In Lightroom on mobile app, open the image you want to share, then select the Share icon.
- Adobe Lightroom User Guide
- Introduction
- In-app learning
- Add, import, and capture photos
- Organize photos
- Edit photos
- Edit photos
- Edit photos in Lightroom for mobile (iOS)
- Edit photos in Lightroom for mobile (Android)
- Quickly edit photos with Quick Action in Lightroom on mobile (Android)
- Quickly edit photos with Quick Action in Lightroom on mobile (iOS)
- Presets in Lightroom
- Presets in Lightroom for mobile (Android)
- Crop, Rotate, & Geometry tool in Lightroom
- Remove tool in Lightroom
- Remove tool in Lightroom for mobile (iOS)
- Remove tool in Lightroom for mobile (Android)
- Edit panel in Lightroom
- Masking in Lightroom
- Lens Blur in Lightroom
- Merge photos to create HDRs, panoramas, and HDR panoramas
- Edit HDR photos
- Edit HDR photos in Lightroom for mobile (iOS)
- Edit HDR photos in Lightroom for mobile (Android
- Easily enhance image quality in Lightroom
- Edit photos in other apps
- Learn about Content Credentials
- Add Content Credentials in Lightroom on mobile (Android)
- Add Content Credentials in Lightroom on mobile (iOS)
- Edit photos
- Edit videos
- Save, share, and export
- Lightroom for mobile, TV and the web
- Get started with Lightroom for mobile (iOS)
- Get started with Lightroom for mobile (Android)
- Adobe Photoshop Lightroom on the web
- Set up Lightroom for Apple TV app
- Use keyboard shortcuts in Lightroom for mobile (iOS and Android)
- Adobe Photoshop Lightroom for mobile and Apple TV | FAQ
- View Lightroom photos and videos on your TV
- How to Add Presets/Sync Presets with mobile
- Migrate photos
- Troubleshooting
Learn how to save and share your photos in Lightroom on mobile.
You can quickly share photos from Lightroom on mobile to your preferred social media account or export them. However, do one of the following to begin the Share workflow:
- To share an individual photo, open that photo in the Edit view and select the Share icon.
- To share multiple photos, open the desired album, select all the images you want to share, and then select the Share icon.
Try the app
Follow along with any project to learn how to share an image.
Share and save options in Lightroom on mobile
From the menu that appears, select the desired share option. You can select one of the following options:
Save copy to device: Select this to download a copy of the edited image to your device.
Share: Select this to share the image with friends and family on social media.
Not:Starting with Lightroom for mobile (Android) version 10.1, you can share directly to Instagram by selecting the Share icon Send to Instagram. If you have HDR turned on while sharing directly to Instagram, the app will include the HDR information in an AVIF file and send it to Instagram. For the feature to work, Lightroom for mobile (Android) would require full access to Photos and Instagram installed on the device.
Export as...: Select this to export the image with specific settings.
Create edit replay: Select this to create a short video replay of all the edits you've applied to the photo.
Post to Community: Select this to share your photos in the Lightroom Community, where fellow photographers can view and like them.
Invite & get a link: Select this to share your image with fellow photographers to view and edit. You can customize the way you send the images and also include Settings like Show metadata, Show location info, Allow comments and likes, Allow JPG downloads, and more.
Save copy to Device
Open Lightroom on mobile app and select the photo that you want to save.
Select Share and then select Save copy to device.
The selected image will be saved on your device.
Share a photo
Open Lightroom on mobile app and select the photo that you want to save.
Select the Share icon and then select Share.
Lightroom will display a list of apps installed on your mobile device that you can use to share your photos.
Select Export settings like Content Credentials, Include Watermark, and Include Metadata. For details, see Export settings.
to add
Export photos in the format of your choice
Open Lightroom on mobile app and select the photo that you want to Export.
Select the Share icon and then select Export as.. from the menu.
Select the preset option to quickly export images as JPG (Small), JPG (Large), or as Original.
These options are applicable for JPG and TIF file formats. You can choose from the following options:
- Largest Available Dimensions: Exports the selected photos in the largest available dimension in JPG and TIF format.
- Small: Limits the length of the saved JPG and TIF photos to 2048 pixels. The breadth is scaled accordingly to maintain the original aspect ratio.
- Custom: Applies the specified pixel value to the long edge of the photo and uses the original aspect ratio of the photo to calculate the other edge. The long edge value can't exceed 15,000 pixels.
