Copy the JSON content to the file bundlesdependency_custom.json, which is located in the directory [CF Home]\bundles.
If there is another JSON patch already present, append the bundle, as shown below:
There are situations when you may need to apply a custom patch in ColdFusion to fix an issue or to check a new feature that is provided via a jar.
In this document, we shall demonstrate how you'd apply a custom patch to a package in ColdFusion (2021 release).
We shall provide a JSON along with one or more jars, whenever you receive a custom patch.
For example, if you were to apply a patch for the package ftp, the JSON looks like:
{ "bundle": "ftp", "minimumcoreserverupdaterequired": 0, "version": "2021.0.0.324000", "description": "The ftp package", "dependencies": [ { "name" : "jsch" , "version" : "0.1.55", "embedded" : false}, { "name" : "commons-net" , "version" : "3.6", "embedded" : false} ], "awsserverless": true }
Let's deconstruct the JSON:
Copy the JSON content to the file bundlesdependency_custom.json, which is located in the directory [CF Home]\bundles.
If there is another JSON patch already present, append the bundle, as shown below:
You'd have been provided one or more jars, based on the changes. In this example, if a new version of jsch jar was also provided, then the jars are:
The commons-net jar remained unchanged, so it was not provided.
Copy the following jars:
Launch the cfpm tool:
Run the command listall. Both the old and new build numbers of the ftp package will get listed (the old build should be in green if it is installed).
adminapi, versions : [2021.0.0.323925]
administrator, versions : [2021.0.0.323925]
ftp, versions : [2021.0.0.324000, 2021.0.0.323925]
Install the ftp package.
cfpm>install ftp
Rerun the command listall.
The new build number of the ftp package would be in green color.
You've successfully applied a new patch to your ColdFusion server without restarting the server.
The procedure above enables you to easily apply a patch to a package in ColdFusion (2021 release).
The traditional way of applying patches to the ColdFusion server still holds true.
But that will not work for patches specific to the packages.
For any issues, reach out to us:
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