Select the content block.
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The Checkbox control allows all learners to set true or false or yes or no type options. The learner can select or deselect it. When a checkbox is selected, it has the value True, and when it's cleared, it holds the value False.
Add a checkbox content block
Select Add interactive components > Checkbox on a slide.
Change the properties of the checkbox content block
You can adjust the Content width in the Visual Properties panel. Move the slider to adjust the width. You can also add horizontal or vertical padding on the top and bottom of the component.
Set the width of the content block Set the width of the content block Select Autofit height to change the checkbox content block's height to automatically fit the slide's height.
In the Components section,
- You can add a button inside the component and a card around the component.
- You can add more buttons if you want by moving the Button slider.
Add a background color to the component, and a border or shadow in the Appearance section.
Change the properties of the checkbox item
Select the checkbox text item.
Checkbox item Checkbox item -
In the Visual Properties panel, in the States section, select Show. In the States Flyout, assign a state to the item. You can add a hover, selected, disabled, or enabled state.
Some of the in-built states, like Hover or Selected are enabled by default. You can enable these by right-clicking the state and select Enable.
In the Appearance section, select the size of the item. The options are Small, Medium, and Large.
Select the checkbox Selected by default if you want the item selected when the project is previewed or published.
In the Appearance section, there are three pills:
- Shape: You can change the style of the checkbox item, add a background color, add a border, or add shadows.
- Text: Change the text properties, such as font, color, size, or orientation.
- Image: In the Image pill, you can enable the Image toggle, and select an icon for the checkbox item from Assets or on your computer. Set the size of the Icon and the position of the Icon. You can also adjust the image's blur effect, brightness, contrast, border, and shadow.
หมายเหตุ:You must enable at least one component, text or image, to disable the other. You can enable text only, image only, or text and image.
Add an interaction to the checkbox
You'll design an interaction where your learner selects the checkbox and takes it to another slide with an appropriate message.
Select the checkbox item and select Interactions
In the Selection pill, select Go to slide.
Select the slide that contains the message.
Click Done.
After you preview or publish the project, and when you select the checkbox, the slide with the message appears.
You can add audio or animations to the object. The audio or animation continues to play when you change the state for the in-built states.