Användarhandbok Avbryt

Adjustment filters

  1. Användarhandbok för Photoshop Elements
  2. Introduktion till Photoshop Elements
    1. Nyheter i Photoshop Elements
    2. Systemkrav | Photoshop Elements
    3. Grundläggande om arbetsytan
    4. Läget Guidad
    5. Skapa fotoprojekt
  3. Arbetsytan och miljön
    1. Kom igång med startskärmen
    2. Grundläggande om arbetsytan
    3. Inställningar
    4. Verktyg
    5. Paneler och behållare
    6. Öppna filer
    7. Linjaler, stödraster och stödlinjer
    8. Läget Snabb har förbättrats
    9. Filinformation
    10. Förinställningar och bibliotek
    11. Pekstöd
    12. Virtuella minnen, plugin-program och programuppdateringar
    13. Ångra, göra om och avbryta åtgärder
    14. Visa bilder
  4. Korrigera och förbättra foton
    1. Ändra storlek på bilder
    2. Beskära
    3. Bearbeta foton med Camera Raw-format
    4. Lägga till oskärpa, ersätta färger och klona fotoområden
    5. Justera skuggor och ljus
    6. Retuschera och korrigera foton
    7. Skärpa foton
    8. Omforma
    9. Automatisk smart ton
    10. Omkomponering
    11. Använda funktionsmakron för att bearbeta foton
    12. Photomerge Komponera
    13. Skapa ett panorama
    14. Rörliga övertäckningar
    15. Flytta element
  5. Lägga till former och text
    1. Lägga till text
    2. Redigera text
    3. Skapa former
    4. Redigera former
    5. Översikt över målning
    6. Målningsverktyg
    7. Konfigurera penslar
    8. Mönster
    9. Fyllningar och linjer
    10. Övertoningar
    11. Arbeta med asiatisk text
  6. Snabbåtgärder
  7. Guidade redigeringar, effekter och filter
    1. Läget Guidad
    2. Filter
    3. Läget Guidad: Photomerge-redigeringar
    4. Läget Guidad: Grundläggande redigeringar
    5. Justeringsfilter
    6. Effekter
    7. Läget Guidad: Roliga redigeringar
    8. Läget Guidad: Specialredigeringar
    9. Konstnärliga filter
    10. Läget Guidad: Färgredigeringar
    11. Läget Guidad: Svartvita redigeringar
    12. Oskärpefilter
    13. Penseldragsfilter
    14. Förvrängningsfilter
    15. Andra filter
    16. Brusfilter
    17. Återgivningsfilter
    18. Skissfilter
    19. Stiliseringsfilter
    20. Strukturfilter
    21. Pixelförvandlingsfilter
  8. Arbeta med färg
    1. Färg
    2. Konfigurera färghantering
    3. Grunderna i färg- och tonkorrigering
    4. Välja färger
    5. Justera färg, mättnad och nyans
    6. Korrigera färgskiftningar
    7. Använda bildlägen och färgtabeller
    8. Färg och Camera Raw
  9. Arbeta med markeringar
    1. Göra markeringar i Photoshop Elements
    2. Spara markeringar
    3. Ändra markeringar
    4. Flytta och kopiera markeringar
    5. Redigera och förfina markeringar
    6. Utjämna markeringskanter med hjälp av kantutjämning och ludd
  10. Arbeta med lager
    1. Skapa lager
    2. Redigera lager
    3. Kopiera och ordna lager
    4. Justerings- och fyllningslager
    5. Urklippsmasker
    6. Lagermasker
    7. Lagerformat
    8. Opacitets- och blandningslägen
  11. Skapa fotoprojekt
    1. Grundläggande om projekt
    2. Skapa fotoprojekt
    3. Redigera fotoprojekt
    4. Skapa filmrullebildspel
  12. Spara, skriva ut och dela foton
    1. Spara bilder
    2. Skriva ut foton
    3. Dela foton online
    4. Optimera bilder
    5. Optimera bilder för formatet JPEG
    6. Gitter i webbilder
    7. Guidade redigeringar – panelen Dela
    8. Förhandsvisa webbilder
    9. Använda genomskinlighet och maskfärg
    10. Optimera bilder för formaten GIF och PNG-8
    11. Optimera bilder för formatet PNG-24
  13. Kortkommandon
    1. Kortkommandon för att välja verktyg
    2. Kortkommandon för att markera och flytta objekt
    3. Tangenter för panelen Lager
    4. Kortkommandon för att visa eller dölja paneler (läget Expert)
    5. Kortkommandon för målning och penslar
    6. Tangenter för att använda text
    7. Tangenter för filtret Gör flytande
    8. Kortkommandon för att omforma markeringar
    9. Tangenter för panelen Färgrutor
    10. Kortkommandon för dialogrutan Camera Raw
    11. Kortkommandon för Filtergalleriet
    12. Tangenter för blandningslägen
    13. Kortkommandon för visning av bilder (Avancerat läge)

