Navigate to <CF_HOME>/cfusion/bin.
Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) is a cloud-based service for managing push messages from applications to subscribing endpoints and clients. Amazon SNS allows users to push messages to various services and app via APIs or the AWS Management Console. Once a message is published to a service, the message can be sent multiple times to different recipients.
To get started with Amazon SNS, you first create a topic, which is an access point for subscribers to receive notifications. You publish a message to a topic when you have an update for subscribers. This ensures that Amazon SNS distributes the message to all subscribers.
For more information, see Amazon SNS.
Get started
Install awssns package
Adobe ColdFusion (2021 release) is modularized, if you are only using the ZIP installer. By default, the module for AWS SNS is not installed. The first step is to install the SNS package in ColdFusion.
Note: If you are using the GUI installer, the packages are pre-installed.
The package for SNS is called awssns.
To install the package awssns, use the Package Manager page in the ColdFusion Administrator, or follow the steps below:
Enter the command:
- Windows: cfpm.bat
- Linux:
Enter the command, install awssns.
Wait for the AWS SNS package to get installed.
For more information, see ColdFusion Package Manager.
Get credentials to access AWS SNS
When you interact with AWS, you specify your AWS security credentials to verify your credentials and check whether you have permission to access the resources that you are requesting.
AWS uses the security credentials to authenticate and authorize your requests.
You must get the AWS Access Key ID and the AWS Secret Access Key. For more information, see Access Keys.
Add cloud service credentials and configuration
In ColdFusion (2021 release), there is a method getCloudService() that gives you a handle to create objects for accessing various cloud services.
The syntax of the service handle is as follows:
service=getCloudService(cloudCred,cloudConfig), where:
- cloudCred: Defines the credentials for the cloud service. It could either be a struct or a string (also known as credential alias).
- cloudConfig: Defines the cloud service configuration details. It could either be a struct or a string (also known as config alias).
After you've acquired the AWS credentials, you must declare these credentials in one of the following ways. Only then you can use these credentials to create a SNS object, after which you can use the object to make calls to the various SNS methods.
ColdFusion Administrator
Set credentials
In the ColdFusion Administrator, click Data & Services > Cloud Credentials.
An alias is a named representation of a cloud service and its configuration details. You can set the config alias through ColdFusion Administrator.
After entering the details, click Add Credential.
Set configuration options
In the ColdFusion Administrator, click Data & Services > Cloud Configuration.
Enter the following details, like configuration Alias, Vendor, and the name of the service.
After adding the configuration options, you may need to add a few more options. You can do so in the next screen. The following are a few options that you may need to add:
- Request config
- Client config
- Proxy settings
- Retry policy
- Retry conditions
For more information, see Cloud configuration options.
Create the object
Once you've created the aliases for SNS credential and configuration options, you can create the object by using the cloudService API, and include the following in your CFM.
snsObject= getCloudService("snsCred", "snsConf")
You can specify the SNS credentials and configuration options in Application.cfc. For example,
component {"AWS_STD_Queue"; void function onApplicationStart(){ application.awsCred = { "alias" : "aws_std_queue", "vendorName" : "AWS", "region" : "us-east-1", "secretAccessKey" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "accessKeyId" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" } application.snsConf = { "serviceName" : "SNS" } application.sqsConf ={ "serviceName" : "SQS" } } }
Create the object
snsObject = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf)
On CFM page
On a CFM page, you can specify the SNS credentials and configuration options in one of the four methods, specified below:
Credential alias and configuration alias
After you've created the aliases for SNS credential and configuration options, you can use these aliases in the getCloudService handle as shown below:
<cfscript> // define the credential and the configuration aliases in the ColdFusion Admin sns=cloudService("awsCred","snsConf") // code below. ........... </cfscript>
Credential Alias and Struct for configuration options
<cfscript> // Using credential alias and struct for service config snsConf = { "alias":"snsConf", "serviceName" : "SNS", "clientOverrideConfig":{ "retryPolicy":{ "numRetries":4 } }, "httpClientConfig":{ "maxConnections":50 } } sns= cloudService("snsCred", snsConf) // code below ..................... </cfscript>
Configuration alias and struct for credentials
<cfscript> // Using config alias and struct for service credentials // sns credentials snsCreds={ "vendorName":"AWS", "alias": "snsCred", "region":"us-east-2", "accessKeyId": "access key", "secretAccessKey": "secret access" } sns= cloudService(snsCreds, "snsConf") // code below ..................................... </cfscript>
Structs for both credential and configuration options
<cfscript> // Using Structs for both cloud credential and config snsCred={ "vendorName":"AWS", "alias": "sns_cred_alias", "region":"us-east-2", "accessKeyId": "access key", "secretAccessKey": "secret access key" } snsConf = { "alias":"sns_conf_alias", "serviceName" : "SNS", "clientOverrideConfig":{ "retryPolicy":{ "numRetries":4 } }, "httpClientConfig":{ "maxConnections":50 } } sns = cloudService(snsCred, snsConf ) // code below ................................................................... </cfscript>
Admin API
You can also add SNS credentials and configuration options by using the Admin APIs. The methods to add credentials and configuration are available in cloud.cfc.
