Adobe Sign for Microsoft Dynamics User Guide (On-Premises installation)

Guide to the user interface for the Adobe Sign application integrated to Microsoft Dynamics CRM


Adobe Sign integration to Dynamics offers a plug-and-play solution to obtain signatures for any form/contract documentation needed. This integration provides the following benefits:

  • Adobe Sign is built into CRM records such as Contacts, Accounts, Leads, Opportunities, Orders, Invoices, Quotes, Contracts, and any custom CRM entity developed by your Admin.
  • Accelerates the quote-to-cash process by sending agreements—such as contracts and sales documents—from Dynamics with one click.
  • Admin configurable data mapping that merges data from Dynamics entities—such as accounts and contacts— into agreements and pushes data gathered from signers during the signing process back into Dynamics.
  • Enabled on mobile devices through the Customer Support Hub (available in Dynamics 365 9.x and later)
  • Makes it easy for recipients to sign anywhere, anytime, on any device.
  • Makes it possible to track documents sent out for signature from within Dynamics.
  • Eliminates manual steps across the entire process.


This documentation is expressly for Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM 9.0 On-Premises and beyond.

Gaining Access to Adobe Sign

Adobe Sign is installed by the Dynamics administrator, and access is granted via security roles.  If you require access and do not see the Adobe Sign option on your main page, contact your Dynamics administrator to request user access.


For Adobe Sign to properly function in Dynamics, your browser must have pop-ups enabled. If at any time you receive a message indicating “Only secure content is displayed”, click the button to Enable all content.

Request Signatures

The Request Signatures option is available from the More … menu.

You can use the Request Signatures option to send agreements for signature from a Dynamics Entity or from the Agreements page.

To send an agreement from an entity:

  • Navigate to an entity record (e.g., Opportunity, Account) within CRM and click to open it
  • Click the More Commands (…) menu
  • Select Request Signatures from the menu
    • A list of available templates replaces the menu
    • At the bottom of the template list is New Agreement, for agreements that aren’t predicated on a template

Reusable templates can be created, by the Dynamics administrator, for any recurring processes that have a predictable workflow.  These templates are listed (alphabetically) in a sub-menu after you click Request Signatures. 

Request Signature link in the ribbon

A new Agreement page opens, and any field values that are defined on the Agreement Template automatically populate.

To define and send an agreement you need only a few things:

  • A Recipient – The person or list of people that you need to sign or approve the document
  • An Agreement Name – How the Agreement is highlighted in the subject line of the signer’s email as well as internal reporting
  • A document that needs to be signed – This can be one or more form, contract or any other document that requires a legal signature

The Recipients section

One or more signers need to be defined in the Recipients section.  Enter the recipients in the order you want them to sign the document. If you make a mistake, you can edit the Sign Order field on the left side of the recipient list.

To define a recipient:

  • Click Add recipient on the upper-right corner of the Recipients panel:
New Agreement page

This drops down an overlay where you can select the type of signer/approver:

1. Select the proper value from the Recipient Type picklist

  • New – When the recipient isn’t a known value in Dynamics
  • Contact – For recipients that are defined Contact entities in Dynamics
  • Lead – For recipients that are defined as Leads in Dynamics
  • User – This describes internal users of your Dynamics environment
Recipient Pick List

2(a). Selecting New changes the overlay to allow you to enter a Full Name and an Email Address.

This action will not save a new Contact/Lead to Dynamics, it only uses the name and email for the purpose of this transaction.

Selected Recipient

2(b). Selecting Contact, Lead, or User changes the overlay to search for the specific entity you chose. Type in the name (or part of it) and then click the search icon to pick the specific recipient you want to include.

Because Dynamics understands these types of entities, the email address is imported from the database.

Contact Recipient

3. A Recipient Role must be defined for each recipient.  The roles are:

  • Signer (default) – Signers are required to apply at least one signature to the agreement.
  • Approver – Approvers are not required to sign the agreement (although they can if signature fields are placed for them), but they have to actively “Approve” the agreement, which is a logged event.
  • CC – Carbon Copied (CC’d) parties are included in the notification process of the agreement, but have no interaction with the agreement or signature cycle.

4. Identity Verification must be defined for each recipient. The options available to you will be determined by the authentications that are enabled by the admin.

