InDesign CC 9.3.0 Release Notes

System requirements

For the latest system requirements, visit

For a list of the latest system requirements for other Creative Cloud products, see

What's new

Opening a newer version document

You can now receive and immediately open documents sent by anyone using a different version of InDesign CC without extra steps like manually exporting to IDML. Compatibility is built right in, ensuring that your documents always open just as you would expect.

If you open a document created in a newer version of InDesign CC and click OK in the following message, InDesign CC uses a Creative Cloud service to convert the document to the InDesign CC version that you are running. InDesign CC then saves the converted document back to your computer.

Resolved issues

Visit for late-breaking information and known issues for all Creative Cloud applications.

  • Font does not render correctly if text styled in Illustrator is copied to an InDesign document. (#3713803)
  • Memory consumption increases if a user performs a drag-and-drop operation when the Show transform values option is enabled. (#3843137)
  • InDesign closes unexpectedly when a user performs a drag-and-drop operation. (#3843138)
  • The values of form field do not appear when a user exports a document to IDMS or IDML. (#3843990)
  • The frame overset condition does not go away using Fit Frame to Content. (#3784306)
  • SuppressedUI does not work if a user disables some widgets. (#3743983)
  • If a user copies a file containing umlauts, the target filename is changed. (#3792507)
  • If a user chooses a gray profile from the Convert to destination option, then selects the no color conversion option, the produced output is gray scale. (#3606185)
  • InDesign does not remember the location and size of some panels when the application is closed and then reopened. (#3683393)
  • InDesign encounters performance issues if a user opens multiple files. (#3729057)

Online resources

For general Adobe community, visit

To find help on topics related to downloading, installing, and getting started with your software, visit

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Customer support

For assistance with product information, sales, registration, and other issues, visit

To contact customer care, visit

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