מדריך למשתמש ביטול

Quiz pod


Learn how to use the Quiz pod during Adobe Connect to collaborate more effectively in virtual meetings and remote sessions.

Use the Quiz pod to engage and examine the learnings of your team. A quiz helps in team building and creates a better understanding of specific subjects. You can add and open different quizzes at the same time. For example, if you are conducting two training sessions on the same day, the team can participate in two quizzes at the same time.

Quiz pods are available in the host and presenter area of the meeting room. As a host, you can set a timer for the quiz and extend it based on requirements. You can also check the status of each participant’s submission.

As a participant, you can view your results, answers, and leaderboard after submitting the quiz. The quiz pod allows hosts to re-open the quiz multiple times.


Adobe Connect administrators can change pod, sharing, and other settings to adhere to standards for governance. These settings affect the layout of meeting rooms and what you can do in meeting rooms. For more information, view Working with compliance and control settings.

Create a quiz

A host can create and update the quiz pod. You can use different types of questions as required by the assessment.

From the pod menu   at the top of the title bar, select Quiz> Add new Quiz.

The quiz pod appears in a small window where you can add quiz with different types of questions.

Add a quiz to a Quiz pod

Use the following steps to add quiz questions to quiz pod:

  1. Select the type of question.

    • Multiple choice
    • Multiple answer
    • Fill in the blank
    • True or False
  2. Add the question.

  3. Select Publish.

Multiple choice

Add multiple choice questions in Quiz pod.

  1. Add the question.

  2. Add the options.

  3. Select +Add option to add more options.

  4. Select the correct answer by selecting the bullet.

  5. Select Add another question to add more questions.
    You can change the type of question from the above drop-down for question type. 


    If you are changing the type of question after adding the options, it retains the options in case of multiple choice, multiple answers and fill in the blank question.

  6. Select Show all questions to view all questions on the same page. You can change the sequence of the questions by dragging them up and down. Select delete to remove any question from the quiz.

  7. Select Publish to start the quiz.

    Multiple choice questions

Multiple answer

Add multiple answer questions in Quiz pod.

  1. Add the question.

  2. Add the options.

  3. Select +Add option to add more options.

  4. Select the correct answer(s) by selecting the bullet.

  5. Select Add another question to add more questions.
    You can change the type of question from the above drop-down for question type. 


    If you are changing the type of question after adding the options, it retains the options in case of multiple choice, multiple answers and fill in the blank question.

  6. Select Show all questions to view all questions on the same page. You can change the sequence of the questions by dragging them up and down. Select delete to remove any question from the quiz.

  7. Select Publish to start the quiz.

    Multiple answer questions

Fill in the blank

Add fill in the blank question in Quiz pod.

  1. Add the question.

  2. Add the options.

  3. With the help of highlighter , select the answer in the question statement. Correct answer by-default is marked in option A. 


    The sequence of the answers gets changed automatically for all participants once the quiz is live.

  4. Select +Add option to add more options.

  5. Select Add another question to add more questions.
    You can change the type of question from the above drop-down for question type. 


    If you are changing the type of question after adding the options, it retains the options in case of multiple choice, multiple answers and fill in the blank question.

  6. Select Show all questions to view all questions on the same page. You can change the sequence of the questions by dragging them up and down. Select delete to remove any question from the quiz.

  7. Select Publish to start the quiz.

    Fill in the blanks question

True and False

Add true or false questions in Quiz pod.

  1. Add the question.

  2. Select the correct answer. (True/False)

  3. Select Add another question to add more questions.
    You can change the type of question from the above drop-down for question type. 


    If you are changing the type of question after adding the options, it retains the options in case of multiple choice, multiple answers and fill in the blank question.

  4. Select Show all questions to view all questions on the same page. You can change the sequence of the questions by dragging them up and down. Select delete to remove any question from the quiz.

  5. Select Publish to start the quiz.

    true and false questions

Short Answer

A short answer question requires a brief, concise response without extensive explanation. Add a question for a short answer in Quiz pod.

  1. Add the question.


    Participants will be provided an answer field with a limit of 2000 characters.

  2. Select Add another question to add more questions.
    You can change the type of question from the above drop-down for question type. 


    If you change the question type after adding the options,  the options are preserved for multiple choice, multiple answers, and fill in the blank questions.