  • Email is the default value and only requires that the recipient access the agreement via their email link.
  • Adobe Sign verification requires the recipient to authenticate to the Adobe identity system.
    • All agreements that are only signed by the sender must set Identity Verification to Adobe Sign
    • It is not recommended to use Adobe Sign as a verification method for external recipients unless you are confident they already have an Adobe account to authenticate.
  • Phone verification sends a message to the recipient with a code they must enter.
    • The sender must provide the recipient's phone number at the time the recipient is configured
  • Password verification requires that the sender notify the recipient (out of band) about the password so they can verify their identity
  • Knowledge base verification uses a recipient's public information (and optionally their US Social Security Number) to ask a series of questions. 
    • Knowledge base verification is only useful for US-based recipients


5. Once you have the recipient defined, click Save

6. Repeat 1-5 for all of signers/approvers

Signing order

There are two workflows for the signing order: Sequential, and Parallel. This option is governed by the Sign in order checkbox at the bottom of the Recipients panel.

When Sign in order is checked, the recipients will receive the agreement in the order the recipients are listed in the Recipients section. The first recipient is notified of the agreement, and no other parties are notified until the first recipient completes their action.  Then the second recipient is notified, and so on until the agreement is completed.

When Sign in order is unchecked, the agreement is sent for parallel signature, so all recipients are notified immediately, and the agreement is completed when all have completed their action.

Sign in order options


Changing the recipient order

Single click the number to the left of the recipient name. The number value becomes editable. Change it to the number you want the recipient to be in the signature process. The other recipients will adjust accordingly.

Moving Recipients


If the Sign in order checkbox is unchecked, the Sign Order column shows a 1 in all rows, indicating a parallel signature flow.


Editing the recipient values

You can edit any recipient value that isn't locked (as indicated by the lock icon) by single clicking the field.

This opens the field to edit or select a new picklist value.

Once the change is made, click the Save icon in the recipient panel.

Edit Recipient


The Files section

To add a document to your agreement,  click the Add files button in the upper-right corner of the Files section.

After clicking Add file, a pop-up window gives you the option to choose from two sources to upload files:

  • My Computer – Allows searching and uploading a file from your local system or a networked drive (e.g. SharePoint).
  • Templates – The Templates option provides access to the templates uploaded in your Adobe Sign account.
    • The Attach file from Adobe Sign library option is only available when creating a new agreement document, and is not available when creating a template.
    • Only your administrator can add documents to the library
File Attachment interface


All attached files are concatenated into one PDF for the signature process. The order the documents will appear is based on the order you list them in the Attachments section.  If you need to reorder the documents, click into the Order field and manually update the document number. The application will automatically resort any other documents.


The Message section

Message details

The Message section contains the agreement subject (also used as the agreement name) and global message to the recipients.

  • Subject – The Subject is prominent in the notification process, surfacing in the email subject line, in bold font in the email body, and in smaller font throughout the boilerplate description (seen in yellow highlight below)
  • Message – The Message field is an open plain text field where you can insert any message or instructions to the signer (seen in green highlight below)
Example of Review and sign email


The Options section

The Options section contains a number of configuration options that apply only to this transaction:

  • Preview and position signatures before sending – When checked, the agreement automatically opens the authoring environment so the sender can place form fields
  • Completion deadline– If checked, the agreement defines a termination date when the agreement expires
  • Days until agreement expires – This defines the number of days the agreement remains signable when the Agreement expires feature is enabled
  • Require In-person signing – If you need to have the signer sign on the sender’s local system or tablet without involving email, senders can host the signature using this option
  • Add post-signing landing page – When enabled, you can dictate what URL the recipient is routed to after they complete their interaction with the agreement
  • Post-signing landing page – This field contains the URL for the page you want to direct recipients to when Add post-signing landing page is enabled
  • Delay in seconds for redirect – Required when a Post-signing landing page is defined, this setting dictates how much delay should be observed after the signature is applied and before the recipient is re-directed to the designated landing page
  • Recipient reminder - Defines a reminder cycle for the transaction.  Reminders can be configured to be sent to the current recipient on a daily or weekly cycle
  • Signature type - Dictates the signature type that is expected on the agreement:
    • Electronic - Requests the recipients to apply an electronic signature.
      • This option can allow the recipient to alter the workflow to a Written signature if enabled by your admin.
    • Written - Requires the recipient to download the document, physically sign it, and then upload a scanned image of that signed document.
      • Written signatures may not be converted to electronic signatures.
  • Recipient's language - This option dictates the language used in the email and web interface for the recipient
  • Password protect - Enable this if you would like to apply a password to the final document to prevent un-authenticated access
Agreement options

Once the recipients are defined, the files are attached, and any other field manipulation is completed, click Send Agreement from the top menu items:

Sending for Signature

Request Signatures from any entity using a template

Dynamics administrators have the ability to create one or more templates for any Dynamics entity (Contact, Opportunity, Account) that will pre-configure the agreement, reducing the amount of manual configuration for the Sender.

