Bugs fixed in ColdFusion API Manager 2016 Update 1

Bugs fixed in ColdFusion API Manager 2016 Update 1

Bug ID Description Component
CF-4198306 When OAuth2 is used and after obtaining the token, sending the token in post body results in sending an empty body to the API endpoint by API Manager. API Manager: Security
CF-4198316 Deleting a SoapProxy API, throws an internal server error (Error 500). API Manager: SOAP Proxy
CF-4198383 In a cluster, policies do not get created. API Manager: Cluster
CF-4198140 Chunked encoding fails to work with a connector. API Manager: Core
CF-4198365 If you do not specify Scheme and basePath in Swagger, Swagger import fails. API Manager: Swagger
CF-4198344 A SoapProxy API is not accessible after changing the API lifecycle from Draft to Published. API Manager: SOAP Proxy
CF-4198370 Support for multiple domain names to be supported in API Manager. API Manager: SOAP Proxy
CF-4198670 Any exception raised by policies is returned with a status code 500. API Manager: Core
CF-4198624 SOAP to REST conversion fails when Operations do not exist within PortTypes. API Manager: SOAP2REST
CF-4198422 If organization name has a space in it, then the Analytics Dashboard works unexpectedly. API Manager: Multitenancy
CF-4198708 The API Manager throws a SoapProxy-related exception after updating an existing REST API. API Manager: Publisher Portal
CF-4198745 Introduce an option to specify chunked encoding for request data. API Manager: Publisher Portal
CF-4198672 The Edit API icon is not visible on non-windows platforms. API Manager: Publisher Portal
CF-4198012 The Search APIs text search field works unexpectedly when a subscriber views all the subscribed APIs in My APIs section. API Manager: Consumer Portal
CF-4198343 The Analytics dashboard may throw an Internal Server error when the server load is higher than expected. API Manager: Monitoring & Analytics


Enable API request/response logging to trace request and response packets from the API Manager to a backend service.

API Manager: Logging


Import a Swagger specification document additionally through:

  1. Choose a Swagger document by browsing to any location in the computer
  2. Copy-paste a Swagger document in the text area

API Manager: Swagger


Write JavaScript to connect to any database and authenticate users, fetch users, and perform other tasks.

API Manager: Security

Known issues

After installing Update 1 from the API Manager Administrator, you may be redirected to the login page of the portal, even before the server has restarted successfully.

As a workaround, wait for the server to start before logging in to the portal.

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