Trim In Point of Selected Clip to CTI
- Adobe Prelude User Guide
- Workspace and workflow
- Audio and video
- Collaboration with Prelude
Due to changing needs of video professionals and content creators, we are discontinuing Adobe Prelude. Effective September 8, 2021, Prelude will no longer be available on For more information, and instructions for downloading Prelude during the support period, please see our FAQ.
Visual Keyboard Shortcut Editor
You can use the Visual Keyboard Shortcut editor to view the keys with their assigned shortcuts, assign new shortcuts, and delete existing ones. The feature also lets you easily navigate and provides maximum workflow efficiency.
When you select a key on the Keyboard Layout, you can view all the commands that are assigned to that key and all other modifier combinations.
- Prelude detects the keyboard hardware and the appropriate keyboard layout is displayed accordingly.
- When Prelude detects a non-supported keyboard, the default view is to display the U.S. English keyboard. By default, the Adobe Prelude Default preset is displayed.
- When you change a shortcut, the preset pop-up menu changes to Custom. After you make the required changes, use the Save As option to save the customized shortcut set as a preset.
Using and customizing the Visual Keyboard Shortcut
- To view the Visual Keyboard Shortcuts, select Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows) or Prelude > Keyboard Shortcuts (macOS).
The Keyboard Shortcut window appears which shows you the layout of a keyboard. All the application level shortcuts are marked in purple while all panel wide shortcuts appear in green. For keyboard shortcuts that are applicable in both the levels, the color will depend on whether the panel is open or not. If the Panel is selected, it would appear in green otherwise in purple.
Shortcut assignment using drag-and-drop
You can assign shortcuts by dragging a command from the Command list to a key in the Keyboard Layout. You can also apply shortcuts using the modifier combination for the currently selected key displayed in the Key Modifier List. The Command List and the Modifier list appear below the keyboard.
- To assign a command to a key along with a modifier, hold down the modifiers during drag-and-drop.
- To remove the last assigned shortcut command, select the key and click Undo.
- To remove all shortcuts assigned, click Clear.
Conflict resolution
When an existing shortcut conflicts with another command:
- A warning appears at the bottom of the editor.
- Undo and Clear buttons in the lower right corner are enabled.
- The command in conflict is highlighted in blue, and clicking the key automatically selects the command in the command list.
You can now easily change the assignment for the conflicting command.
Application shortcuts
New Project | Ctrl+Alt+N (Win), Opt+Cmd+N (macOS) |
Open Project | Ctrl+Shift+O (Win), Shift+Cmd+O (macOS) |
Close Project | Ctrl+Shift+W (Win), Shift+Cmd+W (macOS) |
Close | Ctrl+W (Win), Cmd+W (macOS) |
Save As | Ctrl+Shift+S (Win), CMD+Shift+S (macOS) |
Ingest | Ctrl+I (Win), Cmd+I (macOS) |
Export Project | Ctrl+P (Win), Cmd+P (macOS) |
Create Rough Cut | Ctrl+N (Win), Cmd+N (macOS) |
Exit | Ctrl+Q (Win), Cmd+Q (macOS) |
Undo | Ctrl+Z (Win), Cmd+Z (macOS) |
Redo | Ctrl+Shift+Z (Win), Shift+Cmd+Z (macOS) |
Cut | Ctrl+X (Win), Cmd+X (macOS) |
Copy | Ctrl+C (Win), Cmd+C (macOS) |
Paste | Ctrl+V (Win), Cmd+V (macOS) |
Clear | Delete (Win), Forward Delete (macOS) |
Select All | Ctrl+A (Win), Cmd+A (macOS) |
Deselect All | Ctrl+Shift+A (Win), Shift+Cmd+A (macOS) |
Set Marker In Point | I (Use Alt+I or Opt+I when Heads Up Display is enabled during playback.) |
