- Adobe Connect User Guide
- Introduction
- Adobe Connect Meeting
- Start, attend, and manage Adobe Connect meetings and sessions
- Host and Presenter Area in Adobe Connect
- Adobe Connect application for desktop
- Adobe Connect pre-meeting diagnostic test
- Adobe Connect Central home page
- Share content during a session
- Update and manage Adobe Connect meetings
- View meeting reports and analytics data
- Work with Pods
- Reactions in Adobe Connect room
- Accessibility features in Adobe Connect
- Create virtual meeting rooms and arrange layouts
- Breakout rooms in Adobe Connect meetings
- Manage meeting attendees in Adobe Connect
- Start, attend, and manage Adobe Connect meetings and sessions
- Adobe Connect administration and maintenance
- Enabling Adobe Connect HTML client
- Enabling single sign-on in Adobe Connect
- Change the timeout period
- Configure audio providers for Universal Voice
- Create and import users and groups in Adobe Connect
- Enhance Adobe Connect account security
- Generate usage reports in Adobe Connect Central
- Administer and manage Adobe Connect accounts
- Manage users and groups
- Set permissions for library files and folders
- Back up user data, database, and settings of Adobe Connect server
- Build custom reports from the Adobe Connect database
- Maintain disk space and clean cache on an Adobe Connect server
- Manage and monitor Adobe Connect server logs
- Start and stop Adobe Connect services
- Adobe Connect Events
- Adobe Connect Training and Seminars
- About Adobe Connect courses and curriculum for training
- Conduct trainings with Adobe Connect
- Create and manage seminars
- Create training courses in Adobe Connect
- Create and manage training curriculum in Adobe Connect
- About Virtual Classrooms in Adobe Connect
- Adobe Connect reports to monitor training features
- Participate in Adobe Connect training sessions and meetings
- Session dashboard
- Closed captioning in Adobe Connect
- Audio and video conferencing in Adobe Connect
- Manage user content in Adobe Connect
How to initiate and manage video feed in Adobe Connect virtual meetings using the Video pod and webcam.
Video Pod in Adobe Connect allows Hosts and Presenters to share a webcam video feed with the participants to make the virtual sessions more engaging and useful. Adobe Connect supports a myriad webcam video sharing options.
When you create a meeting, by default, the option Enhanced Audio/Video Experience is enabled.
Enable this option for improved audio and video including increased resolution, clarity, smoothness, and reliability. All attendees can join from a modern browser, from the desktop application, or from the latest mobile apps. A few things to note:
- You cannot join a meeting from Classic mobile apps.
- Meeting recordings will be available as MP4 videos instead of the interactive format.
For more information on what's supported and what's not in Enhanced and Standard modes, see the Capability matrix.
Hosts, presenters, and participants with enhanced rights can simultaneously share video from webcams connected to their computers. You can select the webcam feed to broadcast if you have multiple webcams working. If a user changes the selection or a connected webcam is unplugged, the change happens in real time. Also, Adobe Connect remembers this setting for your future meetings.
Adobe Connect administrators can change pod, audio, and video settings to adhere to standards for governance. For more information, see Working with compliance and control settings.
Supported video layouts and aspect ratios
Video feeds in a meeting are displayed in the Video pod in either Filmstrip, Grid or Single Speaker layout. Hosts, Presenters, and participants with enhanced video rights can set a video feed as the primary video from among all the video feeds.
In Full Screen mode, the Title bar is not visible and only the video feeds are displayed. Hover the pointer at the upper edge of the full screen video to access the menu options and the Exit Full Screen button.
Filmstrip layout |
Grid layout |
Single Speaker layout |
Display in the Video pod |
Main video occupies most of the pod area with other videos being smaller in size. |
All videos occupy equal area. |
Displays only main video in the pod area |
When Host switches layout |
Host's video is main video. |
All videos are equal. |
Displays only main video |
Primary feed |
Hosts, Presenters, and participants with enhanced video rights can set a video feed as the primary video. |
All videos are equal. |
Hosts, Presenters, and participants with enhanced video rights can set a video feed as the primary video. |
Aspect ratio on Windows |
User defined. |
User defined. |
User defined. |
Aspect ratio on Mac |
Widescreen displayed in 4:3 ratio. |
Widescreen (16:9) with pillar boxing. |
Widescreen displayed in 4:3 ratio. |
Network and CPU performance |
Better than Grid mode. |
May deteriorate depending on the load. |
Better than Grid mode. |
View Support |
Supported in both Standard View and Enhanced Audio/Video Experience |
Supported in both Standard View and Enhanced Audio/Video Experience |
Supported only in Enhanced Audio/Video Experience |
When a meeting host switches to Filmstrip layout, the Host’s video is the main video. A host can mark any video as the main video. If any feed is hidden from the strip, a scroll icon is available at the end. Any user can scroll the strip on either sides to see other available feeds. Scrolling the feed does not affect the display of other users.
