Deploy integrated telephony adaptors

Know how to deploy the telephony adaptors installed with Adobe Connect and allow users to connect to an audio bridge.

Integrated telephony adaptors are Java extensions that let Adobe Connect join an audio bridge. You can install any number of integrated telephony adaptors when you install Adobe Connect. For more information, see Preparing to install integrated telephony adaptors.

After installing one or more adaptors, see the following topics to verify and configure the installation.

To configure the adaptor capabilities, after the installation is complete, see Configure Adobe Connect Telephony Adaptors.

Test audio in a meeting

Before you deploy Adobe Connect to a production environment, record at least two minutes of a meeting. View the meeting archive and confirm that the audio is recorded correctly.

InterCall telephony adaptor

Complete the following tasks and confirm that the adaptor is working as expected.

Confirm that telephony is enabled

  1. Log in to Adobe Connect Central.

  2. Click Administration > Audio Providers.

    If telephony is successfully enabled, you see InterCall in the Providers list. Select InterCall and click Edit to enable or disable the adaptor for the entire Adobe Connect account.

  3. To add an InterCall audio profile, click My Profile > My Audio Profiles > New Profile. From the Provider list, select InterCall.

    For more information, see Configure audio providers for universal voice.

Test audio in a meeting

Before you deploy Adobe Connect to a production environment, record at least two minutes of a meeting. View the meeting archive and confirm that audio recorded correctly.

Disabling the telephony adaptor

If you want to disable the InterCall adaptor:

  1. Stop Adobe Connect Telephony Service.

  2. Open the [root_install_dir]\TelephonyService\conf\telephony-settings.xml file.

  3. Set the enabled attribute of the <telephony-adaptor> tag to false, as in the following:

    <telephony-adaptor id="intercall-adaptor" class-name="com.macromedia.breeze_ext.telephony.Intercall.IntercallTelephonyAdaptor" enabled="false">
     <telephony-adaptor id="intercall-adaptor" class-name="com.macromedia.breeze_ext.telephony.Intercall.IntercallTelephonyAdaptor" enabled="false">
     <telephony-adaptor id="intercall-adaptor" class-name="com.macromedia.breeze_ext.telephony.Intercall.IntercallTelephonyAdaptor" enabled="false">
  4. Restart Adobe Connect Telephony Service.

MeetingOne telephony adaptor

Complete the following two tasks and confirm the adaptor is working as expected.

Confirm that telephony is enabled

  1. Log in to Adobe Connect Central.

  2. Click Administration > Audio Providers.

    If telephony is successfully enabled, you see MeetingOne in the Providers list. Select MeetingOne and click Edit to enable or disable the adaptor for the entire Adobe Connect account.

  3. To add an MeetingOne audio profile, click My Profile > My Audio Profiles > New Profile. From the Provider list, select MeetingOne.

    For more information, see Configure audio providers for universal voice.

Test audio in a meeting

Before you deploy Adobe Connect to a production environment, record at least two minutes of a meeting. View the meeting archive and confirm that the audio recorded correctly.

Disabling the telephony adaptor

If you want to disable the MeetineOne adaptor:

  1. Stop Adobe Connect Telephony Service.

  2. Open the [root_install_dir]\TelephonyService\conf\telephony-settings.xml file.

  3. Set the enabled attribute of the <telephony-adaptor> tag to false, as in the following:

    <telephony-adaptor id="meetingone-adaptor" class-name="com.meetingone.adobeconnect.MeetingOneAdobeConnectAdaptor" enabled="false">
     <telephony-adaptor id="meetingone-adaptor" class-name="com.meetingone.adobeconnect.MeetingOneAdobeConnectAdaptor" enabled="false">
     <telephony-adaptor id="meetingone-adaptor" class-name="com.meetingone.adobeconnect.MeetingOneAdobeConnectAdaptor" enabled="false">
  4. Restart Adobe Connect Telephony Service.

PGi NA telephony adaptor

Complete the following three tasks to ensure the adaptor is working as expected.

Configure domain names

Adobe Connect uses HTTP over port 443 to communicate with PGi. Make sure that Adobe Connect can communicate with the domain

Confirm that telephony is enabled

  1. Log in to Adobe Connect Central.

  2. Click Administration > Audio Providers.

    If telephony is successfully enabled, you see PGi NA in the Providers list. Select PGi NA and click Edit to enable or disable the adaptor for the entire Adobe Connect account.

  3. To add an PGi NA audio profile, click My Profile > My Audio Profiles > New Profile. From the Provider list, select PGi NA.

    For more information, see Configure audio providers for universal voice.

Test audio in a meeting

Before you deploy Adobe Connect to a production environment, record at least two minutes of a meeting. View the meeting archive and confirm that the audio recorded correctly.

