Log in to Acrobat Sign as an administrator.
Authorize the use of the Adobe Acrobat Sign REST API using Postman and the OAuth2 protocol.
- Administrator access to an Acrobat Sign enterprise tier account.
- Group and Account level administrators are equally viable.
- Group and Account level administrators are equally viable.
- Familiarize yourself with the guide for using OAuth to access Acrobat Sign APIs.
- Download and install the Postman application.
- Know which Acrobat Sign shard your account uses as the base URLs.
- The shard is the parameter in the URL just before adobesign.com. e.g. na1 is the shard in this URL: api.na1.adobesign.com/api/rest/v6/baseUris
Example request:
GET https://api.na1.adobesign.com/api/rest/v6/baseUris
Example response:
{ "apiAccessPoint": "https://api.na1.adobesign.com/", "webAccessPoint": "https://secure.na1.adobesign.com/" }
The below process uses a group-level administrator view to create a basic OAuth2 access token. Your application is likely to have different scopes using your own Redirect/Callback URL.
Provide the Create dialogue with the required information and select Save.
- Name -The Name value that is displayed in the application list.
- Display Name - The name value displayed during the OAuth authentication process.
- Domain - The scope of authority that the application can be entitled to:
- CUSTOMER - The application only has access to data within the account.
- PARTNER - The application has access to any authorized Acrobat Sign account.
- CUSTOMER - The application only has access to data within the account.
- Name -The Name value that is displayed in the application list.
The Configure OAuth panel opens with the required information and select Save when done.
- Redirect URI (Callback URL) - The URL that your application is redirected to after successful authorization.
- Enabled Scopes - Enable each Scope and define the Modifier for the requesting API calls you intend to use.
- Redirect URI (Callback URL) - The URL that your application is redirected to after successful authorization.
Configure the new token:
In the top input field, insert the API endpoint
- Endpoint: Enter an Acrobat Sign REST endpoint.
- Select the method (GET, PUT, POST)
- Enter the desired endpoint. e.g., https://api.na1.adobesign.com:443/rest/v6/agreements
On the Authorization tab, Configuration Options section, configure:
- Type: OAuth 2.0
- Token Name: Provide an intuitive name for the token (stored in Postman).
- Grant Type: Select Authorization Code.
- Callback URL: This is the same value as the Redirect URI defined in step 6.
- If you don't have a callback URL, you can use the default helper URL: https://oauth.pstmn.io/v1/browser-callback.
- Auth URL: Acrobat Sign's entry point for OAuth2 authentication. e.g., https://secure.na1.adobesign.com/public/oauth/v2.
- Access Token URL: A URL used to exchange a token authorization code. e.g., https://secure.na1.adobesign.com/public/oauth/v2/token.
- Client ID: Enter the Application ID from step 8.
- Client Secret: Enter the Client Secret from step 8.
- Scope: Enter one or more Scopes (space delimited). e.g.: agreement_read:self agreement_write:self
- State: Enter a personalized string of any nature. Used to prevent cross-site request forgery requests.
- Client Authentication: Select Send as Basic Auth header
- Endpoint: Enter an Acrobat Sign REST endpoint.
Select Use Token on the Manage Access Tokens panel to start using the new token.
- The Access Token is the Bearer token used to issue requests through Postman (or any other web client).
- REST API calls to Acrobat Sign can be executed by adding the token as an Authorization header in the request. e.g.: Authorization: Bearer 3AAABLblqZhCtVr4yFFr
- REST API calls to Acrobat Sign can be executed by adding the token as an Authorization header in the request. e.g.: Authorization: Bearer 3AAABLblqZhCtVr4yFFr
Authorization: Bearer 3AAABLblqZhCtVr4yFFr...Authorization: Bearer 3AAABLblqZhCtVr4yFFr...Authorization: Bearer 3AAABLblqZhCtVr4yFFr...
- The refresh_token can be used to refresh the Bearer token when it expires.
Example refresh request:
POST https://secure.na1.adobesign.com:443/oauth/v2/refresh"Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"Request body should contain the following parameters:"grant_type": refresh_token"client_id": <<Adobe Sign Application ID, step (05)>>"client_secret": <<Adobe Sign Application Secret, step (05)>>"refresh_token": <<Take refresh token from Postman, 'Manage Access Tokens' dialog.POST https://secure.na1.adobesign.com:443/oauth/v2/refresh "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" Request body should contain the following parameters: "grant_type": refresh_token "client_id": <<Adobe Sign Application ID, step (05)>> "client_secret": <<Adobe Sign Application Secret, step (05)>> "refresh_token": <<Take refresh token from Postman, 'Manage Access Tokens' dialog.POST https://secure.na1.adobesign.com:443/oauth/v2/refresh "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" Request body should contain the following parameters: "grant_type": refresh_token "client_id": <<Adobe Sign Application ID, step (05)>> "client_secret": <<Adobe Sign Application Secret, step (05)>> "refresh_token": <<Take refresh token from Postman, 'Manage Access Tokens' dialog.
Example refresh token response:
{"access_token": "3AAABLblqZhDBytK","token_type": "Bearer","expires_in": 3600){ "access_token": "3AAABLblqZhDBytK", "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_in": 3600 ){ "access_token": "3AAABLblqZhDBytK", "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_in": 3600 )
- The Access Token is the Bearer token used to issue requests through Postman (or any other web client).