The examples below demonstrate the usage of the methods addCredential(struct credential) and addServiceConfig(struct config).
Add credentials
<cfscript> // Create an object of administrator component and call the login method adminObj = createObject("component","cfide.adminapi.administrator") adminObj.login("admin") // Create an object of cloud component cloudObj = createObject("component","") // define credentials struct credentialStruct={ "alias" : "CredSNS", "vendorName" : "AWS", "region" : "us-east-2", "secretAccessKey" : "secret access key", "accessKeyId" : "access key" } // add credential credentialStruct try{ cloudObj.addCredential(credentialStruct) writeOutput("Credentials added successfully") } catch(any e){ writeDump(e) } </cfscript>
Add configuration
<cfscript> // Create an object of administrator component and call the login method adminObj = createObject("component","cfide.adminapi.administrator") adminObj.login("admin") // Create an object of cloud component cloudObj = createObject("component","") // define configuration struct configStruct={ "alias":"ConfSNS", "serviceName":"SNS", "clientOverrideConfig":{ "retryPolicy":{ "numRetries":4 } }, "httpClientConfig":{ "maxConnections":50 } } // add config configStruct try{ cloudObj.addServiceConfig(configStruct) writeOutput("Configuration service added successfully") } catch(any e){ writeDump(e) } </cfscript>
You can also set up SNS credential and configuration via the CFSetup configuration utility.
Add cloud credential
add cloudcredential credentialAlias=snscred accesskeyid=<access> secretaccesskey=<secret> region=ap-southeast-1 vendorname=AWS
Set credential
set cloudcredential snscred secretaccesskey=awssecret
Add cloud configuration
add cloudconfiguration serviceName=SNS alias=snsConfig
Set configuration
set cloudconfiguration conf1 alias=conf2
List of SNS APIs
SNSClient APIs |
SNSTopic APIs |
SNSSubscription APIs |
Create a topic
In SNS, a topic is a logical access point that helps in communication. In a topic, you can combine multiple endpoints, like, Amazon SQS, HTTPS, or email address. To broadcast messages of a producer to various consumers, you typically create a topic for the producer.
For more information, see Create a topic.
createTopic(topicName, topicAttributes)
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
Required |
topicName |
The name of the topic to be created. |
String |
Yes |
topicAttributes |
Key-value pairs of the following:
The following attribute applies only to server-side-encryption:
Struct |
No |
For more information, see request parameters.
<cfscript> sns = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf) // define topic attributes createTopicMetadata = { "tags" = [ {"key" = "key1","value" = "value1"}, {"key" = "key2","value" = "value2"} ], "attributes" = { "DisplayName" = "This is a sample display name." } } try{ topicResponse = sns.createTopic("NewTopic",createTopicMetadata) writeOutput("Successfully created an SNS topic") writeDump(topicResponse) } catch(any e){ writeDump(e) } </cfscript>
Create a topic with Server-Side Encryption
Server-side encryption (SSE) lets you transmit sensitive data in encrypted topics. SSE protects the contents of messages in Amazon SNS topics using keys managed in AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS).
SSE encrypts messages as soon as Amazon SNS receives them. The messages are stored in encrypted form and Amazon SNS decrypts messages only when they are sent. For more information, see Protect SNS data with SSE.
When you create a topic in SNS, there is one attribute, KmsMasterKeyId, that you must specify in the topic creation metadata. For more information, see Key Terms. For more examples, see KeyId in the AWS Key Management Service API Reference.
<cfscript> sns = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf); // create the topic myTopic = sns.createTopic("TopicSSE") // set SSE metadata setTopicAttribsMetadata = { "attributeName" = "KmsMasterKeyId", "attributeValue" = "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:xxxxxxxx:key/xxxxxxxxxxx" } // set the SSE attributes to the topic setTopicAttribsResponse=myTopic.setAttributes(setTopicAttribsMetadata) writeDump(setTopicAttribsResponse) </cfscript>
Get the ARN of a topic
After creating a topic, you can retrieve its Amazon Resource Names (ARN), which will uniquely identify the topic.
