Troubleshoot Folio Builder

Folio Builder login error, "ID and password do not match."

Entering an incorrect ID and password information can cause this error. If you can log in to the Adobe Digital Publishing Suite dashboard using the same credentials, and you haven't entered a typo in the Folio Builder Sign In screen, try this solution:

  1. Sign in to with those credentials.
  2. When presented with a Terms of Usage dialog box, accept the terms if you agree to them. If you are not presented with a Terms of Usage dialog box, a typo is the likely cause of your issue. In this case, confirm the ID and password, and use the Forgot Password link to reset it.
  3. Try to sign in to the Folio Builder panel again.

Folio Builder error, "Invalid asset location."

This error appears when source assets for overlays have been moved or deleted. Use the Overlay Creator panel to make sure that all interactive objects point to the appropriate source file or source folder. If you've moved the assets from one machine or location to another, the Image sequence and web content overlays use absolute paths. Therefore, it's necessary to respecify that content location in the Overlay Creator panel.

For Web View overlays, make sure that you use a valid URL for a website.

Folio Builder doesn't create a folio

If you click New in Folio Builder panel and none is created, it's possible you don't have the necessary applications installed. (The Error #3016 message also indicates that the necessary applications aren’t installed.)

  1. Reinstall the Adobe Digital Publishing Suite components, and try bundling again. See Installing DPS Tools.

  2. Reset InDesign preferences, and try building again. See Restore all preferences and default settings in InDesign Help.

Folio Builder error, "Content generation: The folder is invalid for import."

This error occurs when you import, and your InDesign or HTML filenames aren't suffixed with "_v" for vertical and "_h" for horizontal. See Setting up the folder structure.

This error can also result from white space at the end of a filename when importing multiple articles. Check for whitespace at the end of your filenames. Remove the whitespace or add the file with whitespace individually instead of with a multiple files import.

Folio Builder error, “Warning: no valid article directories could be found.”

This error message occurs when you import and the Folio Builder cannot find any valid article folder in your folio folder. When specifying the folder in the Folio Builder, select a folio folder rather than one of the article folders it contains.

See Setting up the folder structure.

Folio Builder error, "An error has occurred while generating folio preview. [Article name] does not match the folio orientation intent.”

All the articles in a folio must match the folio's orientation setting. If the folio has a dual orientation, each article must have both a portrait and vertical layout.

If the folio has a single orientation, a common cause of the orientation mismatch occurs when you import an HTML article. If the HTML article does not have a _v or _h suffix (such as index_v.html), the article is imported as a dual-orientation article.

Folio Builder error, “An error has occurred while trying to publish your folio. One of your articles does not match the folio orientation intent. Layouts in articles must match the folio orientation intent.”

This error occurs if you add a single-orientation article in a dual-orientation folio or a dual-orientation article in a single-orientation folio. Make sure that all articles in the folio include the following:

  • all vertical documents only
  • all horizontal documents only
  • both horizontal and vertical documents

If the folio has a single orientation, a common cause of the orientation mismatch occurs when you import an HTML article. If the HTML article does not have a _v or _h suffix (such as index_v.html), the article is imported as a dual-orientation article.

Folio Builder error, “Unable to log in with the provided credentials.” 

This message appears if you have created an Adobe ID, but have not verified it. To verify your Adobe ID, open the email that Adobe sent to you when you created the Adobe ID, and click the link to verify. Then try signing in again.

Folio Builder Panel sign-in problem

If you experience a problem when signing into the folio builder panel, then it could be related to bad saved account information for CS Live. Go through the following steps to fix this problem.

  1. Quit InDesign and any other CS or CC apps.

  2. Delete the opm.db file located in /Users/"your user name"/Library/Application Support/Adobe/OOBE/opm.db, and then start InDesign and try signing in to the panel.

    If you still can't sign in, continue with these steps.

