tracks contain an imported video clip. A session can include one video track and clip at a time. You can watch a previewin the Video panel (Window > Video).Audio
tracks contain either imported audio or clips recorded in the current session. These tracks offer the widest range of controls. You can specify inputs and outputs, apply effects and equalization, route audio to sends and buses, and automate mixes.Bus
tracks let you combine the outputs of several audio tracks or sends and control them collectively.The Master
track , which is the last in each session, lets you easily combine the outputs of multiple tracks and buses. You can also control them with a single fader.
For more information, see Routing audio to buses, sends, and the Master track.
Multitrack sessions support an unlimited number of mono, stereo, and 5.1 audio and bus tracks. When adding tracks, choose a channel configuration based on the configuration of the Master track:
For mono masters, add mono audio and bus tracks.
For stereo masters, add stereo audio and bus tracks. Except for audio tracks with mono sources (like a single microphone).
For 5.1 masters, add stereo audio tracks and 5.1 bus tracks (to maintain proper gain staging). If you have any 5.1 audio clips, however, add 5.1 audio tracks to contain them.
A. Mono B. Stereo C. 5.1
A multitrack session supports only one video track, which Adobe Audition always inserts at the top of the Editor panel.
To add a track, select the track you want to precede it, and then choose Multitrack > Track > Add [type of] Track.
- To add multiple tracks, choose Multitrack > Add Tracks. You can enter the number of tracks you want to add and the channel layout. Audition also lets you add Bus tracks. You can also choose the channel layout for Bus tracks.
- Position the pointer to the left of the track name, and then drag either up or down in the Editor panel. You can also drag them right or left in the Mixer.
While working on the multitrack editor, you can use the Tracks panel to customize tracks. You can use the panel to choose the tracks you want to see or hide while working on a project. To open the Tracks panel, follow this step:
- Select Windows > Tracks.
Use Track Visibility to see the available presets for tracks. To open Track Visibility options, do one of the following:
- To open Track Visibility from Tracks panel, select the Tracks pop-up window> Track Visibility.
- To open Track Visibility from Editor panel, select the Editor pop-up window > Track Visibility.
- To open Track Visibility from the main menu, select Multitrack > Track Visibility.
To save custom presets, select Track Visibility > Save > Preset. You can save up to nine presets.
To hide tracks, use the eye icon. indicates that the track is visible, and indicates that the track is hidden.
When you use the vertical Zoom options in the lower right of the Editor panel, all tracks zoom simultaneously. If a session contains many tracks, it is advised to zoom them individually.
To quickly zoom all tracks, roll the mouse wheel over the track controls. To horizontally resize all track controls, drag the right border.
For more techniques, see Zoom audio in the Editor panel.
You can mute solo tracks to hear them separately from the rest of a mix. Conversely, you can mute tracks to silence them in a mix.
- To mute a track, click its Mute button in the Editor panel or Mixer.
- To solo a track, click its Solo button in
the Editor panel or Mixer. To automatically remove other tracks
from Solo mode, Ctrl‑click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS).
Tip: To remove other tracks from Solo mode by default, select Track Solo: Exclusive in the Multitrack section of the Preferences dialog box. (Regardless of this setting, when you solo a bus, assigned tracks are always placed in Solo mode.)
In the Editor panel, drag the Volume
knob . To change settings in large increments, hold down Shift. To change settings in small increments, hold down Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac OS)In the Mixer, drag the track fader, or click above or below to move incrementally to the next tick mark. To move to a specific point, Alt‑click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS) above or below the fader.
To return knobs and faders to zero (unity gain), Alt‑click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS) directly on them.
- Drag the Pan
knob in the Editor panel or Mixer.
To change settings in large increments, hold down Shift. To change settings in small increments, hold down Ctrl (Windows) or Command (MacOS)
Tip: By default, the Multitrack Editor pans using an equal power method, which maintains consistent perceived loudness by slightly boosting one channel over the other. To change the boost amount, or switch to logarithmic panning (which simply attenuates one channel), change Panning Mode in the Multitrack preferences.