Animate crashes on launch/startup

Issue: Animate crashes on launch or startup

Animate crashes while configuring a user interface or while loading the splash screen. The following error messages appear: 

Windows: Animate 2017 has stopped working. 

Mac OS: Animate 2017 has quit unexpectedly.


In some instances, a pop-up appears during Animate launch with a javascript error. Animate application hangs. To resolve this issue, you can follow the steps as mentioned in this document. 


To fix Animate crash issues, perform the following troubleshooting tasks:

Before restoring preferences, ensure that the Animate process is not open in Task Manager (Windows) or Activity Monitor (Mac OS). Then perform the following steps: 


Rename the Animate folder to Animate_old at the following location:


Alternatively, you can perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Run dialog box by pressing the Windows logo key + R.

  2. Type %appdata% and click OK. The Roaming folder contents appear.

  3. Open the Adobe folder.

  4. Rename the Animate folder to Animate_old.

Mac OS:
  1. Press Shift+Command+G.

  2. In the Go to Folder dialog box, type the following path, and then click Go: 


  3. Rename the Animate folder to Animate_old.

  4. Press Shift+Command+G. In the Go to Window dialog box, type the following path, and click Go: 

    ~/library/application support/adobe

  5. Rename the Animate 2017 folder to Animate 2017_old.


    If you are using any version of Animate other than Animate 2017, replace that version folder. For example, if you are using Animate 2015, find Animate 2015 and replace it with Animate 2015_old.

  6. Try to launch Animate.

Right-click Animate.exe and choose Run as administrator at the following path: 

C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Animate 2017


If you cannot run the application as an administrator, contact the administrator of your organization to get proper permission. 

Quit Animate and perform the following steps: 

  1. Right-click Animate.exe and choose Properties.

  2. Click the Compatibility tab and select Run this program as an administrator.

  3. Click Apply, and then click OK.

  4. Create a shortcut of Animate.exe on the desktop or on the taskbar.


  1. Right-click Adobe Animate 2017 and choose Properties at the following path: 

    C:\Program Files\Adobe

  2. Click the Security tab, and then click Edit

  3. Select a user and select Full control.

  4. Click Apply.

  5. Click OK and try to launch Animate.

mac OS:
  1. Select the Applications folder. 

  2. Right-click the Animate 2017 folder. 

  3. Choose Get Info

  4. Click the Lock icon. 

  5. Enter your mac user name and password and click OK.

  6. Click the Sharing & Permissions tab and select the Read & Write privilege for each user in the list.

  7. Click the Action pop-up menu (gear icon) and choose Apply to enclosed items

  8. Click OK, and then try to relaunch Animate. 

Sometimes, firewall and antivirus programs prevent you from launching Animate. You can turn them off or disable them, restart your computer, and then try to relaunch Animate.

To turn off the firewall, perform the following steps:


  1. Open the Control Panel by clicking the Windows key and typing control panel in the search field. Select Windows Firewall.

  2. If Turn on Windows Firewall is selected, click Turn off Windows Firewall.

  3. Repeat step 2 for all the networks, and then click OK.

Mac OS:

  1. Click the Apple menu, and choose System Preferences.  

  2. Select Security and Privacy and click the Firewall tab.

  3. Click Turn Off Firewall, and then try to relaunch Animate.

  1. Launch the Creative Cloud desktop application, and then click the Apps tab.

  2. Look for Animate in the list of installed apps and hover over its name.

  3. Click the settings icon and choose Uninstall

  4. After uninstalling Animate, verify that the Adobe Animate 2017 folder files were removed:

    • Windows: C:\Program Files\Adobe\
    • Mac OS: Applications folder
  5. If the folders exist, delete them. Also, ensure that the deleted files are removed from the Recycle Bin (Windows) or Trash (Mac OS).

  6. Alternatively, you can use Adobe Cleaner tool to ensure that all the files are removed. 

  7. Use the Creative Cloud desktop application to reinstall Animate.

  8. Try to relaunch Animate.

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