Troubleshoot Send in Bulk issues

Delegation/replacing signer

Send in Bulk sent transactions cannot be delegated to any other signer. If your original recipient is not the person who needs to sign that document, cancel their individually sent transaction. Then, send the document as a new transaction to the new signer.

Bounced email

If the email sent to an individual recipient bounces, double-check that the email address was entered correctly.

If the email address was correct, the recipient can use the following troubleshooting tips to ensure that they can receive emails from Adobe Sign:

  • Check the spam folder.
  • Add "" to the address book or safe list.
  • If the email has a stringent security setting that blocks emails with active HTML links, then reduce that setting.
  • Turn off filtering.

You can then set a reminder for that individual transaction so that another email is sent to that email address requesting that they sign. If the issue persists, submit a support ticket with the details of this issue and the email address that is bouncing.

If the email was misspelled or incorrect, cancel the individually sent transaction, then send the document as a new transaction to the new signer.

Failed batch

A common result is the same email address that the Send in Bulk transaction is being sent from is also in the list of recipients. Transactions cannot be sent to the same email address that they are being sent from. Double-check your list of recipients and ensure that the email address you used to log in to Adobe Sign with is not included in that list.

If the issue persists, submit a support ticket with the details of this issue, including a screenshot of any error messages, and attach your CSV file to that email.

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