Zadnja posodobitev
18. jan. 2022
Bugs fixed in ColdFusion (2018 release) Update 5
Bug ID | Description | Component |
CF-4204003 | When creating a DSN via the Admin API, the default Select Method is Cursor. The GUI defaults to Direct. | Administrator : Admin API |
CF-4204002 | When creating a DSN for MSSQL via setMSSQL() function, a few defaults do not get set as expected. | Administrator : Admin API |
CF-4204166 | When a Chained Scheduled Task runs, the 'Last Run' shows either 'Not Run' or incorrect date/time in ColdFusion Administrator > Server Settings > Scheduled Tasks. | Administrator : Administrator Console |
CF-4204060 | If a change is made to the per application for In-Memory Virtual File system setting and the server is not restarted, the setting does not get reflected during runtime.. | Administrator : Administrator Console |
CF-4203843 | The ColdFusion Administrator URL is case-sensitive. | Administrator : Administrator Console |
CF-4204169 | You can select more then one row when attribute mulirowselect = false/no in the cfgrid tag. | AJAX |
CF-4203974 | When using ArrayFind, the exception, Variable IMPLICITARRYSTRUCTVAR16 is undefined appears. | Application Framework |
CF-4204024 | When dumping the form scope inside Application.cfc, either outside any functions, or even in a function such as onRequestStart, the setting sameFormFieldsAsArray is not always honored. | Application Framework : ApplicationCFC |
CF-4204458 | When setting sameFormFieldsAsArray to true in the Application.cfc, the value in the form scope cause an error when used with array member functions and when passed in to some array functions. | Application Framework : PerAppSettings |
CF-4203365 | The error message Routines cannot be declared more than once gets displayed for a function that is included twice with runonce=true. | CFComponent |
CF-4204128 | In cfgrid, changes to a column produces unexpected results. | CFForm : HTML |
CF-4203491 | Unexpected issues with bar charts. | Charting/Graphing |
CF-4203382 | Pie charts created using cfchart with any 0 (zero) data values produce unexpected results. | Charting/Graphing |
CF-4202001 | When using show3d="yes" for <cfchart url="">, the URL does not get reflected in the page. | Charting/Graphing |
CF-4201268 | There are issues when refreshing and/or destroying a chart. | Charting/Graphing |
CF-4199428 | Characters such as " cause cfchart to fail with an error message. | Charting/Graphing |
CF-3859367 | $VALUE$ , $ITEMLABEL$, and $SERIESLABEL$ for attribute URL of CFCHART only work with PNG/JPG and not FLASH/HTML. | Charting/Graphing |
CF-3850838 | When there are many values to put on a pie chart, but one comes out as 100%, the whole chart vanishes. | Charting/Graphing |
CF-3842819 | Tooltip displays incorrect series total. | Charting/Graphing |
CF-4204119 | Creating a chart with many data points in format="png" throws an error. | Charting/Graphing : Server |
CF-4203837 | In ColdFusion (2018 release), charts exported to JPG produce unexpected results. | Charting/Graphing : Server |
CF-4198546 | You are unable to set custom Disk Cache location in CFAdmin, neo-graphing.xml, or the adminapi. It always resets back to the default location. | Charting/Graphing : Server |
CF-4193936 | When a chart is in PNG format ,the color difference is incorrect. | Charting/Graphing : Server |
CF-4203405 | Connectors in ColdFusion (2016 release) throw Error 400 where the hostname contains an underscore. | Connector |
CF-4204099 | ColdFusion throws an exception when using callStackGet and looping through the result. | Core Runtime : Parser/Compiler |
CF-4204716 | The cfquery tag fails inside a scheduled task with null message and null cause. | Database : CFQuery |
CF-4204298 | When the scale property is added to a query parameter, it throws a java.lang.ClassCastException. | Database : CFQuery |
CF-4199071 | The cfquery tag turns emojis into question marks on Insert in MySQL databases. | Database : CFQuery |
CF-4204302 | Using an UPDATE statement in a Derby data source throws an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. | Database : Derby |
CF-4204296 | The SpreadSheetAddFreezePane function throws an exception. | Document Management : Office Integration |
CF-4108544 | The cfSpreadsheet tag incorrectly extracts year from dates. | Document Management : Office Integration |
CF-4197415 | In cfpresentation (format="ppt"), there are formatting issues when generating PPT with HTML content. | Document Management : Presentation |
CF-4204028 | The FileWrite function is unable to change FileObject's charset. | File Management |
CF-4196036 | There are issues with cfhttp when the name of the file contains unicode characters. | File Management |
CF-4201409 | There is an error message when uploading a file with the character İ in the filename when using cffile upload or uploadall. | File Management : CFFile |
CF-4204030 | In AWS, S3 Content-Type is always application/octet-stream on first write. | File Management : VFS-S3 |
CF-4203583 | In AWS, when using CFFILE tag and function, there is a File Append error. | File Management : VFS-S3 |
CF-4203582 | In AWS, an extra metadata gets returned by the StoreGetMetadata tag. | File Management : VFS-S3 |
CF-4204404 | In ColdFusion (2018 release), application-specific mappings do not register correctly until an additional getApplicationMetadata() is called. | Framework |
CF-4203408 | Referencing a variable in a nested structure generates an exception error. | Functions |
CF-4203083 | When closing over a var-scoped struct, nested properties are inaccessible.. | Functions |