For more information, see ARNs.
<cfscript> sns = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf); // create the topic myTopic = sns.createTopic("TopicARN") myArn=myTopic.getTopicArn() writeOutput("The ARN of the topic is: " & myArn) </cfscript>
Delete a topic
When you no longer need a subscription or topic, you must first unsubscribe from the topic before you can delete the topic.
For more information, see Delete subscription and topic.
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
Required |
topicArn |
The ARN of the topic that you want to delete. |
String |
Yes |
For more information, see request parameters.
<cfscript> sns = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf) // create a topic topic = sns.createTopic("DeleteTopic") // get topic ARN topicArn = topic.getTopicArn() try{ // delete topic deleteTopicResponse = sns.deleteTopic(topicArn) writeOutput("Topic deleted successfully") writeDump(deleteTopicResponse) } catch(any e){ writeDump(e) } </cfscript>
List topics
Get a list of all the topics that were created. Each function call returns a list of up to 100 topics. If there are more topics, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a ListTopics call to get further results.
For more information, see ListTopics.
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
Required |
nextToken |
The token returned by the previous ListTopics call. |
String |
No |
For more information, see request parameters.
<cfscript> snsObj = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf); // list all topics topicObj = snsObj.listTopics(); writeDump(topicObj) // get nextToken nextTokenVal = topicObj.nextToken; // list all topics with nextToken listNextTopicObj = snsObj.listTopics(nextTokenVal) writeDump(listNextTopicObj) </cfscript>
Set topic attributes
Set an attribute of the topic to a new value.
For more information, see SetTopicAttributes.
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
Required |
topicAttributes |
Key-value pairs of the following:
The following attribute applies only to server-side-encryption:
Struct |
Yes |
For more information, see request parameters.
<cfscript> sns = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf) // define topic attributes createTopicMetadata = { "tags" = [ {"key" = "key1","value" = "value1"}, {"key" = "key2","value" = "value2"} ], "attributes" = { "DisplayName" = "This is a sample display name." } } // create topic topicObj=sns.createTopic("NewTopic",createTopicMetadata) // get topic Arn topicArn = topicObj.getTopicArn() // metadata for set attributes setTopicAttribsMetadata = { "topicArn"= topicArn, "attributeName" = "DisplayName", "attributeValue" = "value" } try{ setTopicAttrResponse = sns.setTopicAttributes(setTopicAttribsMetadata) writeOutput("Topic attributes set successfully") writeDump(setTopicAttrResponse) } catch(any e){ writeDump(e) } </cfscript>
Get topic attributes
Retrieve all of properties of a topic.
For moe information, see GetTopicAttributes.
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
Required |
topicArn |
The ARN of the topic, whose attributes you want to retrieve. |
String |
Yes |
For more information, see request parameters.
<cfscript> sns = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf) // define topic attributes createTopicMetadata = { "tags" = [ {"key" = "key1","value" = "value1"}, {"key" = "key2","value" = "value2"} ], "attributes" = { "DisplayName" = "This is a sample display name." } } // create topic topicObj=sns.createTopic("TopicAttributes",createTopicMetadata) // get topic Arn topicArn = topicObj.getTopicArn() // metadata for set attributes setTopicAttribsMetadata = { "topicArn"= topicArn, "attributeName" = "DisplayName", "attributeValue" = "value" } // set topic attributes sns.setTopicAttributes(setTopicAttribsMetadata) // get topic attributes getTopicAttributeResponse=sns.getTopicAttributes(topicArn) writeDump(getTopicAttributeResponse) </cfscript>
Tag a topic
Track your Amazon SNS resources (for example, resource tracking) by adding, removing, and listing metadata tags for Amazon SNS topics.
For more information, see AWS SNS tags.
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
Required |
topicArn |
The ARN of the topic, which you want to add tags. |
String |
Yes |
tags |
The list of tags to add to the topic. |
Struct |
Yes |
For more information, see request parameters.
<cfscript> sns = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf) // create a topic topic = sns.createTopic("TagTopic") // get topic ARN topicArn= topic.getTopicArn() // set tag metadata tagTopicMetadata = { "tags" = [ {"key" = "Team","value" = "Development"}, {"key" = "Environment","value" = "Production"} ] } // tag the topic try{ tagTopicResponse = sns.tagTopic(topicArn,tagTopicMetadata) writeOutput("Topic has been tagged successfully") writeDump(tagTopicResponse) } catch (any e){ writeDump(e) } </cfscript>
List topic tags
List all tags of a specified topic.
