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Quickly troubleshoot errors in Lightroom Classic when you enhance photos using the Edit In functionality.
Facing errors while editing photos using an external editor in Lightroom Classic? Try out these simple troubleshooting steps to fix common Edit In errors.
Edit In command is grayed out
If you see that the Edit In command is grayed out in Lightroom Classic, it could possibly be due to one of the following reasons:
- You are not using the latest version of either Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom Classic, or both.
- If a photo is missing in Lightroom Classic.
The Edit In command will be grayed out if you are working with a Smart Preview but the original photo is missing from the Lightroom Classic catalog. In this case, you need to locate the missing photo.
To fix this error, we recommend uninstalling and reinstalling Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom Classic with the latest version.
If the Edit In menu is still grayed out, you can try to locate the missing photo and restore links to the Lightroom Classic catalog.
Edit In Photoshop command is missing
The Edit In Photoshop command is missing from the context menu when you select an image. In the External Editor tab in the Preferences panel, the upper box is labeled 'Edit in Photoshop (Not Found).'
You can install the latest version of Lightroom Classic to troubleshoot this issue. For a detailed approach, you can follow these steps:
Edit In command fails to open a photo in Photoshop
(only for macOS)
On macOS, the Edit In command in Lightroom Classic opens a copy of Adobe Photoshop from a backup location.
For example, an external hard drive backup was created using Carbon Cloner, SuperDuper!, or Time Machine. This can result in the following behaviors:
- macOS presents an error dialog stating Application Moved - The application has been moved, and its path has changed. To update the product configuration, click Update.
- Adobe Photoshop launches but the image selected in Lightroom Classic does not open.
To fix this error, we recommend uninstalling and reinstalling Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom Classic with the latest version.
Additionally, you can navigate to Adobe Lightroom Classic > Settings > External Editing > Photoshop version to select the version of Photoshop that you wish to use.
Starting with the April 2023 release of Lightroom Classic (version 12.3), the ps_picker plug-in has been archived, and you can select the versions of Photoshop using the External editing options in Lightroom Classic.