CF-4204191 | CreateODBCDateTime() with DateFormat() and CreateODBCTime() results in incorrect ODBCDateTime output. | Functions : Datetime |
CF-4204179 | References to Java objects extending Map interface do not work as expected with integer keys. | Java Integration |
CF-4203996 | An error occurs when using a ternary conditional operator inside of <cfdocumentsection>. | Language |
CF-4204688 | The araryEach() does not pass array reference to an UDF in the 2018 release of ColdFusion. | Language |
CF-4204468 | An HTTP request erases on-the-fly app mappings on other requests until getApplicationMetadata() is called. | Language |
CF-4202734 | A nested struct reference returns undefined/null from a closure. | Language : Closures |
CF-4202592 | If a function returns a closure, and if it is immediately called, the call does not happen as expected. | Language : Closures |
CF-4198396 | There must be support for arrow functions when declaring closures. | Language : Closures |
CF-4204053 | ListAppend does not return the unchanged list when you add an empty string. | Language : Functions |
CF-4203086 | RandRange returns incorrect range for negative values. | Language : Functions |
CF-4201549 | Allow QueryNew(rowData), when rowData is an array of struct. | Language : Functions |
CF-4204307 | When using member functions, the error message, Value must be initialized before use, appears. | Language : Member Functions |
CF-4203611 | The function isDefined("local.myNull") returns incorrect results when null support is enabled. | Language : Null Support |
CF-4204103 | The FORM scope does not display all values that are submitted when a post includes same named fields and one of those fields is of type="file". | Language : Scopes |
CF-4198398 | Hibernatesql.log\esapiconfig.log does not get created for an instance. | Logging |
CF-4203900 | The cfmail tag changes the from name to lowercase. | Net Protocols : MAIL |
CF-4198387 | java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace errors after upgrading to the 2016 release of ColdFusion. | Performance |
CF-4204482 |
When connecting to Performance Monitoring Toolset, there are database exception messages in the logs. | Performance Monitoring Toolset: Database Monitoring |
CF-4198851 | The following error message appears sometimes: generatePBKDFKey- PBKDF2WithSHA256 algorithm is not supported by the Security Provider you have chosen. |
Security |
CF-4203170 | After upgrading to the 2018 release of ColdFusion, there are intermittent errors thrown by the cflogin tag. | Security : Authentication |
CF-4204405 | When using Java 11, urls that are longer than expected cause ColdFusion to throw an exception and abort further processing. | Validation |
CF-4204079 | The isJSON functions sometimes return true for a string, which is not in an acceptable JSON format. | Validation |
CF-4203526 | ColdFusion uses an invalid attribute, packetSize, in Tomcat HTTP connector settings. | Web Container (Tomcat) |
CF-4204110 | When a request is made to a particular REST service, there is a NullPointerException for every request. | Web Services : REST Service |
Known issues in this release
- An exception occurs if an attempt is made to index a zipped directory containing powerpoint file(s).
- Adminservlet war was being copied even though the remote admin component had been disabled. If you install/uninstall the update, ensure that you delete the folders present inside the [CF Home]\[Instance Name]\jetty\work directory, and restart the ColdFusionAddonServices after update is installed. This ensures that the latest changes are picked up by the Jetty server.
- CF-4204191: The CreateODBCDateTime() function was using epoch time as 01-FEB-1970. Now it is fixed to use ColdFusion's epoch time, 30-DEC-1899.
- When using single-line lambdas in built-in functions, use an explicit return statement within braces (for example, (item) => {return item.rating >= 3;})
- If you have added a whitelisted IP address, it is not removed even after you have uninstalled the update.
- Web pages do not render as expected when document root of Apache contains localized characters. As a work-around, create a document root with only English characters.
- CF-4198851: For the fix for “PBKDF2WithSHA256 algorithm is not supported by the security provider” bug, ensure the JDK used is JDK 10 or higher.
Known issues reported after the update
- CF-4205250: A <cfoutput> tag outside a function call causes a nested tag error if the function call contains a <cfoutput query="">.
- CF-4205251: Nested implicit structures in an argument in an IF statement throws an exception.
- CF-4205268: When writing a function, a Lambda expression requires the code to be written inside a block.
- CF-4205245: When a fat arrow function has curly braces around the body, only an explicit return statement must return a value. The implicit return behavior only applies to a function body with no curly braces.
- CF-4205246: A UDF with a Fat arrow do not always parse as expected.
- CF-4205247: When you pass a UDF with a Fat arrow into a BIF with no curly braces around, the body causes a parsing error.
- CF-4205248: When you pass a Fat arrow function to a BIF with a default value on one of the parameters, an error occurs.
- CF-4205269: A few queries that do not use cftransaction results in the exception, java.sql.SQLException: Datasource names for all the database tags within the cftransaction tag must be the same.
- CF-4205370: In the Enterprise edition of ColdFusion (2018 release), you are unable to increase the maximum number of threads available for CFTHREAD above 10.
Revision history
10/9/2019: Added the bug CF-4205370.
10/1/2019: Added the issues reported after the release of the update.