For more information, see List tags of a topic.
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
Required |
topicArn |
The ARN of the topic whose tags you want to list. |
String |
Yes |
<cfscript> sns = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf) // create a topic topic = sns.createTopic("UntagTopic") // get topic ARN topicArn=topic.getTopicArn() // tag metadata tagTopicMetadata = { "tags" = [ {"key" = "Team","value" = "Development"}, {"key" = "Environment","value" = "Production"} ] } // tag topic sns.tagTopic(topicArn,tagTopicMetadata) // list topic tags res=sns.listTopicTags(topicArn) writeOutput("The list of tags are:") writeDump(res.tags) </cfscript>
Untag a topic
Remove tags from the specified Amazon SNS topic.
For more information, see Untag a topic.
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
Required |
topicArn |
The ARN of the topic, from which you want to remove tags. |
String |
Yes |
tags |
The list of tag keys to remove from the specified topic. |
Array |
Yes |
<cfscript> sns = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf) // create a topic topic = sns.createTopic("UntagTopic") // get topic ARN topicArn=topic.getTopicArn() // tag metadata tagTopicMetadata = { "tags" = [ {"key" = "Team","value" = "Development"}, {"key" = "Environment","value" = "Production"} ] } // tag topic sns.tagTopic(topicArn,tagTopicMetadata) // untag metadata untagTopicMetadata = { "tagKeys" = ["Team"] } try{ res = sns.untagTopic(topicArn,untagTopicMetadata) writeOutput("Topic untagged successfully" & "<br/>") writeOutput("Tags left after untagging are:") writeDump(topic.listTags().tags) } catch(any e){ writeDump(e) } </cfscript>
Subscribe to a topic
When you subscribe an endpoint to a topic and confirm the subscription, the endpoint begins to receive messages published to the associated topic. To receive messages published to a topic, you must subscribe an endpoint (such as AWS Lambda, Amazon SQS, HTTP/S, or an email address) to the topic. When you subscribe an endpoint to a topic and confirm the subscription, the endpoint begins to receive messages published to the associated topic.
For more information, see Subscribe an endpoint to an SNS topic.
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
Required |
subscription |
Attributes map Key-value pairs of the following:
Endpoints The following endpoints are supported:
Protocol The following protocols are supported:
ReturnSubscriptionArn: When TRUE, returns the subscription ARN with the subscription request. TopicARN: The ARN of the topic you want to subscribe to.
Struct |
Yes |
For more information, see request parameters.
Example 1
<cfscript> sns = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf) topic = sns.createTopic("SMSSubscription"); subscribeMetadata = { "topicArn" = topic.getTopicArn(), "endpoint" = "<your phone number>", "protocol" = "sms" } try{ subscription= topic.subscribe(subscribeMetadata) writeOutput("Subscribed to the topic successfully") writeDump(subscription) } catch (any e){ writeDump(e) } </cfscript>
Example 2
<cfscript> sns = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf) topic = sns.createTopic("EmailSubscription"); subscribeMetadata = { "topicArn" = topic.getTopicArn(), "endpoint" = "", "protocol" = "email" } try{ subscription= topic.subscribe(subscribeMetadata) writeOutput("Subscribed to the topic successfully") writeDump(subscription) } catch (any e){ writeDump(e) } </cfscript>
Example 3
<cfscript> sns = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf) topic = sns.createTopic("EmailSubscription"); subscribeMetadata = { "topicArn" = topic.getTopicArn(), "endpoint" = "", "protocol" = "https" } try{ subscription= topic.subscribe(subscribeMetadata) writeOutput("Subscribed to the topic successfully") writeDump(subscription) } catch (any e){ writeDump(e) } </cfscript>
Confirm subscription
Using this function, you can verify if an endpoint owner can receive messages by validating the token sent to the endpoint by an earlier Subscribe action. If the token is valid, the action creates a new subscription and returns its Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
For more information, see ConfirmSubscription.
confirmSubscription(topicArn, subscription)
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
Required |
AuthenticateOnUnsubscribe |
Indicates whether unsubscription to a subscription requires authentication. |
String |
No |
Token |
The token sent to an endpoint. |
String |
Yes |
TopicArn |
The ARN of the topic for which you wish to confirm a subscription. |
String |
Yes |
For more information, see request parameters.
