Dernière mise à jour le
28 janv. 2022
Cosmos DB is a distributed database engine with a core set of features, like.
- Ability to distribute your database globally
- Ability to scale both storage and throughput
- Low latency with enterprise grade security features
Cosmos DB can reshape data into formats that you may already be using. You can create a data model and then expose your model using one of many Cosmos DB API's.
For more information, see Azure Cosmos DB.
Integration with ColdFusion
component { = "mongotests"; this.serialization.preservecaseforstructkey=true this.enableNullSupport=true this.cosmosconfig = deserializejson(fileread(expandPath(".\cosmosconfig.json"))) //storing credentials outside web root this.datasources = { "local"= { type="mongodb" }, "cosmos"= { type="mongodb", host="mongodb://" & & "/?ssl=true&retrywrites=false", "init": true, "username": this.cosmosconfig.username, "password": this.cosmosconfig.password } } }
{ "host": "host:port", "username": "username", "password": "password", "replicaSet": "globaldb" }
<cfscript> // Retrieve database db = getmongoservice("cosmos").db("mydb") collection = db.collection collection.drop() writeOutput("number of documents in the collection: <b>" & collection.count() & " </b><br/>") writeOutput("<b> Insert a document </b><br/>") // Insert many documents res = collection.insertMany([ { enrollno: "1001", name: "John Doe", college: "Any college", course: { courseName: "Any course", duration: "4 Years" }, address: { city: "Any city", state: "Any state", country: "Any country" } }, { enrollno: "1002", name: "Jane Doe", college: "Some college", course: { courseName: "Some course", duration: "4 Years" }, address: { city: "Some city", state: "Some state", country: "Some country" } } ]) //count number of documents in the collection writeOutput("number of documents in the collection: <b>" & collection.count() & " </b><br/>") writeOutput("<b> Delete a document </b><br/>") collection.deleteOne({name: MongoRegExp("Rushikesh Vekariya","i")}) writeOutput("number of documents in the collection: <b>" & collection.count() & " </b><br/>") </cfscript>
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