Content Credentials
Select this option to attach credentials to your photo when exporting. Currently, you can only attach Content Credentials when exporting JPG files. For details, see Content Credentials in Lightroom on Mobile.
Include Watermark
Enable this option to include watermark text in your exported photos.
Select More Options to access details, including Include Metadata, Camera & Camera Raw info, Location info, File Naming, Output Sharpening, and Color Space.
Once done, select
Quickly create short videos of your editing process and share the replay video with other people. The edit replay videos can help you get inspired by going through the editing process of other fellow photographers.
Once you've made the edits to an image, select the Share icon in the upper-right corner.
Select Create edit replay. Lightroom will automatically create a short video of the editing process of an edited photo in Lightroom on mobile.
From the pop-up, select the desired mode of sharing the created video or save it to your photo gallery.
Share your edit replay videos on social media and tag @Lightroom for a chance to get featured.
Post to Community
Open the Lightroom on mobile app and select the photo that you want to edit.
Once you have made the desired editing changes, select the Share icon > Post to Community.
In the Share Edit dialog box, add the following information:
- Title: Add a title to your edit.
- Description: Add a brief description of your editing process and journey.
- Categories: Select up to three Subject Matter to help your edits get discovered in the Community.
- Permissions: Enable 'Save as Preset' to help fellow photographers save your edits as a Preset and 'Include location info' to include the location information while sharing the edit.
- Allow remixing: Enable this to let your fellow photographers Remix your photo and add a fresh perspective.
Once done, select
Invite & get a link to share photos
Open the Lightroom on mobile app and select the photo that you want to edit.
Once you have made the desired editing changes, select the Share icon > Invite & get a link.
In the Share & Invite menu, specify the following options:
Select the Copy icon to copy the link.
Link Access
Select to specify the following options:
- Invite Only: By default, the Link Access field is set to Invite Only. This creates a private link that only people whom you invite can access or contribute to your album.
- Anyone Can View: Change the Link Access setting to Anyone Can View to allow anyone with the album's shared link to view or contribute to the album.
Invite People
Select to enter the email addresses of the people to send the invite. You can also view the list of the email addresses you have already sent the invite to. Next to each email address, select
to set the album access setting of that person. You can select from one of the following settings:
- Can View: The invitee can only view the shared album.
- Can Contribute: The invitee can add photos to the shared album.
- Can Edit and Contribute: The invitee can edit photos in the shared album and add more photos. They can also export the photo in JPG, DNG, TIF, or Original format.
- Remove Access: Removes the invitee from the shared album list.
Select to specify the following link settings:
- Show Metadata: Turn on to allow others to view the metadata of the shared album photos.
- Show Location Info: Turn on to allow others to view the location info of the shared album photos.
- Allow Comments and Likes: Turn on to allow others to add comments and like the shared album photos.
- Allow JPG Downloads: Turn on to allow others to download the shared album photos.
- Allow Access Requests: Turn on to allow other users to request access to view your shared album.
Select to specify the following display options:
- Show Title: Turn on to make the album title visible on the top of the shared album.
- Show Author: Turn on to make the author's name visible on the shared album.
- Theme: Select Photo Grid, Column, or One-up to choose the layout of photos in a shared album. By default, Photo Grid is selected.
- Appearance: Select Dark or Light to choose the background of photos displayed in a shared album. By default, Dark is selected.
Select Done to share the copied link.
View or contribute to a shared album as an invitee
- If the owner of the shared album has sent you an email invitation, select the View Album link in the body of the email. This directs you to Lightroom on the web, where you can sign in to your Adobe account and view the shared album.
- If you've received the URL of a Lightroom shared album from another source, sign in to your Adobe account to view the shared album using the given link.
If the owner of the shared album has restricted your access to contribute photos, you can request access once you sign in to your Adobe account. The shared album owner will be notified of your access request by email and may grant you access to contribute.
Not:When you accept the invitation using the email, you can create or sign in to any Adobe ID that you have. It does not have to be the same email address to which the invitation was sent.
Open the Lightroom on mobile app, select a photo or album and select
. -
Select Shared with You to view the list of group albums that are shared with you.
If the owner of the group album has provided you with contribution access, you can add photos to the album. To add photos, do one of the following:
- In the list of group albums, select the three-dot icon next to the desired album and choose Add Photos.
- Select the desired group album and then select the Add Photos icon in the lower-right corner of the screen.
