Display and modify the perspective grid using the Perspective Grid tool

The Perspective Grid tool lets you show, move, and adjust the perspective grid.

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Display and adjust the perspective grid in a few simple steps.

A grid is shown in perspective.

  1. Select the Perspective Grid   tool or press Shift + P.

  2. To move the perspective grid or adjust vanishing points, grid planes, horizon height, grid cell size, or grid extent, place your cursor on the handles that display on the grid. When the cursor of the Perspective Grid   tool changes to:

    •    to in  on the Ground Level widget: Drag the handle to move the perspective grid.
    •  vanishing point widget on the Vanishing Point widget: Drag the handle horizontally to adjust the vanishing points.
    •   on the Horizon Line: Drag the handle vertically to adjust the horizon height.
    •   on the Grid Extent widgets: Drag the handle vertically or horizontally to adjust the extent of the grid on the planes.
    •  on the Grid Cell Size widget: Drag the handle vertically or horizontally to adjust the grid cell size.
    •  on the Origin: Drag the handle vertically or horizontally to adjust the grid's origin.
  3. Double-click the Perspective Grid   tool to open the Perspective Grid Options dialog box and customize the tool's Show Active Plane WidgetWidget Position, and Automatic Plane Positioning options.

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