Disabling the telephony adaptor

If you want to disable the Premiere NA adaptor:

  1. Open the [root_install_dir]\TelephonyService\conf\telephony-settings.xml file.

  2. Set the enabled attribute of the <telephony-adaptor> tag to false, as in the following:

    <telephony-adaptor id="premiere-adaptor" class-name="com.macromedia.breeze_ext.premiere.gateway.PTekGateway" enabled="false">
     <telephony-adaptor id="premiere-adaptor" class-name="com.macromedia.breeze_ext.premiere.gateway.PTekGateway" enabled="false">
     <telephony-adaptor id="premiere-adaptor" class-name="com.macromedia.breeze_ext.premiere.gateway.PTekGateway" enabled="false">
  3. Restart Adobe Connect.

Arkadin telephony adaptor

Complete the following tasks and confirm that the adaptor is working as expected.

Confirm that telephony is enabled

  1. Log in to Adobe Connect Central.

  2. Click Administration > Audio Providers.

    If telephony is successfully enabled, you see Arkadin in the Providers list. Select Arkadin and click Edit to enable or disable the adaptor for the entire Adobe Connect account.

  3. To add an Arkadin audio profile, click My Profile > My Audio Profiles > New Profile. From the Provider list, select Arkadin.

    For more information, see Configure audio providers for universal voice.

Test audio in a meeting

Before you deploy Adobe Connect to a production environment, record at least two minutes of a meeting. View the meeting archive and confirm that the audio recorded correctly.

Disabling the telephony adaptor

Follow these steps to disable the Arkadin adaptor.

  1. Stop Adobe Connect Telephony Service.

  2. Open the[root_install_dir]\TelephonyService\conf\telephony-settings.xml file.

  3. Set the enabled attribute of the <telephony-adaptor> tag to false.

    <telephony-adaptor id="arkadin-adaptor" class-name="com.macromedia.breeze_ext.arkadin.ArkadinAdaptor" enabled="true">
    <telephony-adaptor id="arkadin-adaptor" class-name="com.macromedia.breeze_ext.arkadin.ArkadinAdaptor" enabled="true">
    <telephony-adaptor id="arkadin-adaptor" class-name="com.macromedia.breeze_ext.arkadin.ArkadinAdaptor" enabled="true">
  4. Restart Adobe Connect Telephony Service.

LoopUp telephony adaptor

Complete the following tasks and confirm that the adaptor is working as expected.

Confirm that telephony is enabled

  1. Log in to Adobe Connect Central.

  2. Click Administration > Audio Providers.

    If telephony is successfully enabled, you see LoopUp in the Providers list. Select LoopUp and click Edit to enable or disable the adaptor for the entire Adobe Connect account.

  3. To add an LoopUp audio profile, click My Profile > My Audio Profiles > New Profile. From the Provider list, select LoopUp.

    For more information, see Configure audio providers for universal voice.

Test audio in a meeting

Before you deploy Adobe Connect to a production environment, record at least two minutes of a meeting. View the meeting archive and confirm that the audio recorded correctly.

Disabling the telephony adaptor

Follow these steps to disable the LoopUp adaptor.

  1. Stop Adobe Connect Telephony Service.

  2. Open the[root_install_dir]\TelephonyService\conf\telephony-settings.xml file.

  3. Set the enabled attribute of the <telephony-adaptor> tag to false.

    <telephony-adaptor id="LoopUp" class-name="com.loopup.ACAdapter" enabled="false" name="LoopUp" default-provider="true" disable-profiles-on-edit="false" disable-profiles-on-disable="false">
    <telephony-adaptor id="LoopUp" class-name="com.loopup.ACAdapter" enabled="false" name="LoopUp" default-provider="true" disable-profiles-on-edit="false" disable-profiles-on-disable="false">
    <telephony-adaptor id="LoopUp" class-name="com.loopup.ACAdapter" enabled="false" name="LoopUp" default-provider="true" disable-profiles-on-edit="false" disable-profiles-on-disable="false">
  4. Restart Adobe Connect Telephony Service.

Hide the Adobe Media Gateway user in the Attendee list


This section applies only to the integrated telephony adaptors that are configured for Universal Voice.

When a meeting room connects to Adobe Media Gateway, the connection appears as a user in the Attendee list. To hide the Adobe Media Gateway user in the Attendee list, configure the audio conference number in the custom.ini file. Use the same number for all computers in a cluster. You can get the audio conference number from your SIP provider. Or, if your account administrator has configured an audio provider in Adobe Connect Central, you can find the number in the meeting room.

  1. Open the [root_install_dir]\custom.ini file in a text editor.

  2. Add the following parameter:

    // Example:
    UV_NUMBER={audio_conference_telephone_number} // Example: UV_NUMBER=4155551212
    // Example: 
  3. Save and close the custom.ini file.

  4. Restart the Adobe Connect Central Application Server.

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