In the authoring window of your project, click the Quick Generate icon in the upper-right corner of the standard toolbar.
Learn how you can generate an iOS app using the Mobile app output preset in RoboHelp.
For details on the mobile app output preset in RoboHelp, see Generate Mobile App output.
Generate an iOS mobile app
Select a Mobile app output preset in the Quick Generate dialog box. To configure the settings, do one of the following:
- Click the Edit Settings icon
in the Quick Generate dialog box.
- Click the Output tab at the left side of the Standard toolbar.
The Output view opens.
- Click the Edit Settings icon
In the Output toolbar, click Output Presets. In the Output Presets panel, do one of the following:
- Double-click the desired Mobile app output preset.
- Click the
icon next to the desired output preset and select Edit.
Configure the output preset. See Configure a Mobile app output preset for details.
In the Signing Key tab of the configuration settings, select Generate iOS App and specify the following:
Digital certificate
Specify the Digital certificate. For details on how to create a Digital certificate, see Create Digital certificate.
Certificate Password
Password of digital certificate.
For details, see Generate a certificate signing request.
Provisioning profile
This contains details of the registered testing device. Until the APP is not posted on the App store, it can be installed only on registered testing devices.
For details, see Generate provisioning profile (Mobile provision).
To save your settings, click the Save icon
in the upper-left corner of the standard toolbar in the Output view.
Click the Generate Preset icon
in the Output Presets panel.
You can then view a progress bar next to the selected output preset in the Output Presets panel. Once the output generation is complete, a Success dialog box is visible at the lower-right corner of the screen.
Once the app is generated scan the QR code on the registered device for testing. This will download and install the app on the device.
Create digital certificate and provisioning profile for iOS APP
Create Digital certificate
To create digital certificate you need a Apple developer ID. It has an annual cost. However, this cost is applicable only for creating an APP.
To create Apple Developer ID go to My Apple ID.
After setting up your Apple developer account and ID, perform the following steps to create a digital certificate.
- Generate a certificate signing request (CSR): This can be created on Mac and Windows devices (with some installations). It is easier to create it on a Mac device.
- Associate CSR with Apple ID on Apple developer site.
- You can then Download Apple .cer file and convert it into digital certificate
Generate a certificate signing request
For Windows OS
Download and install OpenSSL on your Windows computer from the following location:
Download and install Visual C++ 2008 Redistributables files that are listed on the Open SSL download page.
After the installation is complete, restart the computer.
Open a Windows command session, and ensure that your current working directory is the OpenSSL bin directory. For example: c:\OpenSSL\bin\
Create the private key by entering the following in the command line:
openssl genrsa -out <key file name> <encryption bit level>
For example, to create a private key name mykey with 2048 encryption bit level:
openssl genrsa -out mykey.key 2048
Huomautus:When using OpenSSL, do not ignore error messages. If OpenSSL generates an error message, it still generate a key file. However, this key file may not be usable. If you encounter any errors, check your syntax and run the command again.
Create the CSR file by entering the following in the command line:
openssl req -new -key mykey.key -out CertificateSigningRequest.certSigningRequest -subj "/emailAddress=<your email address>, CN=<certificate name>, C=<country code>"
For example, to create a CSR file with email, certificate name My Certificate and country code US:
openssl req -new -key mykey.key -out CertificateSigningRequest.certSigningRequest -subj "/, CN=My Certificate , C=US"
You will be prompted for a password.
Keep a note of this password. This is your Certificate Password that you will provide in the Signing Key tab in the mobile app output preset configuration settings.
For iOS
- Open Keychain Access. The Keychain Access application is in the Utilities subdirectory of the Applications directory.
- On the Keychain Access menu, select Preferences.
- In the Preferences dialog box, click Certificates.
- Set Online Certificate Status Protocol and Certificate Revocation List to Off. Close the dialog box.
- On the Keychain Access menu, select Certificate Assistant > Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority.
- Enter the e-mail address and name that matches your iPhone developer account ID.
- Select Request is saved to Disk.
- Click the Continue button.
- Save the file (CertificateSigningRequest.certSigningRequest).
Associate CSR with Apple ID on Apple developer site
Upload the CSR file (created in previous step) on the Apple iPhone developer site. Click Certificates on the site.
Download Apple .cer file and convert it into digital certificate
In the following procedures (for Windows and iOS), you require the .cer file. You will receive this file from Apple in your e-mail provided in previous procedure as iPhone developer account ID.
For Windows OS
On Windows you need to convert .cer file to .pem file as described in the following procedure:
To convert the .cer file to a .pem file, run the following command-line statement from the OpenSSL bin directory:
openssl x509 -in -inform DER -out -outform PEM
For example:
openssl x509 -in “C:\RHAPP\iOS_development.cer” -inform DER -out “C:\RHAPP\iOS_development.PEM” -outform PEM
You can now generate a valid P12 file, based on the key and the PEM version of the iPhone developer certificate:
openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey “mykey.key” -in -out
For example:
openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey mykey.key –in “C:\RHAPP\iOS_development.PEM” -out “C:\RHAPP\iOS_development.P12”
The mykey.key is created during the Generating Certificate signing request procedure described above.
For iOS
- Open the Keychain Access application (in the Applications/Utilities folder).
- Select File > Import and navigate to the certificate file (the .cer file).
- Select the Keys category in Keychain Access.
- Select the private key associated with your iPhone Development Certificate.
- Command-click the iPhone Developer certificate and select, Export "iPhone Developer: Name...".
- Save your keystore in the Personal Information Exchange (.p12) file format.
- You will be prompted to create a password. Keep the password safe.
This is the Certificate Password that you will need to provide in Signing Key tab in the output preset configuration settings.
Register your testing device
- Go to the Apple Developer portal.
- Go to Device section. Under Manage tab, provide Device Name and Device ID (40 hex characters). To know your device id click this link.
Generate provisioning profile
- Go to the Apple Developer portal.
- Go to Provisioning section. Create a new profile under the Development tab.
- Fill the form with Profile Name (File name), Certificates (the .cer file created above), App ID and your development device.
Download the provisioning profile and keep it safe. You need to specify this in Provisioning Profile in the Signing Key tab of the output preset configuration settings.