Layout |
Aspect ratio on Windows |
Aspect ratio on Mac |
Grid |
User-defined |
Widescreen (16:9) with pillar boxing |
Filmstrip |
User-defined |
Widescreen (4:3) |
Single Speaker |
User-defined |
Widescreen (4:3) |
When using Filmstrip mode, Adobe Connect typically consumes less bandwidth and processing power, as compared to the Grid Mode. This mode provides a better meeting experience for all the attendees.
Click the Start My Webcam button on the Video pod.
In the Video pod, a preview image appears so you can adjust the camera position. If you want to use a different connected camera, select it from the Video pod options.
Megjegyzés:To cancel video sharing, click outside the preview image in the Video pod.
Click Start Sharing to broadcast your video to all participants.
To pause or stop video, hover the mouse over Video pod and select the ellipsis icon.
Pause: To pause the webcam video.
Stop sharing: To stop the webcam video sharing
When video is paused, the last image broadcast from your camera remains static in the Video pod until you click Play
to resume broadcasting. When video is stopped, the broadcast image disappears entirely.
Megjegyzés:Hosts can pause or stop video from any attendee.
Webcam video in Video pod and the available controls A. Flip or mirror your screen B. Make the Video pod full screen C. Menu icon to access all options of the Video pod
Webcam video in Video pod and the available controls To optimize bandwidth consumption, share your video using the Adobe Connect application for desktop. A persistent notifier to use the application is displayed. For details about the Adobe Connect application, see Sharing a computer screen, document, or whiteboard.
Notifier to suggest using the application for desktop to share webcam video Notifier to suggest using the application for desktop to share webcam video
Enable participants to share webcam video
By default, only Hosts and Presenters can broadcast video. However, Hosts can enable participants to broadcast by doing any of the following:
To enable video for all participants, click the video pod on the tool bar, and select Enable Webcam for Participants.
To enable video for specific participants, select one or more in the Attendees pod. Then choose any of the following from the pop-up menu: Video Share, Change Role - Make Host, or Make Presenter.
Settings to share webcam video
You can access the various settings of Video pod either directly from the Video pod menu or by accessing Video pod preferences.
In Filmstrip mode, to set a video as the main video, hover pointer over the video and click Set as Main Video.
You can maximize the Video pod within the meeting room. Click the icon
, and click Maximize.
You can select a particular webcam to use in your meetings from the Video pod. Click the menu icon
, and from the Select Camera option, choose one of the attached webcams.
Hosts can select either the Filmstrip or the Gird layout from Video pod options menu
You can make the Video pod Full Screen. In Full Screen mode, the Title bar is not visible. Hover the pointer at the upper edge of the full screen video to access the menu options and the Exit Full Screen button. Alternatively, hit escape key to turn off the full screen mode.
Note: Full Screen mode is different from the Maximize option. The former option can be done by all the attendees by clicking the full screen tab on the upper right side whereas the latter option is only available to the hosts. The host can maximize it for all the attendees.
Hosts and Presenters can enforce their view settings for all the attendees, by clicking Force Presenter View.
Note: Force Presenter View option in the Video pod is not available in Break Out rooms.
In the Preferences, select Disable Webcam Preview to disable preview when you start your webcam and start sharing the video.
In the Preferences, select Highlight Active Speakers to visually highlight the video of the speaker who is speaking at the moment. Multiple videos are highlighted, if multiple participants are speaking simultaneously.
You can choose the aspect ratio from the two available options—Standard (4:3) and Wide Screen (16:9). These changes are applicable to all the participants sharing their webcam.
Share HD video from webcam
You can share and consume HD (720p) live video feed. Hosts can set the video quality to HD in the Meeting Preferences. The broadcasted HD feed is available in both, the Filmstrip mode and the Grid mode. Adobe recommends using the Filmstrip mode for better performance.
When HD video sharing is enabled, only one HD stream is allowed in a meeting currently.
If a meeting has a Host and a Presenter, whoever turns on camera first can access the HD video slot to be able to share HD videos in the meeting. In Participant and Host views, a Participant or a Host can view which video cam feed is HD through the HD label that appears after hovering the pointer over the video. Additionally, a Host can hover the pointer on any video and click the HD label to convert the video into an HD video or to pass on the HD video slot to another attendee, including a Participant.
The camera publisher can change the Video Quality in Meeting Preferences to HD.
Video settings are not available for the HTML clients.
To understand how the HD feed is allocated in a meeting if multiple subscribers start sharing HD camera feeds and change upon switching layout, see the following table.
Sharing scenario |
Filmstrip layout |
Grid layout |
When starting to share HD feeds |
HD alloted to the primary feed irrespective of who is sharing. |
HD feed alloted to the first HD publisher. |
When switching from Filmstrip to Grid |
- |
HD alloted to a single publisher randomly. |
When switching from Grid to Filmstrip |
HD alloted to the primary feed. |
- |
When a HD video publisher stops sharing |
Primary feed continues to be an HD stream. |
Freed HD slot is alloted to the next user who publishes HD camera stream. HD slot is not allotted to any existing HD camera stream publishers. |
When a user starts sharing after all available HD slots are taken |
The user publishes a non-HD stream. |
The user publishes a non-HD stream. |
Switch HD slot from a user publishing HD stream to another user publishing non-HD stream |
Hosts, Presenters, and participants with enhanced video rights can set a video feed as the primary video to make it HD. |
Both users stop publishing and the second user starts publishing to take the freed HD slot. |
HD feed is published only if the available display area in the Video Pod is at least 720 pixels in height. If the Video Pod is smaller in size, then making it Full Screen does not start HD. Change the Video Pod's actual size to more than 720p to start publishing HD feeds.
