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Share presentations, documents, images, music, and videos

Learn how to share presentations, documents, images, music and videos in Adobe Connect.

The Share pod in Adobe Connect allows hosts and presenters to seamlessly share various types of content, enhancing participant engagement and collaboration. You can present PDFs, PowerPoint presentations (PPT or PPTX), images (JPEG or PNG), music (MP3), and videos (MP4) with participants. Documents uploaded to the Content Library can be presented directly from the Share pod without needing to be uploaded again.

The following topics are covered in this article:

Select content to share

You can share content by uploading the required file from your computer or selecting an already uploaded file from the Content Library. The maximum file size that can be shared is 1024 MB.

Share content for first time

Follow the steps to share content for the first time:

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Drag and drop the file on an empty share pod to start sharing.
    • Select Document in the share pod.
    • In the upper-right corner of the Share pod, select the Share pod options    an and select Share > Document.
  2. In the Select documents to share dialog box, select Browse my computer.


    This dialog box does not appear while dragging and dropping files.

  3. Select the document that you want to share, and select Share.

    The selected document appears in the Share pod. The document name appears in the title bar of the pod.

Share an existing content

Follow the steps to select the content to share the existing content:

  1. Do any of the following:
    • Select Document in the share pod.
    • In the upper-right corner of the Share pod, select the Share pod options    an and select Share > Document.

    Select documents to share dialog opens.

  2. Select one of the following:


    Displays files shared recently in the room.


    Displays whiteboards created for the current room.

    Uploaded Files

    Displays files shared recently in the room.

    Select Browse My Computer to upload content from your computer. The document is added to the Uploaded Content folder for the meeting in Adobe Connect Central

    My Content

    Displays content in your folder in Adobe Connect Central. View Content library for more information.

    Shared Content

    Displays content in Adobe Connect Central that is available to all account holders with the appropriate permissions.

    Browse my computer

    Upload a file from your device. The uploaded file will be saved in Adobe Content Library.

  3. Select the document that you want to share, and select Share.

    The selected document appears in the Share pod. The document name appears in the title bar of the pod.

Presenting PowerPoint presentations

When presenting PPTX files, the share pod displays updates to include the slides, a sidebar, and a control bar at the bottom. Hosts and Presenters can navigate through the slides to deliver the presentation.  


The central part of the pod displays the presentation slides.

Presentation playbar

Select share pod options   and then select Show presentation playbar to display the presentation playbar. A bar at the bottom of the presentation gives you control over the presentation playback, audio, attachments, screen size, and closed captions. The bar is visible to hosts only unless a host chooses to display it to participants.

Presentation side bar

The area on the right of the presentation shows the presentation name, outline, notes, and search tabs. Select share pod options   then select Show side bar to participants to display the side bar to the participants. You can toggle the sidebar display by selecting the sidebar icon located at the bottom-right corner of the share pod.


After importing a PowerPoint presentation into the Share pod, you may encounter a few issues in the content. Adobe Connect then notifies you about the discrepancies in the uploaded content and suggests workarounds. This proactive approach ensures you to address the issues upfront without needing to contact support.

View Guidelines for sharing PPTX presentations for more information. The document lists the errors after importing the presentations and the recommendations to fix the errors.

View presentation Outline

The Outline tab of the presentation side bar displays the presentation outline, which lists all the slides in the presentation. You can use the outline tab to quickly view the number of slides in the presentation and select any slide to open it directly. By default, the current slide in the share pod is highlighted.

View presentation slide notes

The Notes tab displays the slide notes in the PowerPoint presentation. The notes are not displayed to the participants.

Search text in a presentation

Use the following steps to search any text in the presentation:

  1. Select the Search tab in the sidebar.

  2. Type the text to search for directly into the text box.
    Search results are displayed below the text box. 

  3. Select any slide title in the search result to display that slide.

Presentation playbar options

The presentation playbar at the bottom of the screen allows users to control appearance and playback.

Playbar options Description
Play or pause Pauses or resumes the current slide.
Moves to the previous slide in the presentation.
Moves to the next slide in the presentation.
Slide progress bar
Shows and controls the playback location within the current slide. The position marker moves as the slide plays. You can drag the marker arrow forward or back in the current slide to change your playback location. You can also select a specific location on the progress bar to move the slide marker position and slide playback there.
Current slide number
The slide progress bar shows the number of currently displayed slides and the total number of slides (for example, 2 and 10, respectively).
Shows the status of the current slide, such as playing, stopped, no audio, or presentation complete.
Shows the current and total slide time as the slide plays (for example, 00.02 and 00.05, respectively).
Audio volume Mute or unmute the speaker.
Closed captions
View closed captions used in presentation.

Share MP4 videos

Upload MP4 files directly into a Share pod in an Adobe Connect room using either the Adobe Connect application or your browser.

When uploading MP4 files to an Adobe Connect session, it is important to be aware of certain limitations and recommendations to ensure a smooth playback experience for all participants.

Adobe Connect provides alerts to inform users about potential issues with their MP4 files. View Guidelines for sharing MP4 files for more information.

Present PDF documents

The Outline tab of the presentation sidebar displays the presentation outline, which lists all the slides in the presentation. The following features may not display fully during sharing:

  • Password protect files
  • Comments and multimedia objects

Draw and annotate on PDFs

  • Select the Draw icon from the title bar of the Share pod to enable the option. Drawing tools appear on the left of the Share pod.
  • Select the Use pointer icon to enable the annotation. 

Download PDF

Select Save as from the Share pod options    to download the PDF. Hosts and presenters can allow attendees to download the PDFs from the Share pod.


This option is available to participants only when Sync navigation is turned off.

Print snapshot

This option is available when Draw option is enabled. From the Share pod options  , select Print. It only allows printing snapshot of the current page where annotations are printed.

Turn off display synchronization for documents

By default, Adobe Connect synchronizes the display of documents so that attendees view the frame that the presenter views. A host or presenter can use the sync button to turn off synchronization, which lets attendees go through presentations or PDF documents at their own pace.

With the PDF displayed in a Share pod, select the Sync navigation from the Share pod options   to turn off synchronization. 

Download PDF
Disable synchronization

Allow participants to draw

Hosts can allow participants to draw on the shared documents. From the Share pod options  , select Allow participants to draw.


This option is only available when Sync Navigation is turned ON.

Export snapshot

Once the host allows participants to draw, they can take a snapshot and export it. Use the following steps to export the snapshot:

  1. From the Share pod options  , select Export snapshot.

  2. Select one of the following:

    • Save as PNG: Select this option to save the snapshot on your device in PNG format.
    • Email snapshot: Select Email snapshot and add your email ID in the Email Snapshot dialog box. Select Send email, and the snapshot will be sent to your email inbox.

Print and Export snapshot options are only available when the host enables Draw option.

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