- Adobe Prelude User Guide
- Introduction
- Audio and video
- Collaboration with Prelude
You can use this page to know more about how to change the default settings of the Prelude application
Due to changing needs of video professionals and content creators, we are discontinuing Adobe Prelude. Effective September 8, 2021, Prelude will no longer be available on Adobe.com. For more information, and instructions for downloading Prelude during the support period, please see our FAQ.
Use the options in the Preferences dialog (Edit > Preferences) to change the default settings in Prelude.
General settings
Description |
Start Mode |
The default option is Start Native Mode. |
At Startup |
Timeline Playback Auto-Scrolling |
Double clicking a clip or rough cut opens Marker List and Monitor Panel |
Enables or disables the opening of the Monitor panels if those panels are closed in the workspace. If you use custom panels, and do not want the Monitor panels displayed when you open a clip or rough cut, disable this setting. |
Project Loading Cache |
Cache files help improve the opening time of Prelude. After you enable project cache, you can set preferences for cache files using the options. |
Appearance settings
The appearance settings allow you to change the overall appearance of the Prelude application.
Option |
Description |
Brightness |
Set the brightness by dragging the slider. |
Highlight Color |
Set interactive controls and focus indicators by dragging the slider. |
Audio settings
Option |
Description |
Play Audio While Scrubbing |
Deselect this option to disable audio when scrubbing a movie on the timeline. |
Automatically Conform Audio On Ingest |
Set this preference to automatically conform audio during ingest. With this enhancement, all audio is available when required. Audio during playback is now available from the Project panel's thumbnail view. |
Audio Hardware
Use this option to specify the default audio output device. When you click ASIO Settings, the Audio Hardware Settings dialog box is displayed.
Option |
Description |
Enable Devices (Windows) |
Determines the connected audio device that is routed into and out of Prelude. If the device is an ASIO device, select the ASIO drivers for the device. If the sound card does not have manufacturer-supplied ASIO drivers, choose SoundMAX Integrated Digital High Definition Audio. To enable a device, be sure to install an up-to-date driver for the device (Windows.) To input more than two stereo channels or monitor 5.1 surround audio, the device driver must comply with the ASIO (Audio Stream Input Output) specification. If it does not comply, only stereo inputs and outputs are available regardless of the number of hardware inputs and outputs that are connected. |
Default Device (Mac OS) |
Select an input and output device from the Default Device menu. |
Buffersize |
Specifies the size of the buffer, in kilobytes, that Prelude uses for playing audio. |
Device 32-bit Playback (Windows Only) |
On the Output tab, check Device 32-bit Playback to enable 32-bit playback. |
Audio Output Mapping
The audio output devices available in your computer appear in the Map Output For menu. To map to a different device on your computer, select the corresponding option from the menu.
The Cloud Cache Files are located under C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Adobe\Prelude\<version-number>\CreativeCloudCache (Windows). Click Browse to save the files in a different location.
When Prelude ingests video and audio in some formats, it processes and caches versions of these items that it can readily access when generating previews.
Option |
Description |
Save Media Cache Files Next To Originals When Possible |
To store cache files with source files rather than in the media cache folder, select Save Media Cache Files Next To Originals When Possible. Click Browse to specify a location for the files. |
Media cache database |
A database retains links to each of the cached media files. This media cache database is shared with other applications. Each of these applications can read from and write to the same set of cached media files. If you change the location of the database in any of these applications, the location is updated for the other applications too. Each application can use its own cache folder, but the same database tracks them. |
Indeterminate Media Timebase |
Specifies the frame rate for sources. |
Timecode |
Select Start at 00:00:00:00 if you want to reset the timecode in the original clip. Select Media Source if you want to retain the original timecode of the clip. |
Frame Count |
Write XMP ID To Files On Import |
The ID number is a unique value associated with an asset. It enables the application to recognize a file even if the filename has changed. Each application can use this information to manage cached previews and conformed audio files, preventing additional rendering and conforming. When this option is selected, XMP ID values are written to source files when they are imported into Prelude. If a file already has an XMP ID, then Prelude doesn’t write a new one, and no change is made. Files from recent versions of Adobe applications will, in general, already have an XMP ID. Important: The Write XMP IDs To Files On Import preference only controls whether unique ID values are automatically written to files during import. This preference does not control whether XMP metadata is written to a file under other circumstances, such as when you edit metadata in the Metadata panel. |
Growing Files |
Growing files, in this context, are files that are edited as they are still being recorded. You can specify the refresh rate for such files using the Refresh Growing Files option. |
Set memory preferences
You can specify the amount of RAM reserved for Prelude and other applications under Edit Preferences Memory. For example, as you reduce the amount of RAM reserved for other applications, the amount of RAM available for Prelude increases.
To maximize available memory, change the Optimize Playback For preference from Performance to Memory. Change this preference back to Performance when processes in Prelude no longer require memory optimization.
Set playback preferences
Option |
Description |
Audio device |
The default audio device that is used for playback. |
Video device |
A video monitor other than your computer monitor, such as a broadcast monitor. |
Disable video output when in the background |
Disables video when Prelude is not the active application on your computer. |
Step forward/Back many |
Use Shift+Left Arrow and Shift+Right Arrow to step back many frames |
Set Marker preferences
Option |
Description |
Preroll |
When you add markers during playback, you sometimes miss adding the marker at the exact time. For example, if you want to add the marker at 00:20:41:02 during playback, the delay in pressing the key can result in the marker getting added after the required time. |
Adding a New Marker sets out point of previous marker |
By default Prelude sets the Out point of a new marker to be the end of the clip. Enable this option to set the Out point of the previously added marker to the frame before the In point of the new marker. When this option is disabled, the new marker is added to a layer above the current layer in the timeline. |
Stop Playback When a New Marker Is Added |
Stops the playback of the movie in the Monitor panel when you add a marker. |
Double-clicking a Marker Switches to the Marker Panel |
Shifts the focus to the Marker panel when you double-click a marker. |
Marker Type |
In the Marker section, you can change the default colors for the various kinds of markers and specify a time interval for the markers. For example, if you want the comment markers to have a default time of 5 seconds, you specify the time in Duration. |
Set Ingest preferences
Previous versions of Prelude remembered the last state of the Transcode option. This sometimes led to unwanted transcodes on subsequent ingests. With the Edit > Preferences > Ingest > Keep Transcode checkbox sticky option, you can choose whether the Transcode state is sticky or not between Prelude launches.
A new option Show total duration of checked items has been included in Prelude 8.0.1. By default, this option is enabled in Prelude. If you disable this option, you cannot see total duration of items checked in Ingest Browser. Thumbnails of media items are continuously generated.
Set Rough Cut preferences
You can apply Video and Audio transitions to rough cuts, specifying both the type and duration of transitions. You can also specify the default duration for still images.
Default Video Transition Type |
Default Audio Transition Type |
Cross Dissolve |
Constant Power |
Dip to Black |
Constant Gain |
Dip to White |