In a meeting, only one participant can publish video feed as an HD stream. If a participant's hardware cannot publish HD video but the participant has an HD slot available in a meeting, the meeting treats the user's video feed as an HD stream. There is no visible indicator to identify the HD feed.
In Connect 12, the microphone/camera experience is selected by default.
Note: This option is not supported in the Standard View.
Change your background before entering the meeting room
All participants can change the virtual background before video meetings. You can either blur, more blur or replace it entirely with given background images. You can apply a blur effect to the video or replace the video with any image that is provided.
To change the background image, perform the following:
To enable video, select the video toggle button. Once the video is enables, select Edit video background and select any image or apply a blur to an existing background.
Select Blur to blur your background a little. To completely blur your background, select More blur. It will completely conceal the background.
You can also use one of the offered images as your background. The preview is available in the camera window.
Click on Done to save after selecting the desired virtual background.
No one can see your background till you click on done and pop-up gets closed.
Change your background during the meeting
All the participants can enable or change the virtual background during the meeting.
On the top panel, click on webcam icon to edit the camera settings.
From the drop-down, select Edit video background.
Select Blur to blur your background a little. To completely blur your background, select More blur. It will completely conceal the background.
You can also use one of the offered images as your background. To turn off the virtual background, select None. The preview is available in the camera window.
Select Done to save after selecting the desired virtual background.
- No one can see your background till you are done and pop-up gets closed.
- Enabling virtual background is still in beta version.
Your meeting will be framed by your selected virtual background the entire time.
Rights of Host
There are few rights that only host can hold for the virtual background settings. They can accessible after entering the meeting room. Only host can view and access to these options.
In the top panel, click on webcam icon.
From the drop-down, you can access the Host options.
Select Enable webcam for participants, to let the participants share their webcam in the meeting.
Under Preferences, you can also change privacy options of the participants for webcam by selecting Disable webcam preview under Privacy.
Hosts can change the aspect ratio of the video as per their preferences. To change the ratio as Standard (4:3) or Wide screen (16:9), select the preferred radio button.
Change the video quality of the participants with range from low-ultra-HD (240p- 1080p). Higher quality produces videos that are smoother and have better resolution, but it also increases the usage of bandwidth.
Select Done to apply changes.
If your video quality is low due to bandwidth, try turning off the video background.
Join using browser
When joining virtual meeting using browser, there are few settings that are required.
Open the meeting URL in web browser.
Select Continue in the browser, it shows a pop-up to allow microphone and camera, select Allow.
- When joining a meeting via web browser, same steps are followed for enabling virtual background.
- If the camera and audio are not available, you need to enable them for browser to access the resources.
- Depending on the Operating System, the steps to enable the camera are different.
Test microphone
Before attending a meeting, it's recommended that you test your microphone, and troubleshoot issues, if any. Click Test on the Microphone section, and then on the Test Microphone window, choose your microphone.
After testing the microphone, you can finally enter the room.
In-room Preferences
You can perform the following:
- Select a microphone.
- Test the microphone, adjust the volume, and apply noise suppression.
- Mute or unmute the mic.
- Allow participants to use the microphone.
- Allow participants to request microphone to allow all the participants in the meeting to request the host to unmute themselves and participate in the verbal discussion.
- If the host has allowed participants to use microphone, the option to Allow participants to request microphone is disabled.
- If the host has rejected the request for microphone, participant can raise it five times. After that, participant has to rejoin to raise the request again.
- Allow a single speaker so that hosts can avoid overlapping conversations. When one speaker clicks the button, it's disabled for other users until the current speaker clicks the button again.
You can perform the following:
- Select a camera.
- Turn on and off webcam.
- Edit video background.
- Enable and disable webcam for the participants.
- Manage video preferences.
To pause the camera during the meeting, select Pause.
ellipsis icon near the camera feed, and select
Connect to video telephony streams
The Video Telephony pod lets hosts share video streams with attendees, including any audio. When one-way communication is sufficient for a presentation, a telephony stream can be preferable to a two-way conference.
This feature is available for Adobe Connect on-premise customers only. Adobe Connect administrators can change pod, audio, and video settings to adhere to standards for governance. For more information, see Working with compliance and control settings.
Choose Video Telephony from the menu
at the top of the title bar and click Open Stream.
From the pop-up menu, choose the appropriate device. Your Adobe Connect administrator establishes the list of available devices. See Configure video telephony devices for more information.
Click Connect.
The Video Telephony pod appears for all attendees. When attendees hover the mouse over the pod, a volume control appears for stream audio.
To display volume control, hover the mouse over Video Telephony pod. To display volume control, hover the mouse over Video Telephony pod. -
In the upper right of the pod, hosts can click Pause Stream or pod menu to access Close Stream, Change Stream, or Mute Audio options.