Last updated on
Peb 17, 2025
- Adobe Lightroom User Guide
- Introduction
- In-app learning
- Add, import, and capture photos
- Organize photos
- Edit photos
- Edit photos
- Edit photos in Lightroom for mobile (iOS)
- Edit photos in Lightroom for mobile (Android)
- Quickly edit photos with Quick Action in Lightroom on mobile (Android)
- Quickly edit photos with Quick Action in Lightroom on mobile (iOS)
- Presets in Lightroom
- Presets in Lightroom for mobile (Android)
- Crop, Rotate, & Geometry tool in Lightroom
- Remove tool in Lightroom
- Remove tool in Lightroom for mobile (iOS)
- Remove tool in Lightroom for mobile (Android)
- Edit panel in Lightroom
- Masking in Lightroom
- Lens Blur in Lightroom
- Merge photos to create HDRs, panoramas, and HDR panoramas
- Edit HDR photos
- Edit HDR photos in Lightroom for mobile (iOS)
- Edit HDR photos in Lightroom for mobile (Android
- Easily enhance image quality in Lightroom
- Edit photos in other apps
- Learn about Content Credentials
- Add Content Credentials in Lightroom on mobile (Android)
- Add Content Credentials in Lightroom on mobile (iOS)
- Edit photos
- Edit videos
- Save, share, and export
- Lightroom for mobile, TV and the web
- Get started with Lightroom for mobile (iOS)
- Get started with Lightroom for mobile (Android)
- Adobe Photoshop Lightroom on the web
- Set up Lightroom for Apple TV app
- Use keyboard shortcuts in Lightroom for mobile (iOS and Android)
- Adobe Photoshop Lightroom for mobile and Apple TV | FAQ
- View Lightroom photos and videos on your TV
- How to Add Presets/Sync Presets with mobile
- Migrate photos
- Troubleshooting
Find issues fixed in the latest release of Lightroom desktop and mobile (iOS and Android)
With every release of Lightroom, find the bug fixes and other common crash issues in this article. Directly view the fixed issues for Lightroom for mobile and Lightroom on the web.
Lightroom desktop
February 2025 release (version 8.2)
December 2024 release (version 8.1)
- Unable to search files using file names in the Local storage tab
- The Lens Vignette slider is grayed out
- The Parametric Curve is missing range controls
- The cursor is replaced by the zoom tool periodically
- Panning isn't smooth when the mouse has a high poll rate
- Crash on opening Lightroom
- The video files don't import
- The tone setting not resetting or editable by inputting the value
October 2024 release (Version 8.0)
June 2024 release (Version 7.4)
May 2024 release (version 7.3)
- After upgrading to macOS Sonoma, the White Balance picker tool is stuck after the first click
- Lightroom Error: Failed To Initialize Camera RAW
- Export as TIF ignores color space
- Keyword autocomplete sometimes fails to find existing keywords
- Lightroom crashes on launch
- Open in Lightroom workflow errors
- The Detail view shows photos off-center after zooming in or zooming out
- Ability to refresh images from disk if they were modified externally
- The brush tool and sky detection crash and close Adobe Lightroom every time
- Assets missing from Apple Photos Library Migration
- What is the Lightroom Team Album?
- Reset Geometry Popup has the wrong text
- Target Album keyboard shortcut (T) is not displayed in the context menu
- Grid cells aren't color managed on Window
February 2024 release (version 7.2)
- Images in LR 7.1.2 reset to original, erasing edits
- Arrows to adjust sliders are no longer available after the Geometry Tool move
- Windows Touch Interface Undo/Redo buttons are disabled
- Tone curve behavior is different on hover than on the application of Preset
- Unexpected cameraraw.dll crash on Windows
December 2023 RELEASE (VERSION 7.1)
- Camera profiles won't sync to cloud on Mac in LrD 7.0 and LrD 7.0.1
- Delete all edits/changes made to a group of photos with Masking
- Tone Curve fails in Create Preset in some cases
- Lightroom (Desktop and Web) showing X/0 PB instead of X/100GB like it normally did
- The existing Point Color settings cannot be reset via Presets
- Brush selections in masking move after duplicating and dragging to another mask
- Crash on Windows
- HEIC files Edit in PS fails for files in Local Storage
- When you select the TIF format for export, the Color Space pop-up disappears
- Polish language translation errors
October 2023 release (version 7.0)
- Error Initializing Lightroom on Windows Pro N
- Vignette disappears after opening another Photo
- The Customers report the spontaneous occurrence of Invalid Originals on assets
- Sync errors unexpectedly appear in the catalog
- Crop rotation cursors are invisible on the default dark grey background (Windows)
- Crash on launch
- Local Storage: Insufficient disk space estimate is incorrect
- "Show original" shows point curve changes
- (Windows) The "Choose Copy Settings to Edit" shortcut is not working on first use
- Batch Export and Deletion failures for customer
- Deleted photos don't un-gray out after deleting
- Importing two same-named files with the same capture date causes issues
- No thumbnails on raw files in the import grid when importing from card (Win 10)
August 2023 release (version 6.5)
June 2023 release (version 6.4)
- Graphical Watermark is not visible on the image in dialog but is visible in the Export preview
- Lightroom crashes on macOS 12.6
- Crop settings are not applied when using the keyboard shortcut "C"
- Translation mistake in the Italian Preference panel
- Presets live preview is not working when (some) masks are applied
April 2023 release (version 6.3.1)
- The 'versions' table in the index store ends up empty upon re-indexing
- Can't export images on WinARM devices.