  3. Select Show all questions to view all questions on the same page. You can change the sequence of the questions by dragging them up and down. Click on delete to remove any question from the quiz.

  4. Click on Publish to start the quiz.

    short answer question

Import quiz 

You can also add questions in bulk by importing the quiz. The quiz file to import will be in GIFT or .csv format.


The maximum limit of questions in an imported file is 10. 

  1. Select Import Quiz to import the quiz in the given file format.

    You can download a sample .csv file for your reference.


    Import Quiz

  2. Select Add all questions.

    change sample file
    Change sample file

    Select Change to update the file that you want to import.

  3. Select Add another question to add more questions.
    You can change the type of question from the above drop-down for question type. 

  4. Select Show all questions to view all questions on the same page. You can change the sequence of the questions by dragging them up and down. Select delete to remove any question from the quiz.

  5. Select Publish to start the quiz.

Export quiz 

Hosts can export the quiz using a quiz pod for backup, data analysis, or record keeping.

  1. From the quiz menu , select Export quiz.

  2. In Export quiz dialog box, choose the format you want to export the quiz.

  3. Select Confirm.
    The quiz is downloaded in the selected format.

Edit quiz 

Once the quiz is published, admin can add or delete the questions listed in the quiz pod.

  1. Click on menu   , select Edit quiz.

  2. Click on Add another question to add more questions.

  3. Change the sequence of the questions by dragging up and down. Click on delete   to remove any question from the quiz.
    Click on Settings to edit the settings of the same quiz pod.

  4. Click on Publish to start the quiz.

    drag questions and edit the quiz

Close and reopen a quiz

Once the quiz is live, you'll be able to close and reopen the quiz. 

  1. Select Close quiz now to close the quiz immediately.

  2. Once quiz is closed, select Re-open quiz as per requirement.

Settings for quiz pod

The admin can change the settings to set a timer and results and randomize questions while creating or editing the quiz. The admin can’t change the pod settings if the quiz is live. 

Set time limit
Enable this toggle to set a time limit for the participants. From the drop-down, select the minutes and seconds for the quiz. The maximum time limit is 9 minutes and 30 seconds.
Admin can extend the time while the quiz is live.

  1. Click on the timer when the quiz is live.

  2. Select Extend time by 30 sec.


The timer can be extended to the quiz's maximum time limit, which is 9 minutes and 30 seconds.

Extend time for quiz

Randomize question order
Enable this toggle to change the sequence of the questions. All the participants will receive the same set of questions but in a different random sequence.

Randomize option order for all questions
Enable this toggle to change the sequence of options in the set of questions. All the participants would receive the same set of questions, but the options available would have different randomized orders.

Reveal correct answers after quiz submission
Enable this toggle to display the correct answers to the participants once they have submitted the quiz.


This option is available in settings before publishing the quiz.

Show result as,
Select this to show results in percentage form.
Select this to show results in marks form.
You can select any one of them to show the results to participants.

settings for quiz

Broadcast the leaderboard

As a host, you have the right to make the results accessible to everyone. However, this can only be done when the quiz ends or you close the quiz.

When the quiz is closed or ended, enable the toggle for Make results public. All the participants can view the leaderboard after submitting their answers.

How to answer a quiz

As a participant, you can answer the questions added to the quiz from the following steps:

  1. Select  Start quiz.

    start a quiz

  2. Select the answer to the question, and select Next for the next question.
    Select Previous to go back to the previous question.

  3. Select Submit answers.
    The quiz scores appear on the screen.

  4. Select View my answers to review the submitted answers.

    View scorecard

Multiple attempts

As many times admin is reopening the quiz, participants can participate in the quiz. 

View your report card

Once you submit your answers as a participant, a quiz summary and a report card appear in the quiz pod. 

Check the leaderboard

View the leaderboard after submitting your answers to the same quiz pod.

Select on Leaderboard to check the scores of all the quiz participants.


Leaderboard is only visible when host allows to make the results public.

View reports

As an admin, you can check summary and reports for the quiz.

  1. Go to Connect Central, select Meetings.

  2. Select  User Meetings> Your account> Meeting folder.

  3. Select Reports.

  4. Check reports by attendees, sessions, questions, and quizzes.
    Select Download Report Data to download the report sheet in your system.

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