उपयोगकर्ता गाइड रद्द करें

Q & A pod

  1. Adobe Connect User Guide
  2. Introduction
    1. What's New in Adobe Connect
    2. Adobe Connect meeting room basics
    3. Adobe Connect Capabilities in HTML Client
    4. Adobe Connect application for desktop
    5. Adobe Connect technical specifications and system requirements
    6. Keyboard shortcuts in Adobe Connect
  3. Adobe Connect Meeting
    1. Start, attend, and manage Adobe Connect meetings and sessions
    2. Host and Presenter Area in Adobe Connect
    3. Adobe Connect application for desktop
    4. Adobe Connect pre-meeting diagnostic test
    5. Adobe Connect Central home page
    6. Share content during a session
      1. Screen sharing in sessions
      2. Share pod
      3. Screen sharing on browser
      4. Share system audio
      5. Share a document
      6. Share a presentation
      7. Share a whiteboard
      8. Share files
      9. Share web URLs
    7. Update and manage Adobe Connect meetings
    8. View meeting reports and analytics data
    9. Work with Pods
      1. Pods in sessions
      2. Notes pod
      3. Chat pod
      4. Q & A pod
      5. Poll pod
      6. Quiz pod    
    10. Reactions in Adobe Connect room
    11. Accessibility features in Adobe Connect
    12. Create virtual meeting rooms and arrange layouts
    13. Breakout rooms in Adobe Connect meetings
    14. Manage meeting attendees in Adobe Connect
  4. Adobe Connect administration and maintenance
    1. Enabling Adobe Connect HTML client
    2. Enabling single sign-on in Adobe Connect
    3. Change the timeout period
    4. Configure audio providers for Universal Voice
    5. Create and import users and groups in Adobe Connect
    6. Enhance Adobe Connect account security
    7. Generate usage reports in Adobe Connect Central
    8. Administer and manage Adobe Connect accounts
    9. Manage users and groups
    10. Set permissions for library files and folders
    11. Back up user data, database, and settings of Adobe Connect server
    12. Build custom reports from the Adobe Connect database
    13. Maintain disk space and clean cache on an Adobe Connect server
    14. Manage and monitor Adobe Connect server logs
    15. Start and stop Adobe Connect services
  5. Adobe Connect Events
    1. About Adobe Connect Events
    2. Manage Adobe Connect Events
    3. Attend Adobe Connect Events
    4. Create and edit Adobe Connect Events
    5. Event analytics for webinars
  6. Adobe Connect Training and Seminars
    1. About Adobe Connect courses and curriculum for training
    2. Conduct trainings with Adobe Connect
    3. Create and manage seminars
    4. Create training courses in Adobe Connect
    5. Create and manage training curriculum in Adobe Connect
    6. About Virtual Classrooms in Adobe Connect
    7. Adobe Connect reports to monitor training features
    8. Participate in Adobe Connect training sessions and meetings
    9. Session dashboard
    10. Closed captioning in Adobe Connect
  7. Audio and video conferencing in Adobe Connect
    1. Audio in Adobe Connect meetings
    2. Record and play back Adobe Connect meetings
    3. Video in Adobe Connect meetings
      1. Pop out video from video pod
  8. Manage user content in Adobe Connect
    1. View reports and usage information about uploaded content
    2. Work with content in the Content library
    3. Work with Adobe Connect library files and folders


Learn how to use the Q&A pod during Adobe Connect to collaborate more effectively in virtual meetings and remote sessions.

You can use a Q&A pod to answer questions posed by attendees. When a presenter answers a question, the question and answer appear as pairs in the Q&A pod.


Hosts can give participants enhanced rights, letting them answer questions as well. View Assign enhanced participant rights.

Here are some examples in which the Q&A pod is helpful:

  • Questions are added to a queue on the Q&A pod during a large meeting while the speaker presents. After completing the presentation, the speaker reviews the messages, applies a filter, and answers the questions.

  • A meeting moderator answers logistical questions but forward technical inquiries to an engineer who is presenting.

  • A meeting moderator returns specific replies to the sender only. Replies relevant to all attendees are sent to everyone in the meeting.