  3. Use the Activity Monitor to quit the CS"N"ServiceMansager or CEPServiceManager.

  4. Next delete this file based on version: (Back up the file just in case.)


    For example:

    /Users/"your user name"/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CS"N"ServiceManager/preference/csxs2.pref
    /Users/"your user name"/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEPServiceManager/preference/csxs2.pref

  5. Then remove this item from the Keychain Access based on version: Adobe CS"N" renga or Adobe CC renga.

  6. To remove from the keychain, navigate to: /Applications/Utilities and launch the Keychain

  7. If the lock icon in the upper left appears locked, click it and enter your password to unlock it.

  8. Select the “login” item in the Keychains list in the upper left.

  9. Select “Passwords” from the category list.

  10. Type “renga” in the search field in the upper right.

  11. Lastly, select any matches and press the Delete key.

Folio Builder error, "The upload has failed."

First see Troubleshoot article upload failures in Folio Builder panel | Digital Publishing Suite.

This error can occur for a number of reasons. One reason found during development was the use of non-lower ASCII characters in text fields associated with the document or its contents. For example, the error can occur in the name of a Multistate Object that is part of a slideshow. Look for this usage in some page element, or proceed to the binary isolation method described in the next paragraph.

Other reasons could cause the same error. Divide your content in two and look to see if only one half fails. If so, continue this binary isolation method. Once you identify a specific element that is failing, try creating a similar element in a new document and see if it works. If so, compare the differences and change the offending element to bring it more in line with the working content. If you identify what you believe is a defect, contact Adobe Technical Support. Or report it via the Adobe Bug Report Form (If Adobe Digital Publishing Suite is not listed, log it against InDesign). 

Folio Builder error, "An error has occurred [Error #3115]"

This error occurs when there is a problem with your temporary .folio files saved to your computer. The solution is to delete the temporary folders containing these files. Deleting these folders deletes any local-only folio that you have created. For any folio that has been uploaded to the Folio Producer, the temporary files are re-created when you preview or publish the folio.

Mac OS

1. Exit InDesign.

2. In Finder, browse to the following location:

/Users/[user name]/Library/Preferences/StageManager.[###]/Local Store/

3. Delete the #SharedObjects and DMP folders.

4. Restart InDesign.

If you're running Mac OS X 10.7.x or later, your system files could be hidden. Hold down Option and choose Go > Library, and then browse to the Preferences > StageManager > Local Store folder.


1. Exit InDesign.

2. In Windows Explorer, go to C: drive. Click the Organize button on the upper-left side. Click Folder search option. Click the View tab and select show all hidden items. Click Apply and OK.

3. Then go to c:\users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\StageManager.[###]\Local Store.

4. Delete the dmp and shared object folders.

5. Start InDesign.

Error, "svr.VirusScanExecutionError"

An intermittent problem with's underlying virus scan component causes this issue. This issue happens occasionally on a small number of server instances.

The solution is to update the article again. Trying again typically routes you to a different host in the server array.

Error, "svr.InvalidParameter"

The svr.InvalidParameter error message appears in some instances in which extended characters are used in the folio metadata fields such as Publication Name or Folio Name. Avoid using extended ASCII characters such as accents.

"Upload has failed...unknown server error"

This error message appears if the connection with the Publishing service is lost.

Check the DPS forum or the DPS Dashboard for outage information. If a service outage is indicated, wait until it is resolved. When the server is working again, it could be necessary to delete the article and re-create it. Delete the file either in the Folio Builder panel or in the Folio Producer Editor on the web.

Another possible cause for a lost connection is if InDesign can't respond to queries from the service because of the processing requirements to generate the folio format from the source files. For more information, see Upload has failed...unknown server error in Folio Builder panel.


Folio Builder Panel sign-in error, "Password required. 6-12 characters"

The folio builder panel requires users to have a specific character length for their passwords. The character length is 6-12 characters. So, if a user receives this error, then it is suggested to reset the password to fit the 6-12 characters limit. Use the "Forgot Password?" option to reset the password.

Folio Builder Panel says "Building Folio...Done" but panel shows spinning progress bar and content is not uploaded.

This issue can happen in the rare case when there is a mounted volume on your Mac computer with the name "Users". The solution is to unmount that volume before you attempt to add your content.

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