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Get help when you need it

Find out how to get in touch with the Adobe Stock Support team.

If you can’t find answers to your questions in this guide or on the Adobe Stock site, our Support team is always available to help. Here’s how: 

  1. Click Contact us at the bottom of the Contributor portal or go directly to the Support form

    Contact us link at the bottom of Contributor portal

  2. Select the main category that best represents your question.  

  3. Select the subcategory that best represents your question. 

  4. Click the link provided to review relevant information available in our learn and support pages. 

  5. If your question was not answered in the learn and support page shared with you in the previous step, affirm you have reviewed the page by clicking the "I have reviewed the contributor help documentation above and I still need to contact you" checkbox. 

    Fill out the form, providing as many details as possible including any steps you have already taken and what you encountered. Someone from the contributor support team will get back to you as quickly as possible. We are currently experiencing a high volume of queries resulting in a higher than normal wait time. We thank you for your patience. 

If your question is about how to create an Adobe ID, see our troubleshooting guide. Or contact Adobe Support by selecting the link at the bottom of the Adobe ID account page.  

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