<cfscript> snsObj = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf) topicObj = snsObj.createTopic("confirmSubscription"); topicARN = topicObj.getTopicArn(); subscribeMetadata = { "topicArn" = topicARN, "endpoint" = "", "protocol" = "email" } // manually fetch token value from email tokenVal = "token value"; metadata = { "token" = tokenVal } try{ confirmationObj = snsObj.confirmSubscription(topicARN,metadata) writeOutput("Subscription confirmed successfully") writeoutput(confirmationObj.subscriptionArn) } catch(any e){ writeDump(e) } </cfscript>
Unsubscribe from a topic
Delete a subscription. Only the owner of the subscription or the topic's owner can unsubscribe from the topic.
For more information, see Unsubscribe.
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
Required |
subscriptionArn |
The ARN of the subscription to be deleted. |
String |
Yes |
<cfscript> sns = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf) // create the topic topic = sns.createTopic("UnsubTopic") // subscription metadata subscribeMetadata = { "topicArn" = topic.getTopicArn(), "endpoint" = "", "protocol" = "email" } // subscribe to the topic subscription = topic.subscribe(subscribeMetadata) // get subscription Arn //subscriptionArn = subscription.getSubscriptionArn() // After confirming subscription, you get a subscription Arn subscriptionArn="arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:534385124010:UnsubTopic:6b35449d-90e7-4e63-aaf6-990da9cd1a51" try{ unsubResponse= sns.unsubscribe(subscriptionArn) writeOutput("Unsubscribed from topic successfully") writeDump(unsubResponse) } catch(any e){ writeDump(e) } </cfscript>
List subscriptions by topic
Return a list of the subscriptions to a specific topic.
For more information, see ListSubscriptionsByTopic.
listTopicSubscriptions(topicArn) listTopicSubscriptions(String topicArn, String nextToken)
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
Required |
topicArn |
The Arn of the topic from which you want to unsubscribe. |
String |
Yes |
nextToken |
The token returned by the previous call. |
String |
No |
<cfscript> sns = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf) // create the topic topic = sns.createTopic("EmailSubscription") // get topic ARN topicARN = topic.getTopicArn() // set subscription metadata subscribeMetadata = { "topicArn" = topicARN, "endpoint" = "", "protocol" = "email" } // subscribe to the topic subscription= topic.subscribe(subscribeMetadata) // get the subscriptions resp=sns.listTopicSubscriptions(topicARN) writeOutput("List of subscriptions:") writeDump(resp.subscriptions) </cfscript>
List subscriptions
Display a list of the requester's subscriptions. Each function call returns a list of 100 subscriptions.
For more information, see List Subscriptions.
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
Required |
nextToken |
The token returned by the previous ListSubscriptions call. |
String |
No |
For more information, see request parameters.
<cfscript> snsObj = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf) // create the topic topicObj = snsObj.createTopic("ListSubs") // get topic ARN topicARN = topicObj.getTopicArn() // set subscription metadata subscribeMetadata = { "topicArn" = topicARN, "endpoint" = application.emailId, "protocol" = "email" } // subscribe to the topic topicObj.subscribe(subscribeMetadata) // list subscriptions without nextToken parameter subsObj = snsObj.listSubscriptions() // get nextToken nextToken=subsObj.nextToken // list subscriptions with nextToken parameter ntObj=snsObj.listSubscriptions(nextToken) writeDump(ntObj) </cfscript>
Set subscription attributes
Set an attribute of the subscription to a new value.
For more information, see SetSubscriptionAttributes.
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
Required |
subscriptionAttributes |
Struct |
Yes |
attributeValue |
The new value for the attribute in JSON format. |
String |
No |
subscriptionArn |
The ARN of the subscription to modify. |
String |
Yes |
For more information, see request parameters.
<cfscript> sns = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf) topic = sns.createTopic("SubscriptionAttrib") // get topic ARN topicARN = topic.getTopicArn() // set subscription metadata subscribeMetadata = { "topicArn" = topicARN, "endpoint" = "", "protocol" = "email" } // subscribe to the topic subscription= topic.subscribe(subscribeMetadata) // get the subscription ARN // subsARN = subscription.getSubscriptionArn() // After confirming subscription, you get a subscription Arn subsARN="arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:534385124010:SubscriptionAttrib:735e692e-b085-48a6-ac01-42a1211bf86d" // set filter policy filterPolicy = { "OrderType" = ["Retail"] } // set subscription attribute metadata setSubscribeMetadata = { "attributeName" = "FilterPolicy", "attributeValue" = serializeJson(filterPolicy), "subscriptionArn"=subsARN } try{ setSubsObj = sns.setSubscriptionAttributes(setSubscribeMetadata) writeOutput("Attributes have been set successfully") writeDump(setSubsObj) } catch(any e){ writeDump(e) } </cfscript>
Get subscription attributes
Retrieve the properties of a subscription.
