If IT administrators plan to deploy both Reader and Acrobat with App-V 5.0 SP3 on the client machines, the users might encounter the issue while using Acrobat if they haven’t launched App-V Reader even once on their machines.
Reason for the issue: App-V Reader adds multiple “HKCU/Adobe/*” hives to App-V pass-through list which gets all these registry keys to be created outside of VREG on client machines.
To get the pass-through registry keys work correctly, HKCU/Adobe/Adobe Acrobat/{DC|2015} is required to be present in local registry hive on the machine. This key is created on the first launch of App-V Reader using the Runtime.bat script, similar to the one given in Acrobat Reader Sequencing Guidelines.
Try one of the following workarounds:
- Manually creating the HKCU/Adobe/Adobe Acrobat/{DC|2015} on the client machines instead of relying on Runtime.bat script of App-V Reader. For Example, an admin can push these keys on the clients via ADM templates, etc.
- Users can launch App-V Reader once on their machines and then use Acrobat.
- Adding the following Runtime.bat script in App-V Acrobat’s DeploymentConfig.xml inside <UserScripts> section as follows. The script creates the above mentioned registry in HKCU hive on the first launch of App-V Acrobat.
However, the script executes only for domain users, and throws error 534 if a local user tries to open App-V Adobe Acrobat.
@echo off
SET ChannelName=2015
REM Set the ChannelName to DC to run this script on Continuous track.
SET NativeKey="HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\%ChannelName%"
REG QUERY %NativeKey%
REG ADD %NativeKey%
<StartVirtualEnvironment RunInVirtualEnvironment="false">
<Arguments>/c "[{AppVPackageRoot}]\..\Scripts\Runtime.bat"</Arguments>
<Wait RollbackOnError="false"/>