Not:Alternatively, select photos from All Photos or another album, select the three-dot icon in the upper-right corner of the screen, select Add To, and then select Albums shared with you.
Once you've selected the photos to add, in the Add Photo dialog box, you can choose to include metadata such as keywords, star and flag ratings, and GPS coordinates. These toggle buttons are turned off by default.
Select Add Photos.
If the group album owner has given you editing access, you can add and edit photos in the album.
- Alternatively, you can use the link in the email invite to view or contribute to a shared group album. Select the View album in the body of the email to view the shared album on Lightroom on the web. If you have access to contribute (which is granted by the shared group album owner), select Add Photos to contribute photos.
- The photos you contribute to shared group albums can be deleted within 48 hours of adding them.
Add likes or comments to shared photos
Open a photo from a group album in Edit view.
Select Activity in the drop-down menu in the upper-left corner of the screen.
Select the Like icon in the lower-left corner to like the photo.
Select the Comment icon in the lower-right corner to enter a comment on the selected photo.
Leave a shared album
While in the Albums view, select the
icon on the desired album to bring up the menu. -
Select Leave Album from the pop-up menu.
Add a text watermark
Do one of the following:
- Open the image that you want to export in the Edit view.
- In the Grid view, long press any photo to select it and bring up the multi-selection view. Select all the photos that you want to save to your mobile device.
Select the Share icon in the upper-right corner.
In the share menu that appears, select
. -
In the Export settings, enable the Include Watermark option.
Select Customize. On the Customize Watermark screen, select Text and modify any of the following settings:
- Select the text field to modify the watermark text as required. By default, the watermark text displays a copyright symbol followed by your Adobe account name.
- To position the watermark, select any of the nine placement circles displayed around and at the center of the image.
- Select T to choose a font.
- Select B to make the text bold.
- Select I to italicize the text.
- To rotate the text clockwise by 90 degrees, select the rotate icon.
- Select the desired color swatch to choose a text color (black or white).
- Turn on the Use Drop Shadow option to apply a drop shadow to your watermark text.
- Size: Move the slider control to proportionally scale the watermark text to larger or smaller.
- Opacity: Move the slider control to adjust the watermark text's transparency level.
- Horizontal Offset: Move the slider to position the watermark text horizontally from the selected placement circle.
- Vertical Offset: Move the slider to position the watermark text vertically from the selected placement circle.
Customize text watermark Customize text watermark - Select the text field to modify the watermark text as required. By default, the watermark text displays a copyright symbol followed by your Adobe account name.
After customizing your watermark text, return to the Export settings screen.
Not:The text watermark will now be added when you share photos or export photos to your mobile device.
Add a graphical watermark
Do one of the following:
- Open the image that you want to export in the Edit view.
- In the Grid view, long press any photo to select it and bring up the multi-selection view. Select all the photos that you want to save to your mobile device.
- Open the image that you want to export in the Edit view.
Select the share icon in the upper-right corner.
In the pop-up menu that appears, select
. -
In the Export Settings, turn on the Include Watermark option.
Select Customize. On the Customize Watermark screen, select Graphic, and modify any of the following settings:
- Select the folders icon to choose a file that you want to use as a watermark.
- To position the watermark, tap any of the nine placement circles displayed around and at the center of the image.
- To rotate the watermark clockwise by 90 degrees, tap the rotate icon.
- Size: Move the slider control to proportionally scale the watermark graphic larger or smaller.
- Opacity: Move the slider control to adjust the level of transparency of the watermark graphic.
- Horizontal Offset: Move the slider to position the watermark graphic horizontally from the selected placement circle.
- Vertical Offset: Move the slider to position the watermark graphic vertically from the selected placement circle.
Customize graphic watermark Customize graphic watermark - Select the folders icon to choose a file that you want to use as a watermark.
After customizing your watermark graphic, return to the Export settings menu.
Not:The graphic watermark will now be added when you share photos or export photos to your mobile device.
Lightroom allows you to retry saving your photos if the export process fails. Do the following if the Export dialog displays these error messages:
- No Internet connection: Ensure that your device is connected to the Internet. Switch back to Lightroom on mobile (Android) and select Retry.
- Not enough storage to perform export: Free up some storage space in your device Gallery. Switch back to Lightroom on mobile (Android) and select Retry.
- Lightroom does not have permission to save photos in the Gallery: Provide permissions to Lightroom on mobile (Android) in your device settings. Switch back to Lightroom on mobile (Android) and select Retry.