For more information, see getSubscriptionAttributes.
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
Required |
subscriptionArn |
The ARN of the subscription whose properties you want to return. |
String |
Yes |
<cfscript> sns = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf) topic = sns.createTopic("GetSubscriptionAttrib") // get topic ARN topicARN = topic.getTopicArn() // set subscription metadata subscribeMetadata = { "topicArn" = topicARN, "endpoint" = "", "protocol" = "email" } // subscribe to the topic subscription= topic.subscribe(subscribeMetadata) // get the subscription ARN // subsARN = subscription.getSubscriptionArn() // After confirming subscription, you get a subscription Arn subsARN="arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:534385124010:GetSubscriptionAttrib:482d04e0-f5d6-4f4e-b6f9-9f721212a5c4" // set filter policy filterPolicy = { "OrderType" = ["Retail"] } // set subscription attribute metadata setSubscribeMetadata = { "attributeName" = "FilterPolicy", "attributeValue" = serializeJson(filterPolicy), "subscriptionArn"=subsARN } // set subscription attributes sns.setSubscriptionAttributes(setSubscribeMetadata) // get subscription attributes getSubsObj = sns.getSubscriptionAttributes(subsARN) writeOutput("The attributes are:") writeDump(getSubsObj.attributes) </cfscript>
Publish messages to a topic
When the message is published, Amazon SNS attempts to deliver the message to every endpoint (such as AWS Lambda, Amazon SQS, HTTP/S, or an email address) subscribed to the topic.
For more information, see Publish a message to a topic.
publish(Struct message)
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
Required |
message |
The message you want to send. SMS messages
JSON messages
String |
Yes |
messageAttributes |
Message attributes for Publish action. For more information, see Message attribute values. |
Struct |
No |
messageStructure |
Set MessageStructure to json if you want to send a different message for each protocol. Valid value is json. |
String |
No |
phoneNumber |
The phone number to which you want to deliver an SMS message. |
String |
No |
subject |
The subject line of the message. |
String |
No |
topicArn |
The topic you want to publish to. |
String |
No |
For more information, see request parameters.
Example 1
{ "student": [ { "id":"01", "name": "Tom", "lastname": "Price" }, { "id":"02", "name": "Nick", "lastname": "Thameson" } ], "default" : "sample default JSON message" }
<cfscript> sns = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf) // create a topic topic = sns.createTopic("PubMessageJSON") // get topic Arn topicARN = topic.getTopicArn() subscribeMetadata = { "topicArn" = topicARN, "endpoint" = "", "protocol" = "email" } subscriptionObj = topic.subscribe(subscribeMetadata); studentFile = fileRead(expandPath('student.json')); // "messageStructure" = "json" is defined then only default msg will be published publishMetadata = { "messageBody" = studentFile, "messageStructure" = "json" } try{ publishResponse = topic.publish(publishMetadata) writeOutput("Message published successfully") writeDump(publishResponse) } catch(any e){ writeOutput("Failed to publish message") writeDump(e) } </cfscript>
Example 2
<cfscript> sns = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf) // create a topic topic = sns.createTopic("PubMessageSMS") // get topic Arn topicARN = topic.getTopicArn() subscribeMetadata = { "topicArn" = topicARN, "endpoint" = "<your phone number>", "protocol" = "sms" } subscriptionObj = topic.subscribe(subscribeMetadata); studentFile = fileRead(expandPath('student.json')); // "messageStructure" = "json" is defined then only default msg will be published publishMetadata = { "messageBody" = studentFile, "messageStructure" = "json" } try{ publishResponse = topic.publish(publishMetadata) writeOutput("Message published successfully") writeDump(publishResponse) } catch(any e){ writeOutput("Failed to publish message") writeDump(e) } </cfscript>
Example 3
<cfscript> sns = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf) // create a topic topic = sns.createTopic("PubMessageEmail") // get topic Arn topicARN = topic.getTopicArn() // set subscribe metadata subscribeMetadata = { "topicArn" = topicARN, "endpoint" = "", "protocol" = "email" } subscriptionObj = topic.subscribe(subscribeMetadata) // publish metadata publishMetadata = { "messageBody" = "Publish Email message from John", "messageStructure" = "String", "Subject"= "Subscription Notification" } try{ publishResponse = topic.publish(publishMetadata) writeOutput("Message published sucessfully") writeDump(publishResponse) } catch(any e){ writeOutput("Failed to publish message") writeDump(e) } </cfscript>
Set SMS attributes
Set the default settings for sending SMS messages and receiving daily SMS usage reports.
