9. Share web URLs
    7. Update and manage Adobe Connect meetings
    8. View meeting reports and analytics data
    9. Work with Pods
      1. Pods in sessions
      2. Notes pod
      3. Chat pod
      4. Q & A pod
      5. Poll pod
      6. Quiz pod    
    10. Reactions in Adobe Connect room
    11. Accessibility features in Adobe Connect
    12. Create virtual meeting rooms and arrange layouts
    13. Breakout rooms in Adobe Connect meetings
    14. Manage meeting attendees in Adobe Connect
  4. Adobe Connect administration and maintenance
    1. Enabling Adobe Connect HTML client
    2. Enabling single sign-on in Adobe Connect
    3. Change the timeout period
    4. Configure audio providers for Universal Voice
    5. Create and import users and groups in Adobe Connect
    6. Enhance Adobe Connect account security
    7. Generate usage reports in Adobe Connect Central
    8. Administer and manage Adobe Connect accounts
    9. Manage users and groups
    10. Set permissions for library files and folders
    11. Back up user data, database, and settings of Adobe Connect server
    12. Build custom reports from the Adobe Connect database
    13. Maintain disk space and clean cache on an Adobe Connect server
    14. Manage and monitor Adobe Connect server logs
    15. Start and stop Adobe Connect services
  5. Adobe Connect Events
    1. About Adobe Connect Events
    2. Manage Adobe Connect Events
    3. Attend Adobe Connect Events
    4. Create and edit Adobe Connect Events
    5. Event analytics for webinars
  6. Adobe Connect Training and Seminars
    1. About Adobe Connect courses and curriculum for training
    2. Conduct trainings with Adobe Connect
    3. Create and manage seminars
    4. Create training courses in Adobe Connect
    5. Create and manage training curriculum in Adobe Connect
    6. About Virtual Classrooms in Adobe Connect
    7. Adobe Connect reports to monitor training features
    8. Participate in Adobe Connect training sessions and meetings
    9. Session dashboard
    10. Closed captioning in Adobe Connect
  7. Audio and video conferencing in Adobe Connect
    1. Audio in Adobe Connect meetings
    2. Record and play back Adobe Connect meetings
    3. Video in Adobe Connect meetings
      1. Pop out video from video pod
  8. Manage user content in Adobe Connect
    1. View reports and usage information about uploaded content
    2. Work with content in the Content library
    3. Work with Adobe Connect library files and folders


Learn how to use the Chat pod during Adobe Connect sessions to collaborate more effectively.

The Chat Pod in Adobe Connect is an essential tool for text-based communication during virtual meetings or webinars. For example, when you first enter a meeting room, you can introduce yourself by chatting to everyone. If you have a question and don't want to disturb the meeting flow, you can privately send a chat message to another participant. 

As a presenter, you can use multiple Chat pods. Chat pods can display content to everyone or only to presenters (in Backstage).

Chat pod content persists in a meeting room until deleted. If you want to preserve the content for future use, send it through email.

The host can turn the chat panel on or off. Chats in the chat panel cannot be preserved or recorded in the meeting session.


Adobe Connect administrators can change pods, share settings, and other settings to adhere to governance standards. These settings affect the layout of meeting rooms and what can be done in them. For more information, view Working with compliance and control settings.

Create a Chat pod

A host can create and display multiple Chat pods. You can use different Chat pods for different layouts and meetings. To create a chat pod, follow the steps.

  1. From the pods menu       , select Chat> Add new Chat.

  2. If necessary, rename, move, and resize the Chat pod.

    Rename: Double-click on the name and edit. Click anywhere on the screen to save the name. 

    Move: Click and hold the title bar (the top part of the pod) and drag it to the desired location.

    Resize: Click and drag the edge or corner to resize the pod. Drag outward to make the pod larger or inward to make it smaller.

Send public or private chat messages

Use the Chat pod to compose a message and send it to a specific participant, all presenters at the meeting, or all attendees. To proceed with chat messages, follow the following steps.

  1. By default, everyone can view the chat messages. The hosts and presenters can add more tabs to do a private chat by clicking Add a tab    at the top of the Chat Pod. You can choose among Hosts, Presenters, or any attendee.

    At the top of the Chat pod, you can view different conversations in different tabs.

    Chat pod
    At the top of the Chat pod, tabs let you view different conversations.

  2. Select the text box in the Chat pod and compose your message.

  3. Do one of the following:
    • Select Send  at the right of the text box. 

    • Press Enter.

      Your name, the addressee's name, and the message appear in the Chat pod.

Use audio notifications for new chat messages

The Chat pod can generate a notification to alert a user about any new message. This option is available individually for each Chat pod and is specific to a session. 

