Sorts list elements according to a sort type and sort order.
A copy of a list, sorted.
Function syntax
ListSort(list,sortType,[sortOrder=asc, delimiters=',' ,includeEmptyFields=false, localeSensitive=false])
Syntax with callback
ColdFusion (2021 release): Made the following changes:
- Sort Member functions accept compare/compareNocase as callback.
ColdFusion (2018 release): Introduced named parameters.
ColdFusion 10: Added support for all Java supported locale-specific characters (including support for umlaut characters). A flag for this support has been added for sorttype = "text" or sorttype = " textnocase ".
ColdFusion MX: Changed the order in which sorted elements are returned: in a textnocase , descending sort, this function might return elements in a different sort order than in earlier releases. If sortTtype = " textnocase " and sortOrder = "desc", ColdFusion MX processes elements that differ only in case differently from earlier releases. ColdFusion MX outputs the elements in the reverse of the ascending order. Earlier releases do not change order of elements that differ only in case. Both operations are correct. The new operation ensures that an ascending and descending sort output elements in exactly reverse order .For example, in a textnocase , desc sort of d ,a ,a ,b ,A , the following occurs:
- ColdFusion MX returns d,b,A,a,a
- Earlier ColdFusion releases return d,b,a,a,A(In a textnocase , asc sort, all ColdFusion releases return a,a,A,b,d.)
Required/Optional |
Default |
Description |
list |
Required |
A list or a variable that contains one. |
includeEmptyFields |
Optional |
no |
Set to yes to include empty fields. |
localeSensitive |
Optional |
false |
Specify if you wish to do a locale-sensitive sorting. The default value is false. |
sortType |
Optional |
sortOrder |
Required |
asc |
delimiters |
Optional |
, |
A string or a variable that contains one. Characters that separate list elements. The default value is comma . If this parameter contains more than one character, ColdFusion uses the first character in the string as the delimiter, and ignores the rest. |
callback |
Optional |
A function that takes two elements of the list and returns 1, 0 or -1, if the first value is greater than, equal to, or less than the second value, respectively. |
ColdFusion ignores empty list elements; thus, the list "a,b,c,,,d" has four elements.
<cfscript> // case 1 myList1="12,23,107,19,1,65" sortedNums=ListSort(myList1,"Numeric","asc",",") writeOutput(sortedNums & "<br/>") // case 2 myList2="23.75;-34,471:100,-9745" sortedNums2=ListSort(myList2,"Numeric","asc",";:,") writeOutput(sortedNums2 & "<br/>") // case 3 myList3="hello;123,HELLO:jeans,-345,887;ColdFusion:coldfusion" sortedMix=ListSort(myList3,"TextNoCase","asc",";,:") writeOutput(sortedMix) </cfscript>
Example with callback
<cfscript> myList="ColdFusion,COLDFUSION,Cold Fusion,Coldfusion"; // define callback function function callback(e1,e2){ return compareNoCase(e1,e2); } mySortedList=ListSort(myList,callback); writeOutput(mySortedList); </cfscript>
Example using compareNoCase as callback.
<cfscript> listToSort = "d,C,b,A" sortedList = listToSort.listSort(compareNoCase) writeDump(sortedList) </cfscript>
Example using compare as callback.
<cfscript> listToSort = "d,C,b,A" sortedList = listToSort.listSort(compare) writeDump(sortedList) </cfscript>
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