For more information, see Set SMS Attributes.
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
Required |
smsAttributes |
Key-value pair of the following:
Struct |
Yes |
For more information, see request parameters.
<cfscript> sns = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf) smsAttributes ={ " attributes":{ "DeliveryStatusIAMRole":"", "DeliveryStatusSuccessSamplingRate":"", "DefaultSenderID":"", "DefaultSMSType":"Transactional", "UsageReportS3Bucket":"", "MonthlySpendLimit":2 } } res =sns.setSMSAttributes(smsAttributes) writeDump(res) </cfscript>
Get SMS attributes
Retrieve the settings, that were defined in the earlier section, for sending SMS messages from your account.
For more information, see Get SMS Attributes.
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
Required |
attribute |
Attribute that you'd set in setSMSAttributes, for which you want to get the value. |
Array of string |
No |
<cfscript> sns = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf) // get the SMS attributes response=sns.getSMSAttributes() writeDump(response) writeoutput(response.attributes.DefaultSMSType) </cfscript>
Add permission
This function adds a permission to a topic's access control policy, granting access for the specified AWS accounts to the specified actions.
For more information, see AddPermisison.
addPermission(String topicArn, Struct permission)
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
Required |
label |
Unique Id for the policy. |
String |
Yes |
actions |
The actions that users can execute. |
Array of strings |
Yes |
awsaccountIds |
The AWS account IDs of the users who will be granted access to the specified actions. |
Array of strings |
Yes |
topicArn |
The ARN of the topic whose access control policy you wish to modify. |
String |
Yes |
<cfscript> snsObj = cloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf) // create a topic topicObj = snsObj.createTopic("AddPermission") // Add permission struct addPermissionAttribute = { "label" : "NewPermission", "actions": ["Publish"], "awsaccountIds": ["xxxxxxxxxxxx"] }; res = snsObj.addPermission(topicArn,addPermissionAttribute) writeDump(res) writeoutput(res.sdkHttpResponse.statusCode) </cfscript>
Remove permission
This function removes a permission from a policy.
For more information, see RemovePermission.
removePermission(String topicArn, String permissionLabel)
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
Required |
permissionLabel |
Unique Id of the statement to be removed. |
String |
Yes |
topicArn |
The ARN of the topic whose access control policy that you want to remove. |
String |
Yes |
<cfscript> snsObj = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf) // topic arn topicArn="arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:xxxxxxxxxxx:AddPermission" label = "NewPermission" try{ res = snsObj.removePermission(topicArn,label) writeOutput("Permission removed successfully") writeDump(res) } catch(any e){ writeDump(e) } </cfscript>
Create platform application
Using this function, you can create an application for a push notification service, such as, Firebase Cloud Messaging. You must specify PlatformPrincipal and PlatformCredential attributes when using the CreatePlatformApplication action.
For more information, see CreatePlatformApplication.
createPlatformApplication(Struct platformApplication)
Parameter |
Decription |
Type |
Required |
attributes |
Struct containing the following keys:
For more information, see Platform application attributes. |
Struct |
Yes |
name |
The name of the application. |
String |
Yes |
platform |
The following platforms are supported:
String |
Yes |
For more information, see request parameters.
<cfscript> snsObj = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf) platformMetadata ={ "attributes" : { "PlatformCredential": application.GCMServerKey, "PlatformPrincipal":"" }, "name" : "CFgcmpushapp", "platform" : "GCM" } resp = snsObj.createPlatformApplication(platformMetadata); writeDump(resp) writeoutput(resp.platformApplicationArn) </cfscript>
Delete platform application
Delete a platform application object for one of the supported push notification services, such as APNS and GCM.
For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications.
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
Required |
PlatformApplicationArn |
PlatformApplicationArn of platform application object to delete. |
String |
Yes |
For more information, see request parameters.
<cfscript> snsObj = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf) // create the platform application platformMetadata ={ "attributes" : { "PlatformCredential": application.GCMServerKey, "PlatformPrincipal":"" }, "name" : "PushAppForCF", "platform" : "GCM" } resp = snsObj.createPlatformApplication(platformMetadata) // get the platform ARN platformArn=resp.platformApplicationArn // delete the platform application try{ deletePltAppRes = snsObj.deletePlatformApplication(platformArn) writeOutput("Platform application deleted successfully") writeDump(deletePltAppRes) } catch(any e){ writeDump(e) } </cfscript>
Create platform endpoint
Create an endpoint for a device and/or mobile app on a push notification service, such as GCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) or APNS. This function requires the PlatformApplicationArn that is returned from a CreatePlatformApplication call. You can use the ARN to send a message to a device or an app or subscribe to a topic. If the requester already owns an endpoint with the same device token and attributes, the ARN is returned without creating an endpoint.