Enabling sound alerts for chat messages in Adobe Connect significantly boosts participant engagement and responsiveness during sessions.

Enable sound alerts in the Chat pod for new messages.
Enable sound alerts in the Chat pod for new messages.

Clear messages from a Chat pod

Chat pod messages are persistent and are available in different layouts of the same meeting room. When an empty Chat pod is available in a meeting, a host can clear all messages for all attendees. You cannot retrieve the cleared chat messages. Hosts can also hide a Chat pod and create a new pod. You cannot retrieve the cleared chat messages.

Use the following steps to clear messages from the Chat pod.

  1. Select options   in the upper-right corner of the Chat pod.

  2. Select Clear Chat.

Disable private chat between participants

By default, two participants can chat privately. However, as a host or presenter, you can turn off this option to prevent private chat by following these steps:

  1. From options  in the Chat pod, select Preferences.

  2. Preferences dialog box opens.

    Go to Settings for chat.

  3. Deselect Allow participants to chat privately.

Use chat notifications for presenters and hosts

If you're a host or presenter, chat notifications let you communicate with your audience while presenting. The meeting window is minimized or maximized to full-screen, concealing the Chat pod. If an attendee sends a message while you're presenting, a notification appears in the lower-right corner of the screen. You can view the sender's name and the first few words of the message in the notification window.

Chat notifications are enabled by default. However, you can turn off the notifications during presentations. Use the following steps to manage notifications for the Chat pod:

  1. From options  in the Chat pod, select Preferences.
    Preferences dialog box opens.

  2. From Chat notification time, select Disable or set a time duration from the list to display each notification.

Format chat text

Adobe Connect provides basic text formatting options in the chat pod, including bold, italic, and color formatting. 

From options  in the Chat pod, select Preferences. In MY SETTINGS, use the following options to format chat text.

Text size: From the font size list, choose the size for your text messages. 

Chat color: From the font color list, choose the color for your text messages. 

Sound on: Turn it ON or OFF to receive chat notifications accordingly.  

Email and save chat messages

Hosts and presenters can email a chat history for future reference.

While you are logged into a meeting room, all the messages you send and receive remain in your Chat pod.  To preserve the chat history, a host or presenter can email the chat content.

The host can request e-mail chat from the Everyone tab, Hosts tab, Presenters tab, and any private chat in which they've been participating.  

The host can view all transcripts from the entire chat history under different headers:

  • Transcript from Chat with Everyone
  • Transcript from Chat with Hosts
  • Transcript from Chat with Presenters
  • Transcript from Chat with XYZ

To email chat, select options  in the Chat pod. From MANAGE CHAT, select Email chat.

Send public or private chat messages in chat panel

Use the Chat panel to create a chat and send it to a specific participant, all presenters at the meeting, or all attendees. The host can select or deselect the Enable Chat Panel for this room option as per their requirements.


Chat panel isn’t part of the recording. You can use this panel for informal chat.

  1. From the meeting menu, select Preferences.
    This opens Preferences panel.

  2. From Chat, select Enable Chat Panel for this room.
    By default, this option remains enabled.

    Select Done.

  3. In the meeting room, select Open chat panel.

    Open chat panel

    On the right side, chat panel opens, and you can start chatting with everyone, hosts, presenters, or individual participants.

    Chat panel

  4. Select Close chat panel to close the chat panel from your screen.

How chat panel interacts with other pods

Every pod interacts uniquely with the Chat Panel. While working with the chat panel, you may notice the following behavior of the chat panel while interacting with different pods.

  • While screen sharing from the Share pod, clicking on the chat icon will open the chat in the Chat Panel if it's enabled for the meeting room. Otherwise, it will open in the available Chat pod. 
  • When selecting an attendee from the Attendee pod for a private chat, the chat will open in the Chat Panel if enabled for the meeting room. Otherwise, it will open in the available Chat pod. 
  • Chat Panel will not be visible live when switching on prepare mode.

Best practices to use Chat pod

  • Establish Guidelines: Set clear guidelines for chat pod usage at the beginning of the session. This could include encouraging participants to use it for asking questions, sharing relevant resources, or making brief comments related to the discussion.
  • Use Formatting: Encourage participants to use formatting options such as bold, italics, or text color to make their messages more readable and visually appealing.
  • Manage Chat Flow: Monitor the chat pod regularly to ensure that questions are addressed, discussions remain productive, and any technical issues are promptly resolved.
  • Review Chat Transcript: After the session, provide participants with access to the chat transcript so they can review any information shared or discussions that took place during the meeting.

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