Learn about new features and enhancements in the May 2020 (version 14.2), February 2020 (version 14.0.3) and November 2019 (version 14.0) releases of Adobe Media Encoder
Support import of ProRes RAW footage
May 2020 release (version 14.2)
With support for Apple ProRes RAW Adobe Media Encoder now offers a comprehensive, cross-platform (Windows and macOS) solution for Apple ProRes workflows, from camera media through to delivery. For more information, see ProRes RAW Support in Adobe Video Applications.
Hardware-accelerated H.264 and HEVC encoding
May 2020 release (version 14.2)
With new support for NVIDIA and AMD GPUs on Windows, hardware encoding for H.264 and H.265 (HEVC) is now available across all platforms. This means consistently faster exports for these widely used formats. For more information, see Hardware acceleration system requirements.
Automatically update audio devices (macOS only)
May 2020 release (version 14.2)
Set Audio Hardware preferences to System Default on macOS to switch changes in the OS audio device settings, such as when connecting headphones or AirPods, or plugging in a USB microphone. You can configure this separately for input and output devices, providing control and flexibility for different editing environments.
Change in Preferences dialog
February 2020 release (version 14.0.3)
In the Preferences dialog, under the General tab, the Stop current item if decode errors are detected option is now turned on by default.
For more information, see General preferences.
Expanded Support of Apple ProRes in an MXF Wrapper
February 2020 release (version 14.0.3)
Adobe Media Encoder now supports export of Apple ProRes 4444 and ProRes 4444 XQ (Windows only) in MXF.
For more information, see Files supported for export with Media Encoder.
HDR10 export with metadata
November 2019 release (version 14.0)
Export HDR content with HDR10 metadata to ensure your content looks its best on HDR-enabled displays.
To add this metadata, choose High10 (H.264) or Main10 (HEVC) from the Profile menu under Encoding Settings. Enable Rec. 2020 Color Primaries, High Dynamic Range, and Include HDR10 Metadata checkboxes.
For more information, see Export settings reference for Media Encoder.
New file format support
November 2019 release (version 14.0)
Adobe Media Encoder provides robust native format support and this release provides improved performance for widely used file types.
New and improved format support includes:
- Improved Apple ProRes HDR support
- Import of QuickTime Animation files with Delta Frames
- Import of AVI Motion JPEG files (macOS)
- Import of Canon XF-HEVC footage
- Import of Canon EOS C500 Mark II footage
- Import of Sony Venice V4 footage
- Encode Apple ProRes MXF Op1a
For more information, see Supported file formats.
New encoding presets for publishing video to Adobe Stock
November 2019 release (version 14.0)
The following presets are added and can be found in the Preset Browser:
- Adobe Stock 4K DCI with Audio (40Mbps)
- Adobe Stock 4K DCI with Audio (Apple ProRes 422 HQ)
- Adobe Stock 4K DCI without Audio (40Mbps)
- Adobe Stock 4K DCI without Audio (Apple ProRes 422 HQ)
- Adobe Stock HD with Audio (20Mbps)
- Adobe Stock HD with Audio (Apple ProRes 422 HQ)
- Adobe Stock HD without Audio (20Mbps)
- Adobe Stock HD without Audio (Apple ProRes 422 HQ)
- Adobe Stock UHD with Audio (40Mbps)
- Adobe Stock UHD with Audio (Apple ProRes 422 HQ)
- Adobe Stock UHD without Audio (40Mbps)
- Adobe Stock UHD without Audio (Apple ProRes 422 HQ)
In order to ensure high-quality content for Adobe Stock, the Render at Max Bit Depth check box is enabled for the ProRes presets. The H.264 presets are set to VBR, 2-pass. The VBR 2-pass option generally provides higher quality output. This preset also disables hardware encoding, which optimizes quality but takes longer to encode.