Apply the Equalize filter

The Equalize filter redistributes the brightness values of the pixels in an image so that they more evenly represent the entire range of brightness levels. When you apply this command, Photoshop Elements finds the brightest and darkest values in the composite image. It then remaps them so that the brightest value represents white and the darkest value represents black. Photoshop Elements then equalizes the brightness—that is, distributes the intermediate pixel values—evenly throughout the grayscale.

  1. Select an image, layer, or area.

  2. Choose Filter > Adjustments > Equalize.
  3. If you selected an area of the image, select what to equalize in the dialog box, and click OK:
    • Equalize Selected Area Only to evenly distribute only the selection’s pixels.
    • Equalize Entire Image Based On Selected Area to evenly distribute all image pixels based on those in the selection.

Apply the Gradient Map filter

The Gradient Map filter maps the grayscale range of an image to the colors of a specified gradient fill.

Using the Gradient Map filter to simulate a sepia tone

  1. Select an image, layer, or area.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • Choose Filter > Adjustments > Gradient Map.
    • Using the Layers panel or Layer menu, create a new Gradient Map adjustment layer, or open an existing Gradient Map adjustment layer.
  3. Specify the gradient fill you want to use:
    • To choose from a list of gradient fills, click the triangle to the right of the gradient fill displayed in the Gradient Map dialog box. Click to select the desired gradient fill, and then click in a blank area of the dialog box to dismiss the list.
    • To edit the gradient fill currently displayed in the Gradient Map dialog box, click the gradient fill. Then modify the existing gradient fill or create a new gradient fill.

    By default, the shadows, midtones, and highlights of the image are mapped respectively to the starting (left) color, midpoint, and ending (right) color of the gradient fill.

  4. Select neither, one, or both of the Gradient Options:
    • Dither adds random noise to smooth the appearance of the gradient fill and reduce banding effects.
    • Reverse switches the direction of the gradient fill, reversing the gradient map.
  5. Click OK.

Apply the Invert filter

The Invert filter inverts the colors in an image. Use this command, for example, to make a positive black-and-white image negative or to make a positive from a scanned black-and-white negative.

Note: Because color print film contains an orange mask in its base, the Invert command cannot make accurate positive images from scanned color negatives. Be sure to use the proper settings for color negatives when scanning film on slide scanners.

When you invert an image, the brightness value of each pixel is converted into the inverse value on the 256‑step color-values scale. For example, a pixel in a positive image with a value of 255 is changed to 0.

  1. Select an image, layer, or area.

  2. Choose Filter > Adjustments > Invert.

Apply the Posterize filter

The Posterize filter lets you specify the number of tonal levels (or brightness values) for each channel in an image. It then maps pixels to the closest matching level. For example, choosing two tonal levels in an RGB image gives six colors, two for red, two for green, and two for blue.

