Fix error "This document has stopped syncing to the cloud"

Getting the error "This document has stopped syncing to the cloud" for a cloud document? It's likely that your cloud document is damaged. Try the given solution to restore your cloud document to its last saved version.

Why has my cloud document stopped syncing to the cloud?

When working with cloud documents, there may be instances where you get the following error when trying to open it: "This document has stopped syncing to the cloud". The affected cloud document also shows an orange warning icon . This error indicates that the cloud document is damaged and has stopped syncing to the cloud. 

Cannot sync cloud documents

Getting orange warning icon for cloud documents

How do I fix my cloud document?

  1. Open the cloud document.

  2. In the error dialog box that appears, select Save a copy and restore.

    A copy of your cloud document is created (filename copy). At the same time, your cloud document is automatically restored to its last saved version in the cloud. 

    Save a copy and restore

     If you prefer to take action later, you can select Open to open your cloud document and make edits. Your changes will be temporarily saved locally, but will not sync to the cloud.

  3. Once a copy is created, check if you see the Available offline icon  for the affected cloud document.

    This icon indicates that your cloud document has been restored to the last saved cloud version. If you still see the orange warning icon contact us.

    Available offline icon

  4. Open the original cloud document and compare it with its recently created copy.

    If you find that some changes are missing in the original cloud document, you can refer to the recently created copy to make updates.

  5. Once you have made the changes, you can continue to use the original cloud document for further changes. Alternatively, you can choose to use the copy going forward, if the copy has the Available offline icon  that indicates it is syncing to the cloud.


    If your copy is opening and syncing seamlessly, you can use it instead and skip making changes to the original document.

Still having trouble?

Contact us if the issue persists and you encounter any of the following issues: 

  • After selecting the option Save a copy and restore, you get an error message "Could not save a copy" or "Could not restore to last version saved in cloud".
Error "Could not save a copy"
Error "Could not save a copy"

Could not restore to last saved version in cloud
Error "Could not restore to last version saved in cloud"

  • Your cloud document or its recently created copy cannot be opened.
  • Your cloud document or its recently created copy still don't display the Available offline icon .

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