For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications.
createPlatformEndpoint(Struct platformEndpoint)
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
Required |
attributes |
Key-value pair of the following:
For more information, see endpoint attributes. |
Struct |
Yes |
PlatformApplicationArn |
The platform application ARN obtained from a CreatePlatformApplication call. |
String |
Yes |
Token |
Unique identifier created by the notification service for an app on a device. |
String |
Yes |
For more information, see request parameters.
<cfscript> snsObj = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf) // platform endpoint struct platformMetadata ={ "PlatformApplicationArn" : application.PlatformApplicationArn, "Token" : application.FCMToken } createResp = snsObj.createPlatformEndpoint(platformMetadata) writeDump(createResp) </cfscript>
Delete an endpoint
Delete an endpoint for a device and mobile app from Amazon SNS. When you delete an endpoint that also subscribes to a topic, then you must also unsubscribe the endpoint from the topic.
For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications.
Read the official DeleteEndpoint docs for more information.
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
Required |
endpointArn |
EndpointArn of endpoint to delete. |
String |
Yes |
For more information, see request parameters.
<cfscript> snsObj = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf) // platform endpoint struct platformMetadata ={ "PlatformApplicationArn" : application.PlatformApplicationArn, "Token" : application.FCMToken } createResp = snsObj.createPlatformEndpoint(platformMetadata) // get endpoint arn endpointArn = createResp.endpointArn; try{ deleteResp= snsObj.deleteEndpoint(endpointArn) writeOutput("Endpoint deleted successfully") writeDump(deleteResp) } catch(any e){ writeDump(e) } </cfscript>
Get endpoint attributes
Get the attributes of an endpoint for a device on one of the push notification services, such as GCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) and APNS.
For more information, see Get endpoint attributes.
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
Required |
endpointArn |
Endpoint ARN to get the attributes of. |
String |
Yes |
For more information, see request parameters.
<cfscript> snsObj = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf); platformMetadata ={ "PlatformApplicationArn" : application.PlatformApplicationArn, "Token" : application.FCMToken } createResp = snsObj.createPlatformEndpoint(platformMetadata); endpointArn = createResp.endpointArn; getResp = snsObj.getEndpointAttributes(endpointArn); //writedump(getResp); writeoutput(getResp.attributes.Enabled); </cfscript>
Opt in phone number
This function enables you to choose a phone number to send SMS messages to.
For more information, see OptInPhoneNumber.
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
Required |
phoneNumber |
The phone number to opt in. |
String |
Yes |
For more information, see request parameters.
<cfscript> snsObj = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf); optInResp = snsObj.optInPhoneNumber(application.phoneNum); writeoutput(optInResp.sdkHttpResponse.statusCode); </cfscript>
List phone numbers opted out
Get a list of phone numbers, where you can no longer send SMS messages to. The result is paginated, and each page returns up to 100 phone numbers. If there are phone numbers after the first page of results, then a NextToken string is returned.
For more information, see ListPhoneNumbersOptedOut.
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
Required |
nextToken |
String to use when you call this function to get list of phone numbers that are available after the first page of results. |
String |
Yes |
For more information, see ListPhoneNumbersOptedOut.
<cfscript> snsObj = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf); phoneNumOptedOut = snsObj.listPhoneNumbersOptedOut(); writeoutput(phoneNumOptedOut.sdkHttpResponse.statusCode); </cfscript>
Check if phone number is opted out
Check if a phone can receive SMS messages from an account, because the holder has opted out of receiving messages.
To resume sending messages, opt in the number by using the OptInPhoneNumber method.
For more information, see CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut.
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
Required |
phoneNumber |
The phone number for which you want to check the opt out status. |
String |
Yes |
For more information, see request parameters.
<cfscript> snsObj = getCloudService(application.awsCred, application.snsConf); topicObj = snsObj.createTopic("checkIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut"); topicARN = topicObj.getTopicArn(); subscribeMetadata = { "topicArn" = topicARN, "endpoint" = application.phoneNum, "protocol" = "sms" }; subsResp = topicObj.subscribe(subscribeMetadata); phoneNumOptedOut = snsObj.checkIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut(application.phoneNum); writeoutput(phoneNumOptedOut.isOptedOut); </cfscript>
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