Templates are accessed through the More Commands () icon in the ribbon

Template menu

Quick Create Agreements from the New (+) menu

If you know the Entity type that a template is built around, you can launch a new Agreement from the New menu:

  • Click the New (+) icon in the top ribbon
  • Select Agreement from the options in the Records section
    • The Quick Create: Agreement panel opens
Quick Create Agreement


  • Select the Entity that is associated with the template you want to use
    • Once selected, two lookups are exposed, allowing you to select the specific object that you  want to relate the agreement to, and the template you want to use:
Quick Create - Define template

  • Clicking in the Choose {Entity} field will give you a list of objects in the appropriate Entity type. Select your object
    • Entering a portion of the entity name limits the menu to objects that match your string
  • Clicking the Choose a Template field produces a small menu with the templates that are associated with the Entity you selected.  Select the template
  • Click Save


After the Save button is clicked, the agreement is created based on the template values:

  • If the template does not have a Recipient or File attached, the Agreement is created in a Draft status
  • If the template has a Recipient and a File attached, but the template does not have One-Click Send enabled, the agreement is created in a Draft status
  • If the template has a Recipient and a File attached, and One-Click Send is enabled on the template, the agreement is automatically sent for signature

The Quick Create system can only be used by standard entities within Dynamics.

  • Opportunity
  • Contact
  • Lead
  • Account
  • Contract
  • Invoice
  • Order
  • Quote
  • User


Agreements sent from custom entities must start from the Request Signatures menu item.

Checking Agreement Status

The status of an agreement indicates its current legal status, and is updated in Dynamics on a regular polling interval. The status values are:

  • Draft – An Agreement that has been created, but not yet sent
  • Out for Signature – Actively in the process of being signed
  • Signed/Approved – Fully completed by all parties
  • Cancelled – The signature process was canceled before all signatures could be obtained
  • Expired - An agreement that was not completed before the configured expiration date

The best way to find an agreement is to check the entities related to the primary entity you used to create the agreement.

For example, if you created an agreement using a Contact, you can check what entities are related by navigation to the Contact, and then clicking the Related tab and selecting Agreements from the menu:

Access agreements related to an entity from the entity

Opening the relationship window shows the Agreements object, and clicking that option opens the full list of agreements associated with the entity.


Another way to view the status of an agreement is to review the full list of agreements:

  • Navigate to Adobe Sign > Agreements
Navigate to Main > Adobe Sign > Agreements

All agreements, regardless of entity, are listed in the agreements list on the Agreements page.

  • Signed agreements display the Name, Agreement Status, and dates of the agreements
  • Declined, Out for Signature, and Draft agreements do not contain a Signed On date as they have not been completed
    • The Signed On value reflects when the agreement is completed and legally signed. Incremental signatures during the signature process are not reflected
Agreements List

Updating Status, Sending Reminders and Canceling Agreements

Unsigned Agreements have three actions that can be applied to them:

  • Update – Actively poll the Adobe Sign server to get the current status
  • Send Reminder – Immediately sends an email reminder to the current signer of the agreement
  • Cancel Agreement – Terminates the agreement in the system and sends a cancelation notice to the signer

Each of these actions can be initiated from inside the agreement using the buttons along the top.

Update links

Adobe Sign on the Customer Service Hub

If your company has deployed Adobe Sign for Dynamics version 9.2 or later, you have access to the Adobe Sign functionality on the Dynamics Customer Service Hub.

The Customer Service Hub offers the same functionality with improved formatting, allowing direct access for phones, tablets, and any other mobile device.

Navigate to Sales Hub

The Hub Dashboard gives you a quick graphical report of the agreements associated to your user.

The reports allow you to drill down in to each element and produce new graphs specific to that sub-set of data.

The page is broken out into three default sections:

  • Agreements by status
  • Agreement status by month
  • Agreements sent out this week 
CS Hub - Dashboards

The Agreements section gives you a full listing of your agreements as well as the ability to sort the Agreements by their meta-data (status, creation date, signed date, etc).

It is also possible to create a new Agreement as needed.

CSHub - Agreements

Users that have access to Data Mappings can sort, review, and edit existing Data Mappings.

New Data Maps can also be created.

CShub - data maps

Users that have the system authority to access Templates can review, sort and edit existing templates.

New Agreement Templates can also be created.

CShub - templates

Dynamics Administrators can access and edit the admin level settings for the Adobe Sign integration.

  • Non-admin users do not see this option
CShub - Admin Settings

