Last updated on
Dis 28, 2022
Also applies to ColdFusion
This page lists all the new and changed functions in ColdFusion (2021 release).
- Identity/Not Identity Operator
- Immediately Invoked Function Expression
- Dynamic switch case
- Rest and spread operators
- Struct and array destructuring
- Iterator support
- Static Blocks, Variables and functions support for CFComponent
- Label Support for loops with Break and Continue
- Java interfaces by CFComponent
- Writing Java code directly in CFM or CFC
- SaveContent in script syntax
- Case sensitive structs
- Strings as collections: Strings are treated as array of characters in these new String functions.
- StringEach
- New encryption methods:
- Property shorthand
- New struct function- StructIsCaseSensitive
- New struct types- StructNew
- New Array Methods
- New ReduceRight methods:
- Application.cfc flags
- Time zone functions- change in DateFormat mask.
- Support Base64Url encoding for BinaryEncode & BinaryDecode
- Support for authenticated encryption in EncryptBinary and DecryptBinary
- Support for authenticated encryption in Encrypt and Decrypt
- CallBack support- Replace and ReplaceNoCase
- Immutable Query with QueryFilter
- Sort Member functions accept compare/compareNocase as callback
- Component using associative array notation
- Time zone functions
- New member functions
- Any.toJSON()
- arrayObj.containsNoCase()