This command is useful for creating special effects, such as large, flat areas in a photograph. Its effects are most evident when you reduce the number of gray levels in a grayscale image. But it also produces interesting effects in color images.


If you want a specific number of colors in your image, convert the image to grayscale and specify the number of levels you want. Then convert the image back to the previous color mode, and replace the various gray tones with the colors you want.

  1. Select an image, layer, or area.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • Choose Filter > Adjustments > Posterize.
    • From the Layers panel or Layer menu, create a new Posterize adjustment layer, or open an existing Posterize adjustment layer.
  3. Use the slider to get the right effect, or enter the number of tonal levels you want, and click OK.

Apply the Threshold filter

The Threshold filter converts grayscale or color images into high-contrast, black-and-white images. You can specify a certain level as a threshold. All pixels lighter than the threshold are converted to white; and all pixels darker are converted to black. The Threshold command is useful for determining the lightest and darkest areas of an image.

  1. Select an image, layer, or area.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • Choose Filter > Adjustments > Threshold.
    • From the Layers panel or Layer menu, create a new Threshold adjustment layer, or open an existing Threshold adjustment layer.
    • The Threshold dialog box displays a histogram of the luminance levels of the pixels in the current selection.
  3. Select Preview and do any of the following:
    • To change the image to black and white, drag the slider below the histogram until the threshold level you want appears at the top of the dialog box, and click OK. As you drag, the image changes to reflect the new threshold setting.
    • To identify a representative highlight, drag the slider to the right until the image is pure black. Then drag the slider back until some solid white areas appear in the image.
    • To identify a representative shadow, drag the slider to the left until the image is pure white. Then drag the slider back until some solid black areas appear in the image.
  4. (Optional) To return to default settings, hold down Option and click Reset.

  5. (Optional) Click Cancel to close the Threshold dialog box without applying changes to the image.

Apply the Photo filter

The Photo Filter command mimics the technique of putting a colored filter in front of the camera lens.  A colored filter adjusts the color balance and color temperature of the light transmitted through the lens and exposing the film. The Photo Filter command also lets you choose a color preset to apply a hue adjustment to an image. If you want to apply a custom color adjustment, the Photo Filter command lets you specify a color using the Adobe Color Picker.

Original image (left), and Warming Filter (81) with 60% Density applied (right)

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Choose Filter > Adjustments > Photo Filter.
    • Choose Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Photo Filter. Click OK in the New Layer dialog box.
  2. To choose the filter color, do one of the following in the Photo Filter dialog box:

    Warming Filter (85) and Cooling Filter (80)

    Color conversion filters that tune the white balance in an image. If an image was photographed at a lower color temperature of light (yellowish), the Cooling Filter (80) makes the image colors bluer to compensate for the lower color temperature of the ambient light. Conversely, if the photo was taken at a higher color temperature of light (bluish), the Warming Filter (85) makes the image colors warmer to compensate for the higher color temperature of the ambient light.

    Warming Filter (81) and Cooling Filter (82)

    Light balancing filters for minor adjustments in the color quality of an image. The Warming Filter (81) makes the image warmer (yellower) and the Cooling Filter (82) makes the image cooler (bluer).

    Individual Colors

    Apply a hue adjustment to the image depending on the color preset you choose. Your choice of color depends on how you're using the Photo Filter command. If your photo has a color cast, you can choose a complement color to neutralize the color cast. You can also apply colors for special color effects or enhancements. For example, the Underwater color simulates the greenish-blue color cast caused when photographing underwater.

    • Select the Filter option, and choose a preset from the Filter menu.
    • Select the Color option, click the color square, and use the Adobe Color Picker to specify the color of a custom color filter.
    • Make sure Preview is selected to view the results of using a color filter.
    • If you don’t want the image darkened by adding the color filter, be sure that the Preserve Luminosity option is selected.
  3. To adjust the amount of color applied to the image, use the Density slider or enter a percentage in the Density text box. A higher Density applies a stronger color adjustment.
  4. Click OK.

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