The Presenter view of a Q&A pod.
The Presenter view of a Q&A pod.

The Participant view of a Q&A pod.
The Participant view of a Q&A pod.

View the Q&A pod as participants do

By default, Hosts and Presenters view the Q&A pod with extra controls, but you can quickly view questions with answers as participants do.

Presenter view displays extra filtering and assignment controls visible only to hosts and presenters.

Participant view displays the simple list of questions and answers that participants view and those received from individuals.

Move the Q&A pod presenter view to Host and Presenter Area

  1. In the upper-right corner of the Q&A pod, click .

  2. Choose Move Presenter View to Host and Presenter Area.


To return the Q&A pod to the Share area, in the Presenters Only Area, disable Move Presenter Area.

Submit a question in the Q&A pod

  1. In the Participant View of the Q&A pod, type your question in the text box at bottom.

    You can add clickable hyperlinks in questions.

  2. To the right of the text box, click Send , or press Enter.

Answer questions using the Q&A pod

  1. Select an incoming question from the list.
  2. Type your answer in the text box at the bottom of the pod.
  3. Click one of the following buttons in the lower-right corner of the Q&A pod:

    Reply to Everyone

    Sends the answer to all meeting attendees.

    Reply Privately

    Sends the answer only to the attendee who sent the question.

    Reply privately or everyone in the group
    Reply privately or everyone in the group

When answering questions, you can include clickable hyperlinks in the answers.

Assign a question to a specific presenter

You can assign questions to presenters with specific expertise, including yourself, preventing others from answering.

  1. In the Presenter View of the Q&A pod, select the question from the Incoming Messages list.

  2. Select a presenter name from the Assign To pop‑up menu.

    Presenters can reassign questions to other presenters or choose None to cancel assignment.

Indicators for re-assigning questions.
Indicators for re-assigning questions.

Show questions with different statuses

As a host or presenter, you can add a filter to the queue of questions in a Q&A pod to view specific questions while hiding others. You can also forward a question to another presenter to answer.

  1. In the Presenter View of the Q&A pod, click the pop‑up menu from the title bar.

  2. Select one of the following:

    All Questions

    Displays all questions that you have received, starting either with a new pod or from the last time the pod was cleared.

    Open Questions

    Displays all unanswered questions not assigned to anyone.

    Answered Questions

    Displays all questions that have been answered.

    Questions Assigned to Me

    Displays only unanswered questions that have been assigned to you. A question answered by someone else, can still be reassigned to a user and then shows in their list.

Delete individual questions

You can delete questions to clean up the Presenter View. (Deleted questions and associated answers remain in the Participant's View.)

  1. In the Presenter View of the Q&A pod, select a question.

  2. Click Delete ().

Clear all questions

To remove all content from the Presenter and Participant views, do the following:

  1. In the upper-right corner of the Q&A pod, click click .

  2. Select Clear All Questions.

Hide attendee names for questions

By default, attendee names appear next to submitted questions and provided answers. Hosts and presenters can hide those names in Participant View.

  1. In the upper-right corner of the Q&A pod, click  > Preferences.

  2. In Q&A pod preferences, deselect Show Submitter Name or Show Presenter Name options or both.

Save or email Q&A contents

  1. In the upper-right corner of the Q&A pod, click .

  2. Choose Export, and then select either Download or Email.

  3. The Download button downloads the entire content in a .txt file. On choosing the Email option, the entire content is shared through email on your registered id.

Send message from the Q&A pod

From the Presenter view of the Q&A pod, you can send a message to specific attendees or groups. This message appears in the participant view of the Q&A pod and is visible only to the specified attendees or groups.

  1. In the upper-right corner of the Q&A pod, click .

  2. Choose Send a Message to. To send a message to specific attendees or groups, select Send message and then select appropriate attendees or groups to send the message.

    Send message to Everyone or individual(s)
    Send message to Everyone or individual(s)

  3. The message has a different format that distinguishes it from the regular Q&A messages that are visible to all attendees.

    Indicates message to specific attendees or groups
    Indicates message to specific attendees or groups

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