Open Illustrator files in XD

Learn how to open Illustrator files in XD.

Illustrator Files

You can open your existing Illustrator files directly in Adobe XD and work hand-in-hand to take your projects to new levels.

Here are some ways to open an Illustrator file in XD:

Browse and open

Drag and drop

Right-click  and open

In XD, select File > Open. Browse to the required folder, select a .Ai file, and open.

Drag the file right onto the XD icon on your computer. (MAC only).


Right-click the Illustrator file and select Open with > XD from the context menu.

All symbols and artwork, simple or complex, are transferred as editable with 1:1 visual fidelity. Artboards are preserved, something that doesn’t happen when copying and pasting, and the entire layer structure with naming and order remains intact, so no more tedious work re-organizing content after transferring it to XD.

Learn more

There are several methods you can use to import assets from Illustrator, including pasting Illustrator assets into XD, importing them using the Import command, dragging them into your XD document from a folder, opening an Illustrator (.AI) document in XD, and importing an Illustrator (.AI) document into your existing XD document.

Watch this video to learn how to bring in content from Illustrator.

Viewing time: 1 minute

You can also download the sample file to try them out yourself. ( 

What's next?

We've got you started with opening Illustrator files in XD. Take a step forward and learn how to XXX.

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