Set Marker Out Point | O (Use Alt+O or Opt+O when Heads Up Display is enabled during playback.) |
Select Previous Marker | Ctrl+Left Arrow (Win), Cmd+Left Arrow (macOS) |
Select Next Marker | Ctrl+Right Arrow (Win), Cmd+Right Arrow (macOS) |
Select Previous Clip | Ctrl+Up (Win), Cmd+Up (macOS) |
Select Next Clip | Ctrl+Down (Win), Cmd+Down (macOS) |
Add Selected Markers | Shift+= (Win), Cmd+= (macOS) |
Add Subclip Marker | 1 (Main keyboard) |
Add Comment Marker | 2 (Main keyboard) |
Marker Inspector | Shift+5 (Win), Cmd+5 (macOS) |
Marker List | Shift+6 (Win), Cmd+6 (macOS) |
Marker Type | Shift+4 (Win), Cmd+4 (macOS) |
Metadata | Shift+7 (Win), Cmd+7 (macOS) |
Monitor | Shift+2 (Win), Cmd+2 (macOS) |
Project | Shift+1 (Win), Cmd+1 (macOS) |
Timeline | Shift+3 (Win), Cmd+3 (macOS) |
Adobe Prelude Help | F1 |
Go To Selected Clip End | Shift+End |
Go To Selected Clip Start | Shift+Home |
Go To Time View End | End (Win), End or Function+Right Arrow (macOS) |
Go To Time View Start | Home (Win), Home or Function+Left Arrow (macOS) |
Maximize or Restore Frame | ' (accent under tilde) |
Play In-out | Ctrl+Shift+Space (Win), Opt+K (macOS) |
Play Stop Toggle | Space |
Select Find Box | Shift+F |
Select Next Panel | Ctrl+Shift+. (period) |
Select Previous Panel | Ctrl+Shift+, (comma) |
Shuttle Left | J |
Shuttle Right | L |
Shuttle Slow Left | Shift+J |
Shuttle Slow Right | Shift+L |
Shuttle Stop | K |
Step Back | Left Arrow |
Step Back many Frames - Units | Shift+Left Arrow |
Step Forward | Right Arrow |
Step Forward many Frames - Units | Shift+Right Arrow |
Workspace 1 | Alt+Shift+1 (Win), Opt+Shift+1 (macOS) |
Workspace 2 | Alt+Shift+2 (Win), Opt+Shift+2 (macOS) |
Workspace 3 | Alt+Shift+3 (Win), Opt+Shift+3 (macOS) |
Workspace 4 | Alt+Shift+4 (Win), Opt+Shift+4 (macOS) |
Workspace 5 | Alt+Shift+5 (Win), Opt+Shift+5 (macOS) |
Workspace 6 | Alt+Shift+6 (Win), Opt+Shift+6 (macOS) |
Workspace 7 | Alt+Shift+7 (Win), Opt+Shift+7 (macOS) |
Workspace 8 | Alt+Shift+8 (Win), Opt+Shift+8 (macOS) |
Workspace 9 | Alt+Shift+9 (Win), Opt+Shift+9 (macOS) |
Zoom In | = |
Zoom Out | - (hyphen) |
Zoom To Clip | \ |
Panel shortcuts
Project | |
New Bin (Prelude) |
Ctrl+B (Windows), Cmd+B (macOS) |
History Panel Menu |
Step Backward |
Left Arrow |
Step Forward |
Right Arrow |
Ingest Dialog |
Check All | Shift+V |
Uncheck All | Ctrl+Shift+V |
Check Selected Item(s) |
V |
Clear In Out Points |
C |
Select Directory List |
Ctrl+Left Arrow (Win), Cmd+Left Arrow (macOS) |
Select Media List |
Ctrl+Right Arrow (Win), Cmd+Right Arrow (macOS) |
Set In Point |
I |
Set Out Point |
O |
Timeline Panel Menu |
Ripple Delete | Alt+Backspace (Win), Opt+Delete (macOS) |
Show Next Screen |
Down Arrow |
Show Previous Screen |
Up |
New shortcuts in Prelude
Q |
Trim Out Point of Selected Clip to CTI |
W |
Insert Clip(s) at the previous edit point |
, (Comma) |
Insert Clip(s) at the next edit point |
. (period) |
Select clip at Playhead |
D |
Move clips left |
[ (Left angle bracket) |
Move clips right |
] (Right angle bracket) |
Customize keyboard shortcuts
When you open the Keyboard Shortcuts panel for the first time, the only option in the Set menu is Adobe Prelude Factory Defaults.
You can edit keyboard shortcuts and save the new set. After you save the new set, it appears in the Set menu.
- Select Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows), or Prelude > Keyboard Shortcuts (Mac OS) to open the Keyboard Shortcuts panel.
- In the Keyboard Shortcuts panel, select the option for which you want to create or update the keyboard shortcut.
- Press the keys that you prefer for the keyboard shortcut.
- Click Save As to save the updated Keyboard Shortcut set.
- Enter a name for the new set, and click Save.