April 2023 release (version 6.3)
- Cannot install LrD on MacOS all versions when changing the locale to PL and NO on ACCD.
- Waiting for the settings error message
- Translation error for Korean locale
- Space used exceeds drive capacity
- Assets stuck syncing; info panel displays "NeedsDevelopXmpDownloaded"
- A brief appearance of the Legacy panel when clicking on items in the filmstrip
- Profile Amount Slider isn't visible in the Tutorial
- Learn Tutorials using Guided Upright tool appears to fail after tool selection
- The brush cursor disappears when pressing the alt key
December 2022 release (version 6.1)
- 'Delete' option is not available for some profiles
- The vignette slider has no effect when a Profile that contains a Vignette is applied
- Unable to connect to a network
- Space used exceeds Drive capacity in Local Storage
- Some assets are reported as invalid for customers
- Tif files exported from PNG with Transparency lose transparency and are saved on White Background
October 2022 release (version 6.0)
February 2025 release (version 10.2)
January 2025 release (version 10.1.2)
DECEMBER 2024 release (version 10.1)
- (iOS) Batch export is stuck and fails to complete
- (iOS) Batch copy/paste stuck in progress dialog - shows "loading smart preview" forever
- (iOS) Exposure or Shadows Appear Lifted for iPhone 16 HEIFs When Loaded in Loupe
- (iOS) Lr Crash Due to CALayer Invalid Geometry in LMCreditsView
- (iOS) Share or Export via the iOS system print option closes unexpectedly, blocking print
- (iOS) Copy Settings dialog does not dismiss after Escape or Return
- (iOS) Auto B/W mix automatically activates when editing the image
- (iOS) Generative Remove UI hides after device language changes
- (Android) Opening Lightroom in Offline Mode Launches the Play Store
November 2024 release (version 10.0.2)
October 2024 release (version 10.0)
- (iOS) On the iPad, grid lines are missing when adjusting geometry sliders
- (iOS) HDR video playback in Lightroom appears different compared to the iOS Photos app
- (iOS) Swipe gestures on the iPad feel slower and are sometimes misinterpreted as up/down instead of left/right
- (iOS) Improve ACR XMP data handling during export
August 2024 release (version 9.5)
July 2024 release (version 9.4.1)
June 2024 release (version 9.4)
May 2024 release (version 9.3)
- (iOS) The screen dims randomly due to high heat needs to adapt to thermal changes
- (Android) Sliders default to zero when touched
- (Android) Unable to log in to Lightroom on mobile - showing an error occurred while authenticating.
- (Android) Change in the translation of the string "Customer order."
- (Android) Incorrect number of likes on a photo.
February 2024 release (version 9.2)
- (iOS) Trimmed videos exported to the camera roll as 0:00 (no motion frames)
- (iOS) Large pixel dimensions assets need a long time to export with Lens Blur
- (Android) Light Curve Graph not scaling according to screen orientation
- (Android) Not rendering on export when using Lens Blur
- (Android) Unable to download Lightroom on my phone
December 2023 release (version 9.1)
October 2023 release (version 9.0)
May 2023 release (version 8.3.3)
February 2023 release (version 8.2)
January 2023 release (version 8.1.1 (iOS) 8.1.2 (Android))
December 2022 release (version 8.1)
October 2022 release (version 8.0)
August 2022 release (version 7.5)
June 2022 release (version 7.4)
- (iOS) Unable to edit DNG image in Loupe
- (iOS) Incorrect translation in Dutch
- (Android) Unable to import Panasonic GH